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1、2023年11月临沂市沂水县七年级英语定时作业注意:请同学们将第一卷选择题的答案填写在第二卷对应的表格中,否那么不得分。第一卷选择题共55分一、听力局部每题1分,共20分一听录音,按听到的顺序选出图画。根据你所听到的句子,选出与其图画意思相符的选项。每题读两遍。注意:如果要涂卡,请将图画E对应的答案改涂为A。 1 2 3 4 5 二你将听到五个句子。请根据所听到的内容,选择恰当的应答语,每个句子读两遍。6AOn the chair BA chair CIts my chair DIts my desk7ANo, there arent BYes, there areCYes, they are

2、 DNo, they are8AYes, he has BYes, he isCNo, he doesntDNo, he isnt9AIt sounds boring BLets go and playCDo you like TV? DI dont know10AThis is a ring BThat is a rulerCThey are orangesDIts a pen三对话理解。共5分你将听到五段对话。请你根据所听到的每段对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案,对话读两遍,问题只读一遍。11AIts Tonys BIts TomsCIts CindysDIts Tims12Abasketb

3、all BtennisCsoccer ball Dcomputer games13AGina BGina GreenCGreen DI dont know14AIts on the desk BIts in the pencil-case CIts on the tableDIts on the sofa15AAll fruits BAll foodsCAll vegetablesDAll carrots四听短文,选择正确的答案,短文读三遍,问题只读一遍。16AYes, he does BNo, he isnt CYes, he isDNo, I dont know17Aat Middle S

4、chool BIn No1 Middle SchoolCIn No3 Middle School DIn America18AComputers Bsports CA and B DTennis19AVegetables and fruits BFruits CVegetables DDrink and food20AHis students BHis friendsCJack DJacks friends注意:请同学们翻到试卷的第5页,完成第二卷第五大题的听力测试的第五题。你将有5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项选择共15小题,15分21Theres “u and “r in the word “u

5、nderAan; a Ba, a Can, an Da, an22Mr. Brown is a teacher students all like AHim, his BHis, him CHim, him DHis, his23Hello, Is Kate your first name Yes, Ashe is Bshe isnt Cit is Dit isnt24Where are my bailsThey are the table, the floorAon, under Bunder, near Cunder, on Dnear, under25Does your sister a

6、n eraserYes, she Ahas, does Bhave, do Chave, do Dhave, does26Lets stay at home and computer games together OK, good idea! Aplay Bplays Cto play Dplaying27I like soccer very much,but I never it TVAplay, on Bwatch, on Cwatch, for Dplay, in28What do you usually have lunchWell, we often rice and some ve

7、getablesAat, eating Bfor, eats Cfor, eat Don, have29If you have something difficult, please call the police 110Aat Bon Cin Dfor30Whats this in English a pencilAIts BThis is CThey are DThiss31Sit down, please ASit down BHello, Im fine CFine, thanks DThank you32Do you have volleyball Lets play volleyb

8、allYes, I have oneLets goAa, B, C, a Dthe, a33Can you take this notebook to your father AI need it BShe needs itCThey need itDHe needs it34Tom apples, but his parents them at all A1ikes, doesnt like B1ikes, dont like C1ike, 1ikes D1ikes, do like35Bills brother plays tennis AOK Bgreat Cgood Dwell三、完形

9、填空。每题1分,共10分 I have three good friendsWe all like 36 very muchMy favorite最喜爱的sport is basketballI have three basketballsI think playing basketball is 37 38 Jim and Tim think it is boring to play basketballTheir他们的favorite sport is soccer ballThey 39 soccer every afternoonThey have four soccer 40 Mar

10、y is 41 nice girlHer favorite sport is volleyballShe plays it very非常wellIts 42 for 43 to play volleyballBut she has 44 one volleyballSports 45 good for us36Asports Bsport Cgame Da sport37Aboring Binteresting Cdifficult Dwell38AAnd BBut CSo DOr39Aplays Bplaying Cto play Dplay40Aball Bballs Crackets D

11、games41Aan B Cthe Da42Ascary Bdifficult Crelaxing Dboring43Aher Bshe Che Dhers44Aor Bonly Cwell Dgood45Ais Bare CamDdo四、阅读理解共10小题,10分ATony is a student of Class3Grade l of No1 Middle School in BeijingHe likes his room very muchLook, this is his roomIts a nice roomThere are some pictures on the wall 墙There is a sofa and a bookcase near the wallThere is a desk and a chair in his roomThe desk is between the bed and the bookcaseHis schoolbag and pencil case are on the desk There are some pencils, a pen and a ruler in the pencil caseTonys sofa is near the desk


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