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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。TED英语演讲:偏见是有道德的我们时常将偏见和偏好视为无知的产物。但是,心理学家保罗布鲁姆试图告诉大家,偏见时常是天生的、理性的.甚至是有道德的。布鲁姆认为,最重要的是去理解我们的偏见是如何运作的;这样我们就能在它出错时,提出更好的应对方式。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:偏见是有道德的,欢迎借鉴参考。偏见是有道德的演讲者:Paul BloomWhen we think about prejudice and bias, we tend to think about stupid and evil peo

2、ple doing stupid and evil things. And this idea is nicely summarized by the British critic William Hazlitt, who wrote, &Prejudice is the child of ignorance.& I want to try to convince you here that this is mistaken. I want to try to convince you that prejudice and bias are natural, they're often

3、 rational, and they're often even moral, and I think that once we understand this, we're in a better position to make sense of them when they go wrong, when they have horrible consequences, and we're in a better position to know what to do when this happens.当我们想到偏见和偏爱,我们总会联想到愚蠢又邪恶的人做着愚蠢且

4、邪恶的事。英国评论家威廉哈兹里特非常好地总结了这个想法,他写道,;偏见是无知的幼子; 我想要试图游说你这是错误的。我想要向你证明偏见和偏爱是自然而然的,它们时常是理性的,时常甚至是道德的,我想当我们理解这,当它出现问题的时候 当它可能造成严重后果的时候,我们会有更好的应对方式,当这一切发生的时候,我们会知道要如何处理。So, start with stereotypes. You look at me, you know my name, you know certain facts about me, and you could make certain judgments. You cou

5、ld make guesses about my ethnicity, my political affiliation, my religious beliefs. And the thing is, these judgments tend to be accurate. We're very good at this sort of thing. And we're very good at this sort of thing because our ability to stereotype people is not some sort of arbitrary q

6、uirk of the mind, but rather it's a specific instance of a more general process, which is that we have experience with things and people in the world that fall into categories, and we can use our experience to make generalizations about novel instances of these categories. So everybody here has

7、a lot of experience with chairs and apples and dogs, and based on this, you could see unfamiliar examples and you could guess, you could sit on the chair, you could eat the apple, the dog will bark. Now we might be wrong. The chair could collapse if you sit on it, the apple might be poison, the dog

8、might not bark, and in fact, this is my dog Tessie, who doesn't bark. But for the most part, we're good at this. For the most part, we make good guesses both in the social domain and the non-social domain, and if we weren't able to do so, if we weren't able to make guesses about new

9、instances that we encounter, we wouldn't survive. And in fact, Hazlitt later on in his wonderful essay concedes this. He writes, &Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way my across the room; nor know how to conduct myself in any circumstances, nor what to feel

10、 in any relation of life.& Or take bias. Now sometimes, we break the world up into us versus them, into in-group versus out-group, and sometimes when we do this, we know we're doing something wrong, and we're kind of ashamed of it. But other times we're proud of it. We openly acknowledge

11、 it. And my favorite example of this is a question that came from the audience in a Republican debate prior to the last election.好,让我们从;成见;开始聊起。你看着我,你知道我的名字,以及一些关于我的事情,你可以做出一定的判断。你可以猜测我的种族,我的政治倾向,我的宗教信仰 这些判断似乎可以是准确的。我们对这些事非常擅长。我们非常善于这些事的原因是我们;定义;他人的能力不是非常武断的意识行为,而是一个综合过程的特定反响, 这意谓着,当我们对所经历过的世界上发生的人与

12、事做出分类,我们可以用经验来做出反响,这里的每个人都有很多经验椅子,苹果,狗根据这些物件,你可以看到 不熟悉的例子,并且你可以猜测,你可以坐在这张椅子上,你可以吃这个苹果,狗会对着你叫。我们可能是错的。当你坐在椅子上的时候,椅子可能会塌, 苹果可能是有毒的,狗未必会叫,事实上,这是我的狗泰西,它不叫。但在大多数情况下,我们对此很擅长。在大多数情况下,我们的猜测是合理的 在社会领域或其他领域,如果我们不具有这样的能力,如果我们没有方法对出现的新鲜事物做出正确的猜测,我们将无法生存。事实上,哈兹里特后来在他的佳作中 对此评论做出了让步。他写道,;如果没有偏见和风俗习惯的帮助,我将无法找到穿越房间的

13、路;也无法知晓自己在不同条件下要做出怎样的行为反响, 也无法体会人生关系中的任何感觉。;现在来讨论偏爱。有时候,我们将世界划分为我们对抗他们,内群体对抗外群体,有时当我们这么做的时候, 我们知道我们正在犯错误,我们甚至会有些惭愧。但其他时间,我们对此很自豪。我们公开成认。我最喜欢的例子是一个来自观众的问题在一个选前的共和党辩论。Anderson Cooper: Gets to your question, the question in the hall, on foreign aid Yes, ma'am.Woman: The American people are sufferin

14、g in our country right now. Why do we continue to send foreign aid to other countries when we need all the help we can get for ourselvesAC: Governor Perry, what about thatRick Perry: Absolutely, I think it's;安德森;库柏:问答时间,观众提问,有关对外援助有请这位女士。女士:在美国国内,有很多美国人民正在经受苦难。为什么我们要持续为其他国家提供援助呢此时我们需要这些援助使用在本国人身

15、上。安德森;库柏:州长佩里,请您解答里克;佩里:绝对的,我认为-Paul Bloom: Each of the people onstage agreed with the premise of her question, which is as Americans, we should care more about Americans than about other people. And in fact, in general, people are often swayed by feelings of solidarity, loyalty, pride, patriotism,

16、towards their country or towards their ethnic group. Regardless of your politics, many people feel proud to be American, and they favor Americans over other countries. Residents of other countries feel the same about their nation, and we feel the same about our ethnicities.保罗;布鲁姆:这个台上的每个人同意她问题的前提,这个前提就是作为美国人,我们应该将更多的关注给予本国人民而不是其他人民。事实上,总的来说, 人们时常容易受到影响对他们国家以及种族诸如团结,忠诚,自豪以及爱国主义。不谈政治倾向,很多人对他们美国人的身份感到自豪,他们偏爱美国多于其他国家。 其他国家的人们


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