1、让基层在活动月中绽放青春荣耀 让基层在活动月中绽放青春荣耀我校第九届基层团支部建设暨班级标准化建设月活动纪实 “我们组的主题团日活动的讨论炽热进行中,大家集思广益,提出了很多很好地建议呢! “今天是培训的最后一天,上午清扫卫生,虽然冷却很快乐。培训活动让我们深刻体会到作为一名班干部肩上所承当的责任之重大,同时也要处理好工作于学习之间的关系,提升自身素质,全面开展。进一步贯彻落实学校党委关于加强学生基层组织建设的工作要求和我校第九次团代会 基层团组织的建设与活动的开展,必须要具有一个完整、标准的共青团组织体系,在此根底上,才能保证团支部各项活动以及建设的蓬勃开展。活动月开展期间,各级团组织以此为
4、向、化解青年思想困惑、解决班级同学在学习生活上的实际困难。“我在聊大大大小小的家中生活着,我感受到了团组织的关心和期待,这真正的让我成长了很多。材料学院学生会副主席陈兆睿如是感慨道。活动月期间,各学院结合学院实际与专业特色,开展各式各样的新型基层团组织,进一步深化团组织的覆盖。搭建学生骨干队伍建设“加油站 进一步加强学生干部队伍建设,提高班长、团支书的综合素质,更好的发挥其在班集体中的骨干核心作用,是我校组织班长团支书的主要目的。第九届基层团组织建设月期间,各级团组织以组织开展2023级新生班长、团支书培训班为主要形式,搭建学生骨干队伍建设的“加油站。“在接受培训的这四天里,我学到了很多,从学
5、习团支书的职责,到如何做一名合格的团支书;从如何填写简历,到观看优秀小组的活动展示,并从中吸取经验,现在,我们结业了,相信我们培训班的所有同学都受益匪浅,希望我们能够将这四天所学运用到以后班级的开展中去跨度两周,学习能力、效劳能力、沟通表达能力、自律自省能力、组织领导能力、综合实践能力、团结协作能力 “宿舍亲情DIY海报设计展 “情系留守儿童 寒冬中的温暖环球日报报道美术学院龙迎十八大活动 “长卷绘家乡 献礼十八大活动商学院2023级人资2班团支书刘海丽这样说道,团支部开展记录由团支部开展规划、团支部荣誉榜、团员信息一览、年度信息登记、团费收缴记录、工作方案要点、特色团日活动记录七局部组成,涉
6、及到班级大大小小的各项事务,对班级的工作进行全方面的记录。同时各分团委精心指导基层团支部严格按照我校团支部换届工作要求进行换届,进一步加强团员意识教育,把理想信念坚决、学习成绩优良、工作能力突出和工作作风扎实的团员吸收到班委和团支部班子中。以2023新生导航教育为载体,开展好新老班级、团支部“1+1手拉手共同成长、“我的支部我的团团队活力展示活动,引导班级、团支部创立优秀班风、学风。构建共青团组织体系的“同心圆、 搭建学生骨干队伍建设“加油站、 打造基层工作活力的“催化剂、 点亮团支部标准化建设的“指明灯,我校第九届基层团支部建设暨班级标准化建设活动月虽然已经落幕,但依旧不变的是,在“抓基层、
7、强根底、创特色、重实效的基层团组织建设的浓厚气氛中,各级团组织将犹如雏鹰展翅,凤舞九天,在聊大这方舞台绽放出青春的炫丽风采! festival, summer food, children food special rectification, everywhere selling counterfeit and shoddy food and other illegal behavior severely, seized substandard food 400 kilograms, 1000 bottles of wine, false Right more than 8000 boxes
8、, packing boxes of 15000 people, to ensure that the masses of consumer safety.To investigate and deal with commercial bribery, pyramid schemes, trademark infringement, false advertising and other illegal casesThis year, the County Bureau continue to control commercial bribery, blow from MLM, tradema
9、rk infringement and false advertising as a priority among priorities of work. In the summary node basis last year working experience in commercial bribery governance experience, actively learn foreign advanced experience first, not related to the analysis of field research, how to expand the area of
10、 governance the domain problem, the management of commercial bribery work continuously to the breadth and depth of development. This year in March, the county bureau successfully dealt with a real estate service company limited commercial bribery bribery case, involving the value of 100 thousand yua
11、n, and according to the order to stop the illegal act of the administrative punishment, fines at 70 thousand yuan; continue to fight pass The pin high pressure situation, actively create no MLM marketing community activities, focus on the pull the head team payment, charge entry fees and the door to
12、 provide convenient conditions such as illegal acts as a pyramid scheme. In January this year, 9 day, County Bureau jointly with the public security departments in the daily check at a temple mall, pyramid Gang, captured the scene the marketing staff of 55, and 16 people were in administrative deten
13、tion, 2 people were detained, other personnel by education and repatriation; Yantai Tianma Industry Development Co. Ltd. XX Branch to provide training places for the marketing case, according to law, make the order to stop illegal activities, confiscate the illegal income 1162 yuan, and fined A $150
14、 thousand administrative penalty; at the same time focusing on trademark, advertising against illegal cases, shall be ordered to stop the illegal advertisements released 50, deadline for whole reform 58, investigated 112 cases of trademark, advertising case 21.Xxx every year, the global total for al
15、l kinds of economic illegal 403 cases, one case. The simple procedure of 26 pieces, 377 pieces of the case, the general procedure, penalty fines totaling 139,85 million yuan.Clear the focus of work, to increase the importance of market supervisionCounty Bureau of the avian bird meat, grain, oil, rea
16、l estate, automobile transportation, tobacco, Internet cafes and other advertisements as the focus of supervision, strengthen the daily inspections. The positive pole to carry out poultry meat market inspection, processing and sales of dead chicken Association banned dens in one place, destroyed more than 100 dead chickens, disease disease of pigs, sheep and other livestock, mo