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1、研研究生学位论文题目 作者姓名吉林大学分类号:单位代码:10183研究生学号:密级:吉林大学硕士学位论文中文论文题目国有企业员工培训流程问题与优化研究英文论文题目State-owned enterprises staff training process problems and optimization research作者姓名:专业:研究方向:指导教师:培养单位:年月未经本论文作者的书面授权,依法收存和保管本论文书面版本、电子版本的任何单位和个人,均不得对本论文的全部或局部内容进行任何形式的复制、修改、发行、出租、改编等有碍作者著作权的商业性使用(但纯学术性使用不在此限)。否那么,应承担侵


3、给予出版,并同意在中国博硕士学位论文评价数据库和CNKI系列数据库中使用,同意按章程规定享受相关权益。 论文级别:硕士 博士 学科专业: 论文题目: 作者签名: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 企业员工培训作为企业的人力资源开发与管理的一个重要内容,对全体员工知识与技能的更新与提高、创造力与创新精神的挖掘和培养、行为的标准与责任意识的标准和强化发挥着极其重要的作用。伴随着知识经济、信息社会的到来,企业之间的竞争越来越表现为员工各项素质的竞争。造就高素质员工成为企业参与时代竞争的必然之路。但在企业的员工培训实践过程中,由于各种主客观因素的影响,员工培训常常被定义为企业开展的营养品,企业的培训陷入了“



6、Employee training as enterprise development and management of human resources, one of the important content of the staff with knowledge and skill, the update creativity and innovation spirit increased, discover and cultivation, code of conduct and responsibility consciousness of regulations and stre

7、ngthen played an important role. With the coming of knowledge economy, the competition between enterprises is growing performance staff quality competition and intellectual ability of competition. Early high-quality staff become enterprises to participate in the knowledge economy era, the inevitable

8、 choice but to compete in the enterprise staff training practice, the influence of subjective and objective reasons due to various will often staff training, enterprise development positioning for nourishment, taming work into the efficiency good without time training, have time training benefits an

9、d bad dilemma. So, for enterprise that, how to correctly positioning employee training and carried out, is a challenging and creative work.State-owned enterprises as an important tool to promote national economy construction, the healthy development of state-owned enterprises directly related with t

10、he stability of the national economy, therefore, optimize the state-owned enterprises staff training process is particularly important. A company is A state-owned construction company, in recent years, A reform of the company by leaps and bounds, each work has made rapid progress, but only in staff

11、training that A seemingly insignificant part of A little, now the company set up by the training mechanism, the author thinks that no good for the company in the long-term development in the future, restrict the competitiveness of the company within the industry. In view of the above problems, this

12、article from A companys existing staff training system analysis, find out the problem, and then analyze the problem, through the consult literature material, scientific and reasonable construction of the new staff training system.First of all, on the companys training needs analysis: put forward the

13、 sources of demand, the demand of the training source can be from all departments of the company, including the multifaceted company employees.Secondly, from the three aspects of optimization of company training. First, optimize management structure. Scientific training organization management struc

14、ture is the guarantee of training work smooth implementation, the training organization management structure optimization will help to improve the efficiency of the training work. Second, optimize the trainer team. According to the nature of work and characteristics of different jobs, in combination

15、 with the practical needs of the companys work, to scientific and rational classification of training employees, choose a good trainer training to meet the need of employees. Third, optimize the training resources, in combination with the practical development of the company need to update the training resources.Keywords: State-owned enterprise; training; optimization目录第一章绪论81. 1研究背景8研究目的和意义8研究目的8理论意义9文献综述9国外研究现状9国内研究现状11研究方法12结构安排及逻辑主线12研究创新12第2章研究相关概念132.1 BPM/BPR流程管理理论13业务流程的定义13流程再造理论(Business Process


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