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本文(2023年度临沂市莒南县第二学期七年级阶段性质量检测初中英语.docx)为本站会员(sc****y)主动上传,蜗牛文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知蜗牛文库(发送邮件至admin@wnwk.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2023学年度临沂市莒南县第二学期七年级阶段性质量检测英语试卷100分钟 120分第一卷选择题局部一、单项填空题共20小题,计20分1一_is your pen pal from Hes from Australia AWhere BWhat CHow DWhy2Where does she _ She lives in Sydney Alives Bliving Clive Dis living3People from Canada _English and French Asay Btalk Ctell Dspeak4Where is Toronto Its in_ AAustralia

2、BFrance CCanada DEngland5Please write and_ me about yourself Aspark Btell Cask Dtalk6There _a bank and two pay phones near here Ahas Bhave Care Dis7The supermarket is_ the post office and the library Anext Bacross Cbetween Din front8The supermarket is very _Many people are selling and buying things

3、Aquiet Bclean Cdirty Dbusy9The loin from Africa is _his dinner Alooking at Blooking Cwaiting for Dlooking for10She wants to _ a reporter because she likes_ to people Ado,to talk Bbe,talking Csee,sayingDwait,to see11The news _exciting and we feel very happy Aare Bhave Cis Dhas12I find English to be _

4、 interesting of all subjects Avery Bthe more Ctoo Dthe most13Thank you for _me the way to the post office Atelling Bto tea Casking Dto ask14Do you want to _us Aplay Bwait Clisten Dwork for15Are you _ on weekends Yes, I am. Ahungry Brelaxing Crelaxed Dsurprised16Would you like something to _ Yes, ple

5、ase. A story-book. Aeat Bdrink Cwash Dread17Edward came in, and said he had _to tell the class. Aanything important Bimportant everything Csomething important Dimportant something18This problem is too difficult, _students can work it out. AA few BFew CA little DLittle19What did Mary have _ breakfast

6、 this morning She got up late and hurried to school _ breakfast Shes feeling hungry now. Afor, without Bat, without Cfor, after Dat, after20Call Jack _ 557,9638. He has a job for you _ an actor. Afor, for Bat, with Cat, as Din, as二、完形填空题共10小题,计10分 Li Lei is a Chinese studentHe gets an e-mail 21 Jack

7、son WilsonJack is a student in CanadaHe wants to 22 Chinese Dear friend, My name is Jack WilsonI am from Toronto 23 I am 13 years oldIm a schoolboyI know China is a great 24 I want to make friends交朋友 25 China and I want to learn Chinese There are nineteen students in 26 classMy classmates are from s

8、ix countriesThey are learning EnglishMy parents are from FranceThey 27 FrenchI speak English and French There are many Chinese 28 in TorontoI want to learn Chinese 29 I dont have any Chinese textbooksCould you 30 me Please write back soonThank you Jack Wilson21Afor Bto Cfrom Dof22Ateach Blearn Cspea

9、k Dknow23ACanada BJapan CAustralia DFrance24Acity Bcountry Cpeople Dschool25Aon Bat Cin Dto26Ahis Byour Cmy Dtheir27Aspeak Btell Csay Dtalk28Athere Bhere Cpeoples Dstudents29Aso Band Cfor Dbut30Agive Bhelp Cwrite Dleave三、阅读理解A从以下方框内选出适当的句子,完成对话。每题1分,共5分A:31_B:Im watching TVA:TV show is boring32_B:Th

10、at sounds great33_A:YesI doI have a new soccerB:34_?A:Its sunny outsideIts good for sportsB:35_A:At the door of the parkOKB:GreatSee youAWhere are we going to meetBWhat are you doing,TomCWhats the weather like outsideDDo you have a soccer ballELets go and play soccer ballFAre you watching TV31_32_33

11、_34_35_B根据短文内容,判断以下句子正误。正确的用“A表示,不正确的用“B表示。每题1分,共5分 The story happened in a street in an English town. A policeman stops a car. In the car there is a visitor from another country. Read the conversation and do the exercise. Policeman holding up his hand : Stop! Visitor in car : Whats the matter Policeman: Why are you driving on the right side of the road Visitor: Do you want me to drive on the wrong side Policeman: Yon are driving on the wrong side. Visitor: But you said that I was driv

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