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本文(2023年度淄博沂源县第一学期初四期末检测初中英语.docx)为本站会员(la****1)主动上传,蜗牛文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知蜗牛文库(发送邮件至admin@wnwk.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2023学年度淄博沂源县第一学期初四期末检测英语试卷说明:考试时间120分钟,总分值150分。第一卷选择题85分一、听力选择共20小题,计20分一录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出每个句子的正确应答语。1AA week ago BFor a week CIn a week2ATea,pleaseBYes,Id like some teaCYes,coffee is too strong for me3ATheres nothing wrong with my carBMy head hurts badlyCPlease examine me quickly4A

2、Yes,please BIts delicious CYes,Id love to5AI like EnglishBBy listening to English songsCEnglish is full of fun二录音中有五组对话和五个问题,每组对话和问题听一遍后,从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出能答复每个问题的正确答案。6AHave some hot tea BHave a little cold CGet some cold tea7ABy train BBy car CBy bike8ALose some weight BKeep healthy first CEat more9A

3、He put a bandage on itBHe gave the patient some medicineCHe cleaned the cut10AAustralia BFrance CAmerica三录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出能答复每个问题的正确答案。11ABy bike BBy bus CBy car12ABecause there are too many carsBBecause there are too many factoriesCBecause theres too much pollution in the city

4、13ABecause he takes a car to workBBecause he gets up earlierCBecause he runs to work14AIt takes too much time BIts good for health CIt pollutes the air15ANo,she doesnt BYes,she does CWere not sure四录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出能答复每个问题的正确答案。16Where was Sally goingAAmerica BChina CJapan17Why was Sal

5、ly a little nervousABecause she didnt know how to behave at the dinner tableBBecause she couldnt speak JapaneseCBecause she didnt want to leave her parents18Who told Sally what she was supposed to do or not to doAHer mother BPeter CHer teacher19Its polite to _ when you arc having dinner in Japan,som

6、etimesAmake noise Bstick the chopsticks into foodCtalk loudly20The most important thing for Sally is that _ when having dinnerAshe is supposed to say “Hello to the familyBshe is not supposed to talkCshe is supposed to bow注意:请同学们翻到第二卷,继续做第五大题,听力填表。二、单项填空共20小题,计20分21My watch is brokenI want to know ho

7、w to make it _Awork Bto work Cwalking Dto walk22As for fast food,_ love it very muchWhile _ hate it very muchAsome;other Bsome;othersCone:the other Dany;the others23He had a little difficulty _ the problemAsolve Bto solve CsolvedDsolving24Nothing could _ him _ speaking out against the wrong thingsAp

8、revent;from Bmade;from Cget;out Dkeep;out25His writing is better than _ in our classAany other Banyone else Canyones Danyone elses26-Where is Mr. Lee Is he in his office-He _ be in his office,for I saw him going out just nowAcan Bcant Cmust not Dmust27I felt badFather asked me _ with meAwhat was the

9、 matter Bwhat wrong wasCwhat is wrong Dwhats the trouble28-Would you go to the concert with me tonight-Thanks,but Im really busyIf I _ time,I would certainly goAwill have Bhave had Chad Dhave29Ive thought about the problem for three daysI hope I could _ with a good ideaAend up Bmeet up Ckeep up Dcom

10、e up30I like to sit in the front row _ I can see the blackboard clearlyAnot until Bas if Cso that Deven though31The Smiths _ sending emails _ lettersBecause its fasterAprefers;to writing Bprefers;to writeCprefer;to write Dprefer;to writing32-How did you hurt yourself so badly- _ABy accident BBy busC

11、when I cooked dinner DI did it last night33Im _ to learn that you have a _ journeyApleased;pleasant Bpleasant;pleasedCpleased;pleased Dpleasant;pleasant34Excuse me,Im a new comerCould you tell me _ get to the post officeAhow can I Bhow I can Cwhen can I Dwhere can I35-Susan,why are you still here Th

12、ey are ready to start later-Im sorry,but I _Adont tell Bdidnt tell Chavent told Dwasnt told36-Have you received your parents letter recently-No,I just _ them a month agoAcared for Bpicked up Cheard from Dknew about37The population of India is much _ than _Amore;America Bmore;that of AmericaClarger;that of America Dlarger;America38I am new in this class,I want to _ my classmatesAtakes part in Btake care ofChave trouble with Dget on well with39-Where is tea _-In the south and east of ChinaAmade Bproduced Cgrew Dg

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