2、计人员个人如何面对职业再规划与发展方向,以及公司内部对于会计人员的制度体系建设。也分析了当前从事一些简单会计工作的财会人员职业重新进行审视和明确的方针。财会人员应当提升自己对时代变化的适应能力,提高自身的管理能力和灵活运用知识能力,以适应人工智能迅速发展的需求,不断的提升自我。 关键词:财会人员;职业生涯规划;人工智能 AbstractUnder the background of the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, it has promoted the progress in various fields
3、 of society. In terms of finance, the career replanning and development of accounting personnel are becoming more and more important, and the transformation and development of traditional accounting personnel to multi-faceted and comprehensive management accounting personnel is extremely urgent. Rec
4、ently appeared in the deloitte financial robot and kingdee financial robot caused the extensive concern of many professionals, although the financial robot can only do some simple mechanization in working now, but the artificial intelligence technology develops so fast, believe that dont have to be
5、in the future can be engaged in financial work, more advanced artificial intelligence to the accounting practitioners brought very big challenge of employment.This paper mainly analyzes the career development status, problems and countermeasures of accounting personnel, respectively studies the care
6、er replanning and development path of accounting personnel in the face of the impact of artificial intelligence and the construction of accounting personnels career management system within the enterprise. The strategies for career replanning and development of junior and intermediate accountants ar
7、e also analyzed. Accounting personnel must adapt to the pace of economic development, develop their management ability and knowledge of flexible use ability, in order to adapt to the rapid development of artificial intelligence needs, and constantly improve themselves.Key words: Accounting Personnel
8、;Career Planning;Artificial Intelligence 目 录1 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究意义11.3 文献综述11.3.1 国外文献综述11.3.2 国内文献综述22 财务人工智能概述42.1 人工智能概念与应用42.1.1 人工智能概念42.1.2 财务人工智能应用领域42.2 相关理论52.2.1 演绎推理52.2.2 决策树53 人工智能背景下财会人员职业规划的现状分析63.1 人工智能背景下财会人员职业规划的现状63.2 人工智能背景下对财会人员职业规划的影响63.2.1 工作任务63.2.2 机构设置73.2.3 人员素质73.2.4 人员需求
9、73.3 阻碍财务人工智能发展的因素83.3.1 成本费用高83.3.2 技术发展不完善83.3.3 财会人员的职业素养94 财会人员职业再规划分析与职业发展策略104.1 财会人员自身提高职业胜任能力104.1.1 加强人际沟通104.1.2 充分利用职业再培训提高自身能力104.1.3 培养独立分析的能力和风险管理意识104.2 企业积极转型114.2.1 岗位设置114.2.2 企业转型114.3 国家政策114.3.1 制度建设114.3.2 人才培养114.3.3 资金支持115 结论135.1 研究结论135.2 政策意见13致谢141 绪论1.1 研究背景 近年来,随着人工智能的
11、程序的一种,可以代替财会人员完成高重复率、耗费时间长且有规律的机械化工作。因为当前阻碍人工智能发展的因素还有很多,人工智能的发展并不完善,所以对财务人员现在的岗位方向的要求并不是很明显。但预计在不久的将来,人工智能就可以做大部分基础岗位财会人员的工作,这就直接导致了财会人员会有越来越激烈的竞争。所以财会人员需要及时认识到和适应当前社会发展方向和趋势,要不停的学习适应发展的知识和技能,成为具有多方向综合发展管理型的财会人才,就可以淡定的面对新的竞争。人工智能对财会人员的职业素养有了更好的标准,这也是相关行业不断得到突破的结果,并且对会计行业来说也是起到促进发展的作用。所以扮演着财务人员的角色的人员就应当尽快对这种情况进行适应,及时对自己的工作进行调整,从而能够更好地应对人工智能带来的冲突,并且在这个过程当中不断提升自己的能力。1.2 研究意义