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1、Designation:C5111Standard Terminology Relating toLime and Limestone(as used by the Industry)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C51;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.Anumber in

2、 parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscriptepsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1 This terminology refers to the terms relating to lime andlimestone

3、products as used by the industry.1.2 Where appropriate,the various terms defined belowshould be prefixed with one or other of the adjectives“high-calcium,”“magnesian,”or“dolomitic.”(Examples:dolomiticquicklime;high-calcium hydraulic hydrated lime;magnesianor dolomitic limestone.)1.3 The composition

4、of a limestone should be given in termsof a percentage of the carbonates present.In limestone ofinterest to the lime industry,it is usually assumed that thematerial consists almost entirely of carbonates.Where thisassumption is not valid,the percentage of noncarbonate mate-rial should be determined,

5、and the composition expressed interms of the carbonate material present.1.4 For specific application of lime or a limestone product,see the appropriate ASTM specification.2.Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C207 Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Pur-posesC270 Specification for Mortar

6、 for Unit MasonryC602 Specification for Agricultural Liming MaterialsC1707 Specification for Pozzolanic Hydraulic Lime forStructural Purposes3.Terminologyagricultural limeeither ground quicklime or hydrated limewhose calcium and magnesium content is capable of neu-tralizing soil acidity.agricultural

7、 limestoneground or pulverized limestonewhose calcium and magnesium content is capable of neu-tralizing soil acidity.DISCUSSIONAgricultural lime is a very powerful neutralizing agent.Agricultural limestone,often referred to as“aglime”is the predominatematerial for soil pH adjustment.See Specificatio

8、n C602.air-slaked limethe product containing various proportionsof the oxides,hydroxides,and carbonates of calcium andmagnesium which results from the exposure of quicklime tothe air in sufficient quantity to show physical signs ofhydration(difficult to determine visually in pulverizedquicklime).alk

9、aline earth solutions(AES)an aqueous solution of theoxide or hydroxide of an element of group IIa in the periodictable,such as calcium or magnesium.These solutions maybe strongly alkaline.See pH.available lime indexthose constituents of a lime which enterinto a desired reaction under the conditions

10、of a specificmethod or process.building or construction limea lime whose chemical andphysical characteristics and method of processing make itsuitable for the ordinary or special construction uses of limeby-product limes include a variety of Cal-cium and/or Calcium/Magnesium co

11、mpounds that are usablefor specific applications but generally do not meet one ormore specifications required of primary lime products.Examples include lime kiln dust and lime hydrator rejects.Itis advised that the specific compositions,physical properties,performance characteristics,and anticipated

12、 variabilities ofsuch materials be evaluated for the service intended.calcareousoriginating from predominately calcium carbon-ate or one of its derivative forms.calciathe chemical compound calcium oxide(CaO).calcined pozzolansmaterials that are produced by calcina-tion of natural siliceous or alumin

13、o-siliceous earths,suchcalcination being for the purpose of activation of pozzolanicproperties.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C07 on Limeand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C07.08 on Editorial and Nomen-clatureCurrent edition approved June 1,2011.Published

14、 July 2011.Originally approvedin 1922.Last previous edition approved in 2007 as C51 07.DOI:10.1520/C0051-11.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standards

15、 Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 Cement-Lime MortarCement-Lime Mortar primarily con-sists of hydraulic cement,hydrat

16、ed lime or lime putty,masons sand and water.DISCUSSIONThese mortars can be specified by proportions orproperties indicated in Specification C270.chemical limea quicklime or hydrated lime whose chemicaland physical characteristics and method of processing makeit suitable for one or more of the many and varied chemicaland industrial uses of the product.DISCUSSIONThe chemical forms of calcium oxide(CaO),calciumhydroxide(Ca(OH)2),magnesium oxide(MgO),or magnesium hy-droxide(Mg(OH)2)alone or in combi

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