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1、诗人 鄂教版小学语文四年级 授课老师:通用名:日期:2019.8.8 The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the

2、primary language of the Hubei teaching edition 壹 字词学习 贰 课文分析 叁 随堂练习 肆 课后作业 主目录 第一节 字词学习 The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the H

3、ubei teaching edition 字词学习 自由读课文,注意读准字音、认准字形字词学习 缤 bn(五彩缤纷)齿 ch(伶牙俐齿)纷 fn(五彩缤纷)幅 f(一幅画)碧 b(碧绿)绚 xun(绚丽)衬 chn(衬托)呈 chng(呈现)荷 h(荷花)悟 w(领悟)斜 xi(斜阳)察 ch(观察)字词学习 会认吗?蔚蓝 哗啦哗啦 喔喔叫 跌倒 哲学 伶牙俐齿 锻炼 第二节 课文分析 The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in

4、 the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition 课文分析 诗人有哪几种身份?诗人是个()。诗人是个()。诗人是个()。诗人是个()。诗人是个()。大画家 音乐家 魔术师 哲学家 文学家 课文分析 一池碧绿,映衬着白里透红的荷花。蔚蓝的天幕,点缀着朵朵银花,片片白絮。诗人是个大画家 课文分析 比喻类型 明喻(有本体、喻体、比喻词):弯弯的月亮像小船。暗喻(有本体、喻体、比喻词是变成、是)

5、:甲是乙。如诗人是大画家。借喻(以喻体代替本体,本体、比喻词都不出现,只有喻体出现):碧绿荷叶 课文分析 一池碧绿,映衬着白里透红的荷花。蔚蓝的天幕,点缀着朵朵银花,片片白絮。荷叶 小云朵 大云团 课文分析 哗啦哗啦的雨声,吱吱喳喳的虫鸣,大自然的组曲响起来了。公鸡的歌了不起,喔喔喔把黑夜拖走,喔喔喔把太阳吊起!诗人是音乐家 课文分析 诗人是魔术师 斜阳醉倒了,摔了个跟头,跌在西山后。我张开心灵的翅膀,飞进于端朱彩霞。课文分析 课文分析 第三节 随堂练习 The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching

6、edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition 随堂练习 小知识关于叠词 AAA 式:喔喔喔 汪汪汪 咚咚咚 哒哒哒 ABB 式:咕噜噜 轰隆隆 羞答答 红彤彤 ABAB式:哗啦哗啦 AABC式:津津有味 欣欣向荣 落落大方 随堂练习 同学们,叠词可以增加句子的韵律感,还可以起到渲染、强调等作用哦!用心积累吧,你也可以

7、写出像文中一样优美的好句子!随堂练习 比较两组句子,哪句语言更美?斜阳醉倒了,摔了个跟头,跌在西山后。斜阳慢慢地下沉,最后终亍落下了西山。我张开心灵的翅膀,飞进云端逐彩霞。我的心灵很受触动,好像进了于端。能用文字把事物变成人,把人变成事物。(拟人)(拟物)随堂练习 1.风儿清唱着歌,唤醒了沉睡中的大地。2.顽皮的雨滴最爱在雨伞上尽情的跳舞。3.船头飞溅起的浪花,吟唱着欢乐的歌儿。4.在群众的呼喝声中,那个恶霸夹着尾巴逃走了。第四节 课后作业 The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition

8、 The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition 课后作业 课后作业 课后作业 1.抄写并默写生字词 2.背诵课文 3.运用比喻戒者比拟的修辞手法各写一句话 同学们,下课了!鄂教版小学语文四年级 授课老师:通用名:日期:2019.8.8 The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition The poets of grade four in the primary language of the Hubei teaching edition


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