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1、4J Designation:D 423-66(RHpproved 1972)Standard Method of THt for LIQUID LIMIT OF SOILS t 1lu1 S1anc htd is u ucd a.def tile riacd clni1u 1 fon D 42J:Ille nmbcr mmcd,.1rl1(ollQ,.1 n1 Ille dct1in1ho 1 ndia1u 1hc,ear ol oJ111n1l ldopl-or.IA the CU C ol tcomon,IM Jiii or lou rrYISJO A ftU19bcr 1ft putl

2、lhcsc&1nchc11c1 ahc u r o1 1111 ruppronl.,I.Scope 1.1 This method covers the dclcrminahon of the liquid limit of soils as defined in Sec-tion 2.U$mg the mechanical dev1a:specified in Section l,sccurin1 the results of at least three trials,and the plotting of 11 now curve.Provision as also made for:(

3、I)a one-point melhod requiring the calculation of the liquid limit value from data secured from a single trial.and(2)o procedure for check or referee tesls.1.2 The mechanical mclhod shall be used unless.specifications for the soil being teSicd permit lhe use of lhe onc-pomt method.The procedure for

4、check or referee tests shall be used in cues of disagreement or when re quired in lhe specifications for the soil being lcsted.2.Dennid011 2.1 The liquid limit of a soil is the water content,ellpresscd as a percenlage of the Weight Of lhe Oven-dried SOii,at the boundary between the liquid and plasli

5、c slates.The water contenl at this boundary is arbitrarily defined as the water content al which two halves of a soil cake will now together for a distance or,.,in.(12.7 mm)along lhe bottom of lhe groove separaling the two halves.when the cup IS dropped 25 times for a distance or I cm(0.3937 in.)at

6、lhe raie of 2 drops/s.MECHANICAL METHOD J.Apparam 3.1 opora1ing Dish-A porcelain evJpo ralng dish about 4 i in.(114.J mm)an Spo1ula-A spatula or pill kmre having 80 a blitde about l in.176.2 mm)in length and about 34 in.(19.0 mm)in width.l.J Liquid Lim11 Drviu-A mechanical device cons

7、isting or a brass cup and,.e.constructed according to the plan and dimen sions shown in Fig.I.J.4 Grooving Tool-A combined grooving tool and gage conforming to the dimensions shown in Fig.I.J.?Colfloinrrs-Suilable containers,such as matched watch glasses,thal will prevent loss or moisture du

8、ring 11oe1gh1n11.3.6 Ba/onCr-A b41ance sensuivc 10 0.01 g 4.s,.,.,4.1 Take a sample weighing about 100 g from the thoroughly miiu:d portion of the material passing the No.40(42S-m)$ieve.obtained in accordance with ASTM Method D 421.Dry Preparation of Soil Smpln for P;art1 clc-S1ze Analysis and Dcter

9、m1n.ttion of Soil Cons1ants.5.Adjastmnt of Medaaalcal Drice S.I lnspecl the liquid-limit deice to deter-mine lhat lhc device 1s in 1ood workin11;il the pm connecting the cup i1 not worn sufficiently to permit side play,thal the screws connccllng the cup to the hanicr arm arc ltght,and that

10、a groove has not been worn in the cup through long usage.Inspect the 1 Tlill mthod,.under Ille JUrtw!11.1on or ASTM Com.mutcc Dll o Soil and lluck for Enflnenn Purpow.Cu11 ltcc So Ph1ldclph1.P 19103 Order Ad1unc1 No 1404?.lO-OO AHwl IJuoli of ASTM Stdlttl111JJ.Part 19.NOTICE:This standard has either

11、 been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International( the latest information.!fllOlO!;!tool IO detc:rm1nc that the crit1 cJI d1menlons ht111on 1n F1!I.S.!B mean or the!.l!C on the hanJli:or the llruo1n tuol anJ the adjulmenl plate H.I 1 1,a

12、dJU t the height 111 which the cup C i lifted o th;it the p111nt on the cup th:.11 come m con1.1ct with the ha ts eactl I cm(0.31137 tn,I ahove the b.ise.Secure the adju,1-mt:nt plate H b l1!htenin!the scrc11o,/.1th the lage still in place.check the JdtUt mcnl b revohini the crank rapidl)scver.11 ti

13、mes.1r 1he adjuslmenl 1 s correct.a sh!ht rin!mg sound will be heard when the cam strikes the cam follower.Ir the cup is raised off the l!a!e or no sound is he.ird.make fur-lhcr adjustments.6.ProcedUTe 6.1 Place the soil sample in the evaporating dish and thoroughly rntll wilh 15 lo 20 ml of distill

14、ed water by alternately and repeatedly surring,kneadin!.and chopping with a SpdlUla.Make rurther additions or water in increments of I to J ml.Thoruu11hly mill each increment of water wilh the prev1ou!ily described.before adding.inother increment or lier.6.2 When uffii.:11:!11 water has been

15、 thor-oul!hl mheJ with t:,c soil to produce a con s11ency that will require JO to JS drops of the cur to cause a portion of lhe miitlure in the cup above the spot where the cup rests on lhe base,and squeeze 11 down and spread ti into the position shown in Fig.2 wi1h as fcw slrokes of t

16、he spatulJ as beine:lakcn lo prevent the enlrapmenl of air bubbles w1th1n the m:tss.With the spatul.1.level the soil und al the same lime trim it lo d dcpth of I cm at lhc poinl of maumum thick-ness.Return the eitcess soil to the evaporating dish.Divide lhe soil m the:cup by lirm strokes or the grooving tool along the diameter throui h the cenlcrline of lhe cam follower so lhat a groove or lhe proper di-mensions will be:formed.To avoid leJrin of the s.1des of lhe Jroov

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