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本文(2023年度潍坊市高密初段第一学期九年级期中考试初中英语.docx)为本站会员(g****t)主动上传,蜗牛文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知蜗牛文库(发送邮件至admin@wnwk.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2023学年度潍坊市高密初中学段第一学期九年级期中考试英语试卷时间90分钟 总分值120分友情提示:本试题包括第一卷和第二卷两局部。请将本试题的答案直接答在第二卷上。考试结束后,只交第二卷。第一卷共60分一、听力测试20分、听句子,选择适当答语。句子读一遍。5分1AShe has something interesting to tell youBShe has a stomachacheCShe has nothing to tell you2AThanks a lotBIm thirsty nowCYou are welcome3AIll help my motherBIt doesnt

2、matterCpromise4AThats seriousBLets go there togetherCNever mind5AWell done!BWhat a shame!CBad luck、听小对话,选择符合每个问题答案的图画。对话读一遍。5分6When is the school concert7What are they talking about8What is in the picture9Whats the man reading about10Where has the man been、听长对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的正确答案。对话读两遍。5分11What are t

3、he speakers talking aboutAHow to take an important lessonBHow to spend the weekendCHow to pass an exam12What are they going to do this weekendAPlay table tennisBGo to a museumCRead books about museums13Where will they meetAAt schoolBIn a classroomCAt the boys home14When will they meetAAt 8:45 on Sat

4、urdayBAt 8:15 on SundayCAt 8:15 on Saturday15What exam did the girl passAThe Chinese examBThe math examCThe English exam、听短文,根据短文内容完成信心卡。短文读两遍。5分Who traveled to CanadaThe speaker and his16 _Niagara FallsThe17 _waterfall in the worldThe CN TowerThe18 _TV tower in the worldBark LakeThe speakers favori

5、te thing to do was to go 19 _ on the lakeAll people could hear were the sounds of20 _ and water二、单项选择15分21They _ each other since he left Beijing in 1998Adidnt seeBwouldnt seeChavent seenDwasnt seeing22-Who is _ among the three students-I think the girl isAless cleverBclevererCthe cleverest Dclever2

6、3She is often _ by her teacher to work hard whenever she wants to give upAencouragedBreplacedCinvited Ddefeated24_ I remember,the school magazine was started by Becky WangAAs long asBAs far asCAs soon as DAs well as25Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme that was _ in 2023 to help young sports

7、men and sportswomenAlistened upBgrown upCput up Dset up26You _ take photos of the exhibits in the museum but you can buy postcards of them in the museum shopsAneedntBcouldntCmustnt Dshouldnt27People once _ information from booksbut now the same information can _ on computersAget;be readBgot;be read

8、Cget;read Dgot;read28- I need a girl to help me tomorrow-OK_ Emma _ Nancy will be sent thereANeither;norBEither;orCNot only;but also DBoth;and29-Why do you try to use recycled paper- _ it saves energyAAlthoughBIfCSo DBecause30_!The students are taking exams!ANo shoutingBNo smokingCNo eating DNo park

9、ing31We all need a healthy environment,but we produce waste every day and it does harm _ our environmentAtoBforCby Dwith32-Is it necessary _ this notebook to you tomorrow-YesI want to use it tomorrowAreturnBto returnCreturning Dreturned33-Shall we have a picnic on the hill this Sunday- _Ill take som

10、e food and drinkANice ideaBYou are very kindCIt doesnt matterDIm sorry to hear that34Please come in one _,not all togetherAll these toys are made _,not on a machineAat onetime;by handBat one time;by the handCat a time;by handDat a time;by the hand35When we buy things,_ sure that they last a long tim

11、eAmadeBmakeCmaking Dto make三、完形填空10分Usain Bolt got three gold medals in three running events at the Beijing Olympic GamesAfter the games,he gave 50,000 dollars to children in Sichuan Province“I hope people there enjoy the games, 36 the past and move on,said BoltAn 8.0 earthquake地震hit Chinas Sichuan

12、Province on May 12,2023Nearly 70,000 people died in the earthquake and more than 10 million 37 their homesBolt said that he had seen 38 of the earthquake on TV“It made me feel 39 I should try to do something to helpsaid BoltWeeks 40 the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games,Bolt was practicing in Tia

13、njinHe was given a 41 thereIn the painting,some Chinese soldiers were 42 kids from the earthquake“I still 43 that painting and I will bring it home 44 me,Bolt told the journalist“I really like itTalking about the Olympic Games,Bolt said that he was 45 in China and was moved when more than 90,000 people in the Birds Nest鸟巢sang“Happy Birthdayto him 36AthankBforgetCwonder Ddiscover 37AlostBbuiltCrepaired Dcleaned 38AreasonsBworksCbooks Dreports 39AhappyBnervousCsad Dproud 40AduringBbeforeC

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