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1、9B Unit 1动词词组归纳Unit 1.1.get to my food=reach my food 够到我的食物 cared for 被照顾 about 在乎 ,计较 4.take care =be careful=look out 留神,小心5.take care of =look after =care for 关心,照顾6.go outside 外出 sb.with sth.=help sb.(to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事8. feel ill 感觉不舒服,感觉生病了9.feel sick 感觉恶心10.move to sp. 搬到某地1

2、1.imagine sth. 设想某事12.imagine doing sth. 设想做某事13.imagine that 从句 设想14.become more and more polluted 变得越来越拥挤 like 像 16.look like 看起来像 at half the speed of light 以光速的一半行驶18.need sb./sth. to do sth. 需要做19.develop plants 开发出植物 sure of 对很确信 sure to do sth. 对做某事有把握 sure that 从

3、句 确信23.float away into space 飘走进入太空24.wear special boots/ sunglasses 穿特殊的靴子/戴太阳镜25.make themselves heavier 使他们自身更重26.make us laugh 使我们笑了,把我们逗笑了27.make him our monitor 让他做我们的班长28.choose to do sth. 选择做某事29.have more time for our hobbies 有更多的时间从事我们的爱好30.connect to 和连接31.take / have exams 考试 as tas

4、ty as 和 一样有味33.keep us from floating in the air 阻止我们在空中飘34. keep/stop / prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事35.make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友 to sp. 飞到某地37.tie sth. to sp. 把系在(拴在)38.get lost =be lost =get missing =be missing =go missing 丧失39.take high-quality images/ photos /pictures 拍摄高质量的图片40.b

5、e stored 被储存41.fix sth. to sp. 把 固定在42.sth. be fixed to sth. 被固定在43.provide energy for the spacesuit=provide the spacesuit with energy 为太空服提供能量44.offer sth.for /to sb.=offer sb. sth. 为提供 hard to make this dream become true 努力工作使梦想成真 willing / ready to move to Mars 愿意搬到火星上47.send a space

6、robot onto Mars 送太空机器人到火星上48.arrive on Mars 到达火星49.arrive in sp.大/ arrive at sp.小/reach sp. / get to sp. 到达某地50.get ill from living there 因为住在那儿而生病51.have/has been to 去过 52.have/has gone to 去了53.It worries me. 它困扰着我。54.worry about sb./sth. 担忧 worried about sb./sth. 担忧56.have sb. do sth.=make sb

7、. do sth.=get sb. to do sth.=let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事57.have sth. done 让某事被做 harm to =be harmful to=harm sb./sth. 对有伤害59.start with= begin with 从开始,由开始60.turn on /off / up / down 翻开/关掉/把(音量)调高/把(音量)调低 61.have a discussion about sth.=discuss sth. =talk about sth. 讨论62.revolve around= move around 绕转63.seem / appear to do sth. 似乎64.seem / appear (to be )adj 似乎65.It seems /appears/ seemed /seemed that 从句 似乎66.keep away from 远离67.go somewhere quiet 去安静的地方 designed to be comfortable 被设计得很舒适69.have a rest =rest 休息70.calm down 镇静下来,平静下来71.take off 脱下(衣服),(飞机)起飞72.sit by the window 坐在窗户旁边

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