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1、2023学年度潍坊市奎文区初中学段第一学期九年级期中考试英语试卷第一卷共75分注意:只交第二卷;总分值120一、听力测试每题1分,计20分一听句子选择适当答语,每个句子读一遍。1AIts MondayBIts 2023CIts June 132ANo,thanksBNo,you dontCNo,I neednt3AWell doneBThank youCI think so4AThey are fineBThey are kindCThey are strong5AI seeBNever mindCSorry to hew that二听对话和问题,选择符合问题答案的图画,每段对话和问题读两遍。

2、678910三听对话,根据对话内容选择答案,对话和问题读两遍。听第一段对话,答复第11-13小题。11What day is the“Bring You Own Dayin SingaporeAThe first Monday of every monthBThe first Wednesday in April CThe first Wednesday of every month12How many plastic bags are used in Singapore every yearAAbout 250 billionBAbout 25 billionCAbut 2.5 billio

3、n13What should we do to protect the environment,according to the manAOnly use cloth bagsBBuy fewer thingsCTake our own bags when going shopping听第二段对话,答复第14-15小题14What does the girl haveALots of old shoesBLots of old clothesCLots of new clothes15what might the girl do according to the boys opinionATh

4、row them awayBRecycle themCGive them to poor families四听短文,根据内容完成信息卡。短文读两遍。The speaker is from 1_She has lived and worked in Beijing for 2_ yearsShe saw a man throw the banana 3_ out of the window of the trainShe felt 4_ about what the man had doneShe hopes every one takes care of our 5_二、单项选择共15小题;每

5、题1分,总分值15分16More and more people have realized we wont have cleaner water to drink unless something _ soonAwas doneBwill be doneCto be done Dis done17-Im not sure which tie to wear for the party-God!I have no idea,_Atoo BneitherCeither Dalso18It does no harm _ youCome and have a try,pleaseAforBtoCof

6、 Doff19It is _ for him to pass the exam because he never works hard at schoolAuselessBuseful Chopeful Dhopeless20-Shall we have a picnic on the hill this Sunday-_Ill take some food and drinkAyou are very kindBNice ideaCIt doesnt matter DIm sorry to hear that21She is an excellent musician _ a good ph

7、otographerAas well asBas wellCas far as Das far22-These books _ out of the reading-room-Sorry,I will put them backAneednt be takenBmustnt be takenCneed be taken Dmust be taken23Australia is very _ to me because I lived there for nearly 20 yearsAeasyBfamiliarCtough Dstrange24Please _ what the teacher

8、 says in class or youll miss something importantAlook forward toBpay attention toCbelong to Dsee to25There is _ report in todays newspaperIts about H1N1 vaccineAaBan Cthe D26They waited and waited for something _ to happenAexciteBexcitedCexciting Dto excite27-Would you like to drink some juice-Thank

9、s_,but I have drunk a lot of teaAId love toBI think soCIm afraid not DI dont think so28Could you please tell me how soon _?Ais your brother back from BritainByou brother is back from BritainCwill your brother be back from BritainDyour brother will be back from Britain29Its raining _We gave it stay a

10、t home instead of going fishingAbadlyBhardly CheavilyDstrongly30My mother finds _ great fun to learn to drive a carAitBthisCtheDwhat三、完形填空共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分Now satellites are 31 to forecast预报the weatherThey are in space,and they can 32 any part of the worldThe satellites take pictures of the atmosphe

11、re天气 , 33 this is where the weather forms形成 They send these 34 to the weather stationsSo meteorologists气象学家can see the weather of any part of the worldFrom the pictures,the scientists can often say 35 the weather will changeToday,nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satell

12、ite picturesWhen they receive new pictures,the meteorologists compare them with earlier 36 Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hoursThis may mean that the 37 on the ground may soon change,tooIn their next weather forecast,the meteorologists can say thisSo the weath

13、er satellites are a great 38 to the meteorologists 39 satellites were invented,the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hoursNow they can make good forecasts for three or five daysSoon,perhaps,they may 40 forecast the weather for a week or more ahead提前31AhelpBto helpChelpedDhelping32AreachBarriveCget Dgo33AsoBbecauseCeven Dbut34AsatellitesBpicturesCweather Dspace35AthatBforCwhereDhow36AitBoneCones Dthem37AcloudsBweatherCpictures Dtrees38AreportBluck

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