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1、ASTM D3713 65 U 0757530 0022936 7 U Hd52-La -Designation:D 1713-65(Reapproved 1986)Standard Test Method for BONDING PERMANENCY OF WATER-OR SOLVENT-SOLUBLE LIQUID ADHESIVES FOR AUTOMATIC MACHINE SEALING TOP FLAPS OF FIBERBOARD SPECIMENS This standard is issued under the fuceddesignation D 171%the num

2、ber immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of isst revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A snpescript epsilon(E)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope 1.1

3、This test method covers determination of the bonding permanency of dextrin,casein,starch,resin base,and other water-or solvent-soluble liquid adhesives(excluding pressure-sen-sitive types)used for sealing the top flaps of fiberboard shipping cases,1.2 This standard may involve hazardous ma-terials,o

4、perations,and equipment.This standard does not pttrport to address all o f fhe sajty prob-lems associated with its me.It is the responsibil-ity o f whoever uses this standard to consitlt and establish appropriate sajty and health practices and determine the applicability o f regulatory limi-tations

5、prior to use.2.Applicable Document 2.I ASTMStandard:D 1714 Test Method for Water Absorptiveness of Fiberboard Specimens for Adhesives 3.Apparatus 3.1 Film Applicator,tube or rod type to give a wet film thickness of 0.025 to 0.0381 mm(0.00 1 to 0.00 15 in.)on a smooth glass plate,and a fim coverage 1

6、02 by 102 mm(4 by 4 in.)(Film thickness cannot be determined accurately on fiberboard material.)3.2 Solid Black or Hydraulic Press to apply a pressure of 3.4 kN/m2(03 psi.)3.3 Cabinets or Desiccators,with means of controlling the temperature and relative humid-ity at the conditions listed in Table 1

7、.4.Materiais 4.1 Desiccant for condytion of 23&1%rel-ative humidity.4.2 Saturated Salt Solutions:4.2.1 Ammonium monophosphate for desig-nated conditions of 22 to 38C,91 to 93%relative humidity.4.2.2 Potassium sulfate for conditions of 30C,96 to 97%relafive humidity.4.2.3 Lithium chloride for conditi

8、ons of 22 to 38T,Il%relative humidity.5.Sampling Adhesive 5.1 The adhesive sample shall be a 0.9-litre(1-qt)aliquot consisting of a composite taken when possible from three or more separate con-tainers chosen at random.Also take samples from containers that appear to be nonrepresen-tative and test s

9、eparately.Before a sample is withdrawn,m i x the material to uniform consist-ency.Place thesample immediately in an airtight glass jar until tested.6.Test Specimens 6.1 Test specimens shall be 133 by 133-mm(5%by 5%-in.)swatches from shipping case sam-ples,representative of board stock of cases used

10、on the production line ofthe purchaser.Swatches may consist of corrugated faced board sfock,solid fiber stock,or the liner facing material.NOTE I-When liner facing material is used,speci-This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-mittee D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility

11、of Subcommittee D 14.50 on Special Adhesives.Currentedition approved at.26,1965.PublishedDecember 1965.Originally published as D I713-60.Last previous edition D 1713-60T.Anniral Book oJASTMSandards.Vol 15.06.Anhydrone(anhydrous magnesium perchlorate)or Drierite(indicating calcium sulfate)is satisfac

12、tory for this purpose.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International( the latest information.mens shall be obtained from the shipping case manu-facturer rather than stripped from the cases.6.2 Use only those fi

13、berboard specimens within the selected range of water absorptiveness(Note 2).(A method of selecting these specimens is described in Test Method D 1714.NOTE 2-Fiberboard or board liner facing materials used for ail bonding permanency tests by the purchaser and the manufacturer must fall within 50%of

14、the mean of the water absorptiveness selected by the pur-chaser.This average value i s based on the water absorp-tiveness of shipping cases used by the purchaser.7.Procedure 7.1 Select from Table 1 those exposures that the package may encounter after shipment.The purchaser and the manufacturer shall

15、 agree upon the exposures to be used.Prepare three test spec-imens for each exposure selected.7.2 Spread a uniform adhesive film,coverage area 102 by 102 mm(4 by 4 in.)on the smooth outer facing of one swatch.Within 5 s complete the assembly by applying another swatch(cor-rugations at right angles,a

16、nd inner liner facing the adhesive film).7.3 Load the assembled unit within 5 s with a pressure of 3.4 !-cN/m2(0.5 psi)for a period of 5 min.NOTE 3-This procedure pertains to corrugated boards.When liner facing materials or dd fiberboards are tested,make sure that the swatches when combined make the same type surface contact as occurs on the production line.7.4 Store for at least 24 h,or until the adhesive has dried completely.Store the specimens at the proper exposure conditions so that free ac

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