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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1It is obvious that John is unhappy. _, it comes as no surprise that she has decided to change her job.AHoweverBOtherwiseCMoreoverDTherefore2It was r

2、eported that as many as 50% of patients do not take medicine _ directed, _ has drawn doctors attention.Awhen; itBas; whatCas; whichDthat; and3Chinas Change 4 robotic probe entered lunar orbit on Wednesday, _ a major step in its mission to make a soft landing on the moons far side.AmarkingBto markCha

3、ving markedDmarked4I felt like giving up. I probably _, but my Dad whispered, “Come on! You can make it.”Awould have Bwould Cshould Dshould have5It was not until 3 days later that the boy came back to life and explained to the police what_ to him.Awas happeningBwas to happenChad happenedDhas happene

4、d6 Do you like the book you father bought you? Very much. Its exactly_I wanted.AwhichBthatCwhatDhow7I know it is really a lot to ask, but can I use your apartment during the summer? _. I happen to be out of town. It is all for your taking.ABehave yourself BBe my guestCHave fun DTake care8I will be a

5、 vice president in a year or two.You cant be serious!_.AI cant make it BI cant help it CI wont tell a soul DI wouldnt bet on it9Since it was getting late, we decided to find a small inn to _ for the night.Aput offBput outCput away .Dput up10I have no doubt that Anna will _ it, but I wonder whether s

6、he is really ready enough.Adig Bhit Cmake Dlift118 students and 2 teachers at Santa Fe High School by a 17-year-student armed with a shotgun and a pistol. This is one of the many gun-related tragedies that have happened in the last 2 years.Akilled Bwere killedChave killed Dhave been killed12Beijings

7、 new international airport into operation in 2019 will serve 72 million passengers annually.Abeing put Bto be putCput Dto put13Next Monday is my birthday.Is that so? _AI cant believe my ears. BIm so glad to hear that.CWhat presents do you want? DMany happy returns of the day!14Generally speaking, _a

8、ccording to the directions, the medicine has no side effect. Awhen taken Bwhen taking Cwhen to take Dwhen to be taken15I was an only child, and _ I had no experience of large families.Aso BbutCor Dwhile16一Excuse me,sirYou cant enter 0ffice without permission一But the manager is expecting meAthe;aBan;

9、theCthe;不填D不填;不填17 Looking back on _ in years gone by and the good time that I had makes today seem rather sad. Absolutely. So much has changed.Ahow it wasBwho it wasChow was itDwho was it18The government spokesman has to _ his words before responding to reporters.ApassBweighCcoverDexpress19I dont t

10、hink she visited the exhibition this morning, _ she was with me at that time.Athough Bor Cbut Dfor20Im sure that your letter will get _attention. They know youre waiting for the reply.AcontinuedBimmediateCcarefulDgeneral第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)It is one of the oldest m

11、agic tricks in the booka magician locks a woman in a box, with her head and feet sticking out from either end, and saws (锯) it in half. But when she finally jumps out of the box, the woman is unharmed.This trick was introduced nearly a century ago. It has been around for some time, but it never goes

12、 wrong. Why is it so successful? The answer is simple: the human mind is easily fooled.Our brain processes the world around us based on information that sensory organs, including the eyes, pick up. For instance, when we see a cow or a horse standing behind a tree, we automatically “fill in” the part

13、 of the animals body that is hidden from our sight. “So the brain is taking this kind of very sparse (匮乏的) information about the world and its generating this rich world by filling in information,” Stephen Macknik, a scientist at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Arizona, US, told Science magazin

14、e.But since our brains are filling in the gaps, sometimes they get it wrong. They tend to be driven by our previous experiences and we expect things to go as they have in the past even if sometimes they do not.This tendency explains magicians success in fooling people with well-known coin tricks. For example, when you see a magician throw a coin up and down in one hand and then fake a coin thrown to the other hand, you would naturally believe that the coin is in the other hand.Apart from the information gaps, magicians also use the “blind spots” theory when doing their shows.

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