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1、法律英语翻译:用地及其费用 5.1.1法规条文 1. 合营企业使用场地,必须贯彻执行节约用地的原那么。所需场地,应当由合营企业向所在地的市(县)级土地主管部门提出申请,经审查批 准后,通过签订合同获得场地使用权。合同应当订明场地面积、地点、用途、合同期限、场地使用权的费用(以下简称场地使用费)、双方的权利与义务、违犯合同的罚那么等。 1. Joint ventures must implement the principle of economizing on land in their use of sites. A joint venture shall submit an applica

2、tion for the use of a site to the local land administration authority at municipal (county) level and shall, upon approval from the said authority, obtain the right to sue the site through the conclusion of a contract. The contract shall specify the area, location and purpose of the site, the term o

3、f the contract, the fee for the right to use the site (hereinafter referred to as the site use fee), the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract, and the penalty for breach of contract. 2. 合营企业所需场地的使用权,已为中国合营者所拥有的,中国合营者可以将其作为对合营企业的出资,其作价金额应当与获得同类场地使用权所应缴纳的使用费一样。 2. If the right to use

4、the site needed by a joint venture is already owned by the Chinese party, it may contribute such right as its investment in the joint venture. The amount appraised for such right shall be equivalent to the site use fee payable for obtaining the right to the use of a site of the same kind. 3. 场地使用费标准

5、应当按照该场地的用途、地理环境条件、征地拆迁安置费用和合营企业对根底设备的要求等要素,由所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定,并向对外贸易经济合作部和国家土地主管部门备案。 3. The rate for the use of a site shall be determined by the peoples government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the site is located in consideration

6、of such factors as the purpose and geographical and environmental conditions of the site, expenses for land requisition, demolishing of the houses on the site and relocation of the residents, and the joint ventures requirements in respect of the infrastructure, which shall be filed with the Ministry

7、 of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the State Land administration authority for the record. 4. 场地使用费在开始用地的5年内不调整。以后随着经济的开展、供需情况的变化和地理环境条件的变化需要调整时,调整的间隔期应当不少于3年。 场地使用费作为中国合营者投资的,在该合营期限内不得调整。 4. The site use fee shall not be adjusted within the first five (5) years of the commencement of la

8、nd use. Thereafter, when adjustment is necessitated by economic development and changes in supply and demand and in geographical and environmental conditions, the interval in between such adjustment shall not be less than three years. The site use fee contributed by the Chinese party as its investme

9、nt may not be adjusted during the term of contract. 5. 合营企业按前述第一条获得的场地使用权,其场地使用费应当按合同规定的用地时间从开始时起按年缴纳,第一日历年用地时间超过半年的按半年计算;缺乏半年的免缴。在合同期内,场地使用费如有调整,应当自调整的年度起按新的费用标准缴纳。 5. If its right to the use of a site is obtained pursuant to Article 1 above, the joint venture shall pay the site use fee per annum f

10、rom the commencement of the use of the site during the term of site use as specified in the contract. For the first calendar year, a half-year fee shall be paid if the site has been in use for more than six months; the site use fee shall be exempted if the use of the site is less than six months. Du

11、ring the term of the contract, if the site use fee is adjusted, it shall be paid at the new rate beginning from the year of adjustment. 6. 合营企业除按照本章规定获得场地使用权外,还可以按照国家有关规定获得场地使用权。6. In addition to obtaining the site use right pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, joint ventures may acquire such

12、 right in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the State. 7. 外资企业的用地,由外资企业所在地的县级或者县级以上地点人民政府按照本地区的情况审核后,予以安排。 7. Land to be used by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall be arranged by the local peoples government at county level or above in the light of the local conditions after it has b

13、een verified by the said government. 8. 外资企业应当在营业执照签发之日起30天内,持批准证书和营业执照到外资企业所在地县级或县级以上地点人民政府的土地治理部门办理土地使用手续,领取土地证书。 8. A wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall, within thirty (30) days of the issuance of its business license, present the approval certificate and the business license to the land admin

14、istration authority of the local peoples government at county level or above, go through the land use procedures and collect the land use certificate. 9. 土地证书为外资企业使用土地的法律凭证。外资企业在运营期限内未经批准,其土地使用权不得转让。 9. The land use certificate shall be the legal proof for a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to use th

15、e land. During the term of operation, the wholly foreign-owned enterprise may not assign its land use right without approval. 10. 外资企业在领取土地证书时,应当向其所在地土地治理部门缴纳土地使用费。 10. When collecting the land use certificate, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall pay the land use fee to the local land administra

16、tion authority. 11. 外资企业使用通过开发的土地,应当缴付土地开发费。 前款所指土地开发费包括征地拆迁安置费用和为外资企业配套的根底设备建立费用。土地开发费可由土地开发单位一次性计收或者分年计收。 11. If a land to be used by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise has been developed, it shall pay the land development fee. The land development fee mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the expenses for land requisition, demolishing of the ho


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