1、Translate the following sentences into English1. 在当今知识时代的社会里,科学和技术正飞速发展。Nowadays ,science and technology are development rapid2. 贫富差距仍然是某些地区犯罪的主要原因。 The gap between the rich and poor is most reason of crime in someplace .3. 然而,企业转移( relocation )的战略也会带来一些问题。However ,company relocation plan will creat
2、e some questions.4. 农村的基础设施( infrastructure) 相对落后( backward ) ,生活也不方便( inconvenient )。Countryside infrastructure are back ward then city, and the life is inconvenient.5. 很多房屋在地震中都倒塌了。Many building collapsed at earthquake.6. 有关爆炸(explosion)的新闻迅速地 (swiftly) 传播开(spread)。The news which about explosion s
3、pread swiftly.7. 贫富差距的影响已经威胁到了社会的稳定。The gap between the rich and poor had threaten stable of society.8. 缺乏道德教育(the lack of moral education)导致犯罪率的上升。The lack of moral education make increasing of crime rate.9. 机械化(machinery)的使用提高了工作效率(working efficiency)。Machinery using income working efficiency10. 很
4、多发展中国家面临环境污染的问题。(be faced with.)Many developing countries are faced with problems of environmental pollution .11. 广告刺激了(stimulate)销量的增长。Advertisement stimulate sales growth.12. 荒漠化(deforestation)造成了土地退化(land degradation)。Deforestation made land degradation.13. 对于减肥(weight loss)这个问题,保持(keep/ maintain
5、)健康的饮食(diet)和定期的(regular)运动才是有效的(effective)。About weight loss ,keeping healthy diet and regular exercise are effective.14. 要求(require sb to do sth) 孩子去参加义务社会劳动看起来很明智(wise)。Requiring children to join the unpaid work look like very wise.15. 很多人认为提高收入税(income tax)是非常有必要的。Many people think increasing income tax is necessary 16. 家长认为允许孩子独自旅行(travel alone)很冒险(risky)Parent think allowing children travel alone is risky.17. 大多数人认为动物实验(animal experiment是没有人性的。(inhumane)Many people think animal experiment is inhumane.