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2、交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Its _ for people to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life.AreasonableBavailableCaccurateDcautious2When did you get to know your girlfriend?It was in 2015 _ she was working as a volunteer in Africa.AthatBwhichCwhenDthen3From his expressio

3、n, I dont think he could have finished his homework last night, _?Acouldnt heBdo ICdid heDhasnt he4Due to large investment in housing, many cities can _ the flow of new arrivals, improving the quality of their life.Agive rise to Bmake way for Ctake part in Dkeep pace with5The incident turned him int

4、o different person, even if he did not realize it at beginning.Aa; aBthe; theCthe; aDa; the6Playing with the foreign visitors, my cousin is beginning to several different languages.Apick up Bpick outCturn up Dshow out7Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _.Apurpose B

5、reference Cmemory Dassessment8In spring, the scene on the top of the hill is so appealing that it is _ my words.Aabove BoverCbeyond Doff9The mother goes mad every time she washes the T-shirt_ her son wipes his dirty hands.AthatBwhereCwhichDwhen10When was _ you last met Jennifer? I havent seen her fo

6、r ages. Ait that Bit Cit what Dwhat11Recently some hospitals in China have adopted _ they call a robot-doctor, _ will be used to operate on patients with more accuracy.Awhat; that Bthat; whichCwhat; which Dwhich; what12It came as a great _ to the parents that their son finally came back safe and sou

7、nd.AreliefBsenseCrelaxionDfavor13Nowadays, more and more young ladies, figures most are fine enough, are going on a diet.AwhoBwhoseCof whoseDof whom14The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and _ review of the case.AcomprehensiveBcomplicatedCconsciousDconstant15Tom is so creative a person

8、that he always has lots of _ ideas in his mind, and sometimes we dont even know what he is thinking about.Amean BnovelCslim Dinstant16There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds _ they are not objectively true, and that giants, witches, two-headed dragons etc do not exist.AthatB

9、whatCwhichDwhen17(2018海淀二模)Excuse me, sir. Can you spare me a dollar _ I can buy this book?Sure, no problem.Afor BsoCbut Dor18- Ive got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?- _. Tell me all about it and Ill do what I can.ADont mention itBNo wonderCNo problemDMy pleasure19The

10、drums of war are beating once again. As tensions rise between America and Iran, China appeals to both sides to _.Astand byBcome alongCstep backDstick together20A proposal was put forward at the meeting _ the new cement plant shouldnt be built near the school.Awhen BwhereCthat Dwhich第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅

11、读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)On a February day during an unusually mild winter, I found myself missing the snowy beauty. I enjoyed the feeling that comes from watching snow fall gently from heaven while Im cosy inside with a good fire burning in the stove. But there were more serious concer

12、ns, like the lack of rainfall making our woods more accessible to summer forest fires. Local ski fields and hotels, all dependent on a snowy season, felt sorry for the vacant lifts, empty restaurants and unused snowmobilesThen I happened to see three little robins(知更鸟)fly into our yard. What were th

13、ey doing here? West of us, in the Willamette Valley, wild flowers burst this time of year. But here in central Oregon, even if a groundhog(土拨鼠)had wanted to appear, it couldnt have broken through the frozen earth. And yet, these robins had arrived.Their presence brought me a flow of happiness. It fe

14、lt like a celebration as I dug into my bag of birdseed and spread a handful on the ground. Above me, the deep blue sky was cloudless, perfectly quiet but for some smoke from a neighbors chimney. The lively cold made the air fresh and clean.My robins jumped lightly toward the seed. My soul jumped with them, feeling equally carefree.Caught up in the moment of spring fever, I checked out snowless flower beds. To my delight, I spotted a green branch sticking out through the brown soil. Despite the cold, it wasnt ready to go back inside. Just a short meeting with

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