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1、Designation:D446602(Reapproved 2012)Standard Terminology Related toMulticomponent Textile Fibers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4466;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A nu

2、mber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 Man-madepolymerscanbecombinedduringmanufacture,or natural polymers can be formed duringgrowth,to produce multicomponent fibers having special

3、properties such as cross dyeability,differential shrinkage,orbulk.This standard contains terms which can be used todescribe the physical arrangement of components of suchfibers.The schematic diagram in Annex A1 provides a guidefor interpreting the terminology used in describing two-andthree-componen

4、t fibers,but is not intended to be limiting.Some examples of usage are given in Annex A2,and abibliography of related literature is given in Appendix X1.1.2 For definitions of other textile terms,refer to Terminol-ogy D123.2.Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D123 Terminology Relating to Textil

5、esGeneric Class3.Terminologygeneric class,nas used with textile fibers,a grouping havingsimilar chemical compositions or specific chemical charac-teristics.DISCUSSIONIn the United States,the generic names and definitionsof man-made fibers,such as nylon,polyester,and acrylic,are publishedby the Feder

6、al Trade Commission in“Rules and Regulations Under theTextile Fiber Products Identification Act.”Technically,fibers may bebigeneric,trigeneric,etc.Componentspolymer,na macromolecular material formed by the chemi-cal combination of monomers having either the same ordifferent chemical ponent,nas used

7、with textile fiber polymers,a polymerwith distinguishable properties.bicomponent fiber,na fiber consisting of two polymerswhich are chemically different or physically different,orboth.biconstituent fiber,ndeprecated term.Use the preferredterm bicomponent bigeneric fiber.DISCUSSIONAs used in the Fede

8、ral Trade Commissions“Rules andRegulations Under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act,”“biconstituent fiber”is“essentially a physical combination or mixtureof two or more chemically distinct constituents or components com-bined at or prior to the time of extrusion,which if separately extrud

9、ed,would fall within different.”generic classes.In the preferred ASTMterminology,a biconstituent fiber is a bicomponent bigeneric fiber.It isnot clear from the“Rules”whether a biconstituent fiber has asheath-core,bilateral,or matrix configuration.tricomponent fiber,na fiber consisting of three polym

10、erswhich are chemically different,physically different,or anycombination of such differences.Physical Arrangement of Componentslateral,adja descriptive term for a textile fiber composed oftwo or more polymers at least two of which have acontinuous longitudinal external surface.sheath-core,adja descr

11、iptive term for a multicomponenttextile fiber consisting of a continuous envelope whichencases a continuous,central,internal region.(See alsocomponent.)DISCUSSIONBoth the sheath and the core can consist of more thanone component arranged laterally,concentrically,or in matrix.matrix,adja descriptive

12、term for a textile fiber in which oneor more polymeric fibrous material(s)is dispersed in another.Order for Naming Multicomponent Fibers1.Trademark.2.Physical arrangement of components:bilateral,matrix,sheath-core.3.Number of components:bicomponent,tricomponent,etc.4.Number of generic classes:monoge

13、neric,bigeneric,trigeneric,etc.5.Subparts 1 through 4 to be separated by commas.6.Generic class(es):polyester,nylon,spandex,etc.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D13 on Textilesand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.58 on Yarns and Fibers.Current edition appr

14、oved July 1,2012.Published August 2012.Originallyapproved in 1985 1.Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D4466 02(2007).DOI:10.1520/D4466-02R12.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at Annual Book of ASTMStandards

15、volume information,refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 7.Makeup of generic classes:(a)Generic class(es)in parentheses.(b)For matrix structuresGeneric classes to b

16、e sepa-rated by a hyphen.(c)For lateral structuresGeneric classes to be sepa-rated by a slash mark(/)(virgule).(d)For sheath-core structuresGeneric classes to beseparated by a slash mark(/)(virgule).(e)The generic class that is in the greatest quantity willbe named first.8.State the percentage of each generic class,based onpercent of the total fiber weight,in square brackets followingthe generic class(optional).9.Name the fiber in the form in which it is produced ratherthan after any subsequent

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