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1、 ,()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION,METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)320562013,1.092 .1.22009 .,-.,-,1 -,-(),160 -,42 (-)3 ,(-25 2013.55-):(3166)00497 (3166)00497 AMKZKGMDRUTJUZ -4 ASTM D 11307 Standard test method for ductility ofbituminous materials().ASTM D04 .(en).ASTM,-,ASTM,-.-1.52001(3.

2、6).(IDT)5 14 2013.504-320562013 -1 2014.6 II 320562013 -,-.()-.,2014 -,III 3205620131 .12 .13 .24 .25 .36.47 .4 ().6IV 320562013 Bituminous materials.Method for determination of ductility 201407011 1.1 -,(4).,-(25,0?0,5)C 5/?5,0%.-.1.2 ,.-.1.3,-.1.4 ,-,.,.(MSDS)http:/,.1.

3、5 ,-.,-.2 .-(-)1).ASTM 670 Standard practice for preparing precision and bias statements for test methods forconstruction materials()ASTM D 5 Standard testmethod for penetration ofbituminous materials(-)1)ASTM ASTM website, ASTM ASTM Website standards Document Summar

4、y.1 320562013ASTM D 1754 Standard test method for effect of heat and air on asphaltic materials(thin-film oven test)()ASTM D 2872 Standard test method for effect of heat and air on a moving film of asphalt(rollingthin-film oven test)-()ASTM E 1 Standard specification for ASTM liquid-in-glass thermom

5、eters(-ASTM)ASTM E 11 Standardspecification forwovenwire testsieveclothandtestsieves(-)ASTM 77 Standard test method for inspection and verification of thermometers(-)ASTM 220 Standard test method for calibration of thermocouples by comparison techniques(-)ASTM E 644 Standard test methods for testing

6、 industrial resistance thermometers(-)3 3.1 -.4 4.1 (10,0?0,1)(1).b b?,a?.,.1.2 320562013 111,5113,5;74,575,5;29,730,3;D 6,87,2;15,7516,25;F 9,910,1;G 19,820,2;42,943,1;I 6,56,7;J 9,910,1 1 4.2 ,0,5 C(0,9 F).-.4.3 .,-,-?5%.?0,5 C(?0,9 F).2,5.4.4 ,ASTM E 1(.-1).,-ASTM E 220 ASTM E 644.ASTM 8 C 32 C63

7、C(18 F 89 F)(63F)1 25 C,-ASTM D 5.4.5 ,(),-,-.,.4.6,?5 C(?10 F),.4.7 .4.8 ,-,.,-.4.9 300 (50)ASTM E 11.5 5.1 .-a?(1).,-.,-,.,.-.(35?5).(35?5).,.3 320562013 2 -300 (50).-,-.,.5.2 (90?5).,.-a?,.5.3 -.6 6.1 ,.,.6.2 ,.-4.8,-.3 ,.,.6.3 .-,-.-,+(,150 +).-,.6.4 .,-(135?5)C(275?10)F,300 (50).-,.7 7.1 25 C(7

8、7 F),2.4 ,2,.ASTM D 1754 ASTM D 2872 .5 ,2,(1S)(D2S)ASTM C 670.6 15,6 C -.,13,45,(D2S),-23.4 3205620135 3205620131 (1S);2 (1S);3 (D2S);4 (D2S)2 ().1 ASTM 67010 -*ASTM D 506 -IDT 321542013 -.ASTM D 175409 -()IDT 321842013 -.-ASTM D 287204 -()IDT 321852013 .-ASTM E 107 ASTM*ASTM E 1109 *ASTM E 7707 *ASTM 22007 -*ASTM E 64411 -*.-.-.-:IDT .6 320562013 665.6.033:006.354 75.140IDT:,7 320562013.02.10.2014.24.10.2014.60?841/8.1,40.-.0,91.50.4387._ ,123995,.,

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