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1、摘 要猴子岩水电站位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定县孔玉乡,是四川省大渡河干流水电规划调整报告推荐的22级开发方案中的第9个梯级。电站采用坝式开发。其水库长约48km,总库容9.571亿m3,兴利库容5.07亿m3,属高山峡谷河道型水库。水库正常蓄水位1852.0m,汛限水位1842.0m,极限死水位1812.0m。猴子岩水电站位于大渡河干流上游河段,属天然不通航河段,远景规划亦无通航要求,并且没有供水、灌溉和防洪要求。因此电站的开发任务为发电。电站总装机容量1600MW,共6台机组,多年平均年发电量76.35亿kWh。设计最终决定采用HL160型混流式水轮机,与其匹配的发电机型号为SF300-2

2、0/1207。机组额定转速为150r/min,额定水头为142.0m,额定流量为240.1m3/s。根据调洪演算的结果,最后确定坝顶高程为1858.09m。泄水建筑物包括两条泄洪洞,一条溢洪洞和一条放空洞。每两台水轮机共用一条引水隧洞,三条引水隧洞相邻布置在左岸。经过计算,必须设置上游调压室,调压室直径为34.0m。水电站主要包括主厂房、副厂房、主变压器场、开关站、尾水渠等。主厂房总长195.62m,宽32.60m,发电机层地面高程1700.0m。吊车梁采用T型截面,属超静定结构。计算表明吊车梁能满足承载能力和正常使用的要求。关键词:枢纽布置;水电站;水轮机;吊车梁- -Design for

3、Houziyan hydropower station at Dadu RiverAbstract The Houziyan hydropower station is located in Kongyu, Kangding County, Ganzi Tibetan autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. It is the ninth of 22 development programs, recommended by the Report of Adjusting Hydropower Plan about Dadu River in Sichu

4、an. It is a dam-type hydroelectric station, and its reservoir is about 60km long, with 957 million m3 total reservoir capacity and 507 million m3 utilizable capacity. So the reservoir is belong to alpine canyon channel type. The normal, limited and extreme dead water level are 1852.0m, 1842.0m and 1

5、812.0m respectively. The station is located in the upper reaches of Dadu River, a natural unnavigable river. There will be no demand for navigation, water supply, irrigation or flood protection in its long-term plan. Therefore, the station is built only for electricity. The installed capacity of thi

6、s station is 1600MW with six units when the station can product 7635 GWh per year on average.The design decided to adopt HL160 Francis turbine and SF300-20/1207 suspended generator ultimately. The rated speed of the units is 150 r/min, with a rated head of 142.0m and a rated discharge of 240.1 m3/s.

7、 According to the result of flood regulating calculation, the altitude of the top dam is determined to be 1858.09m. All of the outlet structures include two-spillway tunnel, an overflow weir and an emptying tunnel. One diversion tunnel can supply water to two turbine. And three diversion tunnels are

8、 arranged at left bank next to each other. There must be a surge shaft with an upper diameter of 34m in the tunnel by calculating. The station is made up with a powerhouse, an auxiliary house, a main transformer factory, a switching station and a tailrace. The powerhouse is 195.62m long and 32.60m w

9、ide, when the generator floor is an elevation of 1700.0m.The T-shaped section crane girder is a statically indeterminate structure. It has been calculated that the girder can satisfy both the bearing capability and serviceability request.Key Words:layout of hydro-project;hydropower station;turbine;c

10、rane girder.目 录摘 要IAbstract2引 言VIII1 原始资料11.1 水文资料11.2 水库特性11.2.1 水位库容曲线11.2.2 下坝址尾水水位流量关系22 水轮机选型32.1 基础资料32.1.1 装机容量32.1.2 额定流量与特征水头32.2 原型水轮机参数计算32.2.1 计算公式32.2.2 HL160原型水轮机参数62.2.3 HL180原型水轮机参数72.2.4 吸出高度92.2.5 安装高程92.2.6 尺寸92.3 特性曲线102.3.1 工作特性曲线102.3.2 综合特性曲线122.4 蜗壳152.5 尾水管172.6 发电机172.6.1 发

11、电机型式172.6.2 发电机平面尺寸182.6.3 发电机高度尺寸192.6.4 发电机重量202.7 调速设备和油压装置202.7.1 接力器202.7.2 主配压阀直径212.7.3 油压装置212.8 蝴蝶阀212.9 变压器222.10 起重机222.10.1 轨道222.10.2 平衡吊梁232.10.3 吊运限制线233 面板堆石坝243.1 工程等级243.2 设计洪水243.2.1 设计洪水标准243.2.2 设计洪水过程线243.3 泄水建筑物263.3.1 泄流能力263.3.2 泄水建筑物尺寸273.4 调洪演算283.5 坝顶高程283.5.1 安全加高293.5.2

12、 波浪爬高293.5.3 风壅水面高度313.5.4 计算结果323.5.5 坝顶高程323.6 其他部分334 引水系统344.1 进水口354.1.1 布置354.1.2 水力计算354.2 引水隧洞364.2.1 布置364.2.2 水力计算364.3 压力管道374.3.1 布置374.3.2 水力计算374.4 调压室374.4.1 判断374.4.2 水位波动稳定性384.4.3 水位波动计算394.5 调保计算404.5.1 水锤计算404.5.2 机组转速变化424.5.3 调保计算425 厂房445.1 平面尺寸445.1.1 机组段长度445.1.2 安装间长度445.1.

13、3 端机组段附加长度445.1.4 主厂房宽度445.2 主厂房剖面设计455.2.1 水轮机安装高程455.2.2 主厂房基础开挖高程455.2.3 水轮机层底面高程455.2.4 发电机装置高程455.2.5 发电机层楼板高程455.2.6 轨顶高程465.2.7 屋顶高程465.2.8 母线层高度466 吊车梁476.1 计算简图476.1.1 实际布置476.1.2 计算简图476.1.3 起重机车轮分布486.2 荷载486.2.1 吊车梁尺寸486.2.2 自重486.2.3 轮压486.2.4 横向水平制动力496.2.5 分项系数496.2.6 荷载设计值496.2.7 荷载分

14、布496.3 内力计算496.4 正截面受弯承载力计算526.4.1 材料526.4.2 计算位置526.4.3 计算尺寸526.4.4 配筋计算536.5 斜截面受剪承载力计算536.5.1 计算截面546.5.2 截面尺寸验算546.5.3 受剪计算546.6 裂缝计算556.6.1 荷载与材料标准值556.6.2 正截面抗裂验算556.6.3 裂缝宽度566.7 挠度计算586.7.1 计算公式586.7.2 计算结果596.7.3 计算简图59设 计 总 结61附录A 调洪过程62A.1 方案162A.2 方案263A.3 方案364A.4 方案465A.5 方案566A.6 方案667A.7 方案2调洪过程68A.7.1 设计洪水调洪过程68A.7.2 校核洪水调洪过程71A.8 方案2泄流能力74附录B 结构力学求解器输入数据75B.1 计算简图75B.2 正截面受弯、斜截面受剪计算75B.2 裂缝计算75B.3 挠度计算76B.3.1 单元176B.3.2 单元2正76B.3.3 单元2负76参 考 文 献78致 谢79引


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