1、 API 75,2004 :2013 This document has been translated by Normdocs with the permission of the American Petroleum Institute(API).This translated version shall not replace nor supersede the English language version that remains the official version for legal or liability purposes.API shall not be respon
2、sible for any errors,discrepancies or misinterpretations arising from this translation.No additional translation or reproduction may be made of the standard without the prior written consent of API.(API).,.API ,.API.C:API 75,2004 :2013 API .,-.API ,.,.API -,-,.-.API ,.API,.API ,(202)682-8000.API API
3、,:Global Engineering Documents,15 Inverness Way East,M/S C303B,Englewood,CO 80112-5776.API,API.,1220 L Street,N.Y.,Washington,D.C.20005.API ,-.-,.API .,API,.API ,API.,.:API,1220 L Street,N.W.,Washington,D.C.20005.Copyright 2004 .(MMS),(IADC)(NOIA).API ,.,;,.,API,1220 L Street,N.W.,Washington,D.C.200
4、05.iii1.11.1 .11.2 .,.32 . .52.3 .53 .,.73.6 . .115.3.116 . .136.3 . . . .2110.1.2110.2 .2110.3 .2110.4 .21
5、11 .2311.1.2311.2.2311.3.2312 .2512.1.2512.2.2512.3.2512.4.2512.5.2512.6.2512.7 .2513 .2713.1.2713.2.2713.3.2713.4.2713.5 .27 .29 ,.31.33 D.35 .37vi 1 1.1 1.1.1 ,.,.(SEMP).SEMP ,.SEMP :1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,.(-)SEMP.(),2 12 ,/,.1.1.2 ,.,:,/.,.SEMP.SEMP ,SEMP./(MODU,-,.)SEMP.,SEMP ./,.1.2 1.2.1 11:a.(2)b
6、.(3).(4)d.(5)e.(6)f.(7)g.(8)h.(9)i.(10)j.(11)k.(12).l.(13).1.2.2 :a.12 API 75 ,.1.2.1.b.,.,.d.,.e.,.,.,.f.,.g.,.h.,.i.,.j.,.k.l.,.m.,/.n.1.2.3 ,:a.b.d.,.,.e.,.,.1.2.4 ,.a.SEMP .b.,.,.1.3 ,.,.3 .(,),.,.,(,(ISM)(I).,. ,.,. RP 14J,.,OCS,(H2S),(Cl2)(NH3).,:a
7、.(LNG),b.,.,d.,.,(NORM).1.4(.D)1.5,.1.5.1,B.,.1.5.2,.,.,.1.5.3 ,.,.,.2 2.1 ,.3,.,.(,),.2.2 2.2.1 ,.,.API RP 14J,(),.(MOU)API RP 14J .2.2.2 ,.2.3 2.3.1 ,.,.API RP 14J ,.:MOU API RP 14J .2.3.2 (OU).(,IMOMODU ),.2.3.3 ,.,.2.3.4 ,.2.3.5 .ASTM F1166-95,.5 3 3.1 .,/,. ,API RP 1
8、4J 1 2.API RP 14C,.,.API RP 14J ,.3.2.2 a.,MODU.b.,.,.3.3 3.3.1 .():a.,.b.,.,.d.,.e.,.f.,.3.3.2 :a.b.,.,.d.,.e.,.3.4 ,.,5 10 .,.3.3.1,(.4).3.5,(-),.78 API 75 .,.3.6 ,.,.,.,.4 4.1 ,.,.,.,.,.,.4.2 ,2.,.,:a.b.,/.,.d.e.,.f.,.,.g.,.,.h.,.i.,.j.,3,.k.(,),/.l.,:1.,.2.,.3.,.4.,.5.,.6.(BOP),.7.,.4.3 ,.,5,6,7
9、 10,.,.,. API 754.4 .,.:a.b.,.,(./,-)(.).,.d.7.e.f.,.g.5 5.1 ,./.,.,.,.5.2 :a.,.b.,:,.1.API RP 14J,(),.2.MODU,/IMO MODU .,2,:1.2.,.d.,:1.,.2.,.3.-.4.,.,.,.5.,.5.3 ,4.,.11 6 6.1 .,.,(,.).API RP 76,.,.,.,.6.2 ,.,:a.b.,.d.e.,a,b,c d .,.,.,.6.3 ,.6.4 ,.API RP 76 .,.13 7 7.1 ,.,5,6,10.,5,.7.2 7.
10、2.1 .:a.API RP T-1,(),.b.,API RP T-4,(),API RP T-7,(),API RP 14G,.,(,),.d.7.2.2 ,.,.:a.API RP T-2,(),.b.API RP 2D,(),.API RP T-6,(),API RP 59,(),API RP 49,(),;,API RP 55,().d.API ,.,/.e.,.f.,.7.3 .,.7.4 ,1516 API 75 5,6 10,.7.5 ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.(.)8 8.1 ,.,.,/,.8.2 .8.3,.8.4 ,.8.5 ,.,.,.:a.b.,.,.d.4.8.
11、6 ,.,.:a.,.,.b.,API 510,:,().2 ,.d.,.e.f.,.17 9 9.1 ,:a.b.,.d.,.e.f.g.API RP 14J,(),.B .19 10 10.1 .,.10.2 (-).10.3 (-)(-)(-),:a.(.10.2),:1.,2.,3./.b.(.2).10.4 ,().,.,.21 11 11.1 .,.,.,.(,).,.,/.,.,.11.2 :a.b.(),/.,.11.3 11.3.1 ,2,.11.3.2 ,.11.3.3 ,/.23 12 12.1 (SEMP),.:a.,.b.d.e.,.12.2 :a.,2 11.b.,
12、.13,.d.12.3 (,-.),.;,(,).,b .12.2.(15%).,.12.4 .,.,:a.b.d.,.e.,.f.,.g.h.,.,.,.12.5 2 .4.12.6 /,.,.,.12.7 .,.,:a.,b.,2526 API 75.,d.,e.,(-),f.,g.,h.,i.,j.,.,SEMP.13 13.1 ,.,.().,12,13.2 .13.3 .,:a.,b.,.,d.,e.,f.,g.,h.,i.,j.,k.,l.13.4 ,.a.b.d.e.f.13.5 ,SEMP,:a.,.b.,.d.,.e.f.g.,/,.h.27 .API RP 76,.,.,:
13、a.,.b.3.d.e.,:;HSE;,.f.,.g.h.29 ,:APIBull E2 (NORM)Publ 510 :,Publ 521 Publ 2004 Publ 2007 Publ 2015 Publ 2201 ,Publ 2207 Publ 2217A Publ 2510 (LPG)Publ 2510A (LPG)RP 1107 RP 2D RP 4G RP 14C,RP 14E RP 14F I,1 2RP 14FZ I,1 2RP 14G RP 14J RP 49 RP 53 RP 54 RP 55 RP 59 RP 64 RP 70 RP 70I RP 76 RP 500 R
14、P 505 ,I,0,1 2RP T-1 ,RP T-2 ,RP T-4 RP T-6 RP T-7 Spec 2C Spec 4F Std 1104 ASME1 F1166-95 ,_1ASME International,Three Park Avenue,New York,New York10016-5990,www.asme.org.31 1.D.C.Bull J.A.Martin,Arlington,Virginia,1977,.T-149T-153.2.J.P.Zeuwen,C.J.M.van Wingerden R.M.Dauwe,80,Prins Maurits,TNO,Rij
15、swijk,TheNetherlands,1985,c.D20D29.3.V.C.Marshall,Chemical Engineering,13,1982,.149154.33 D D.1 (contractor):,.D.2 (criticalequipment):,.,.D.3 (facility):,(,. (flag state):,.D.5 (hazards analysis):,.,1 2 D API RP 14J,().D.6 (human factors):,/.D.7 (mobileoffshore drilling unit(MODU):,.D.8
16、 (mobile offshoreunit(MOU):,.(MODU),(),.,:,.D.9 (operator):,.,(-).D.10 (owner):,.D.11 (process):,.D.12 (simultaneous operations):,(,30 CFR 250.91).D.13 (uncontrolled release):,.35 ,.,.OCS,.1E.1.1 :,.:a.;b.,;.,;d.;e.;f.,;g.,-;h.-,.E.1.2:/,.1.3 :,.:a.;b.;.,;d.,.;-;e.;f.,.;g.;h.;i.;j.;k.,;l.;m.();n.E.1.4 :/,-,.E.1.5 :/,.E.1.6 /:,:a.;b.;.;d.E.1.7 :,.1.8DART:,(Days Away,Restrictedwork)(Job Transfer).E.1.9 :,(.,).():a.;b.;.;d.;e.3738 API 75:,/,.E.1.10/,()E.1.10.1 /:,1 31 ,(,),OCS.,.(,),OCS,(,OCS,).OCS