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1、STP 1432 Masonry:Opportunities for the 21 st Century Diane Throop,Richard E.Klingner,editors ASTM Stock Number:STP1432 INTERNATIONAL ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive PO Box C700 West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959 Printed in the U.S.A.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Symposium

2、on Masonry:Opportunities for the 21st Century(10th:2002:Salt Lake City,Utah)Masonry:opportunities for the 21st century/Diane Throop,Richard E.Klingner, stock number:1432)Papers of the Tenth Symposium on Masonry:Opportunities for the 21st Century,held in Salt Lake City,Utah,June 25

3、,2002.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-8031-3450-9 1.Masonry-Congresses.2.Masonry-Materialsongresses.I.Throop,Diane,1953-I1.Klingner,R.E.II1.Title.IV.Series.TA670.$96 2002 693.1 c21 2002034199 Copyright?9 2002 ASTM International,West Conshohocken,PA.All rights reserved.This mater

4、ial may not be reproduced or copied,in whole or in part,in any printed,mechanical,electronic,film,or other distribution and storage media,without the written consent of the publisher.Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal,personal,or educational classroom use,or the internal,

5、personal,or educational classroom use of specific clients,is granted by ASTM International(ASTM)provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center,222 Rosewood Drive,Danvers,MA 01923;Tel:978-750-8400;online:http:l/J.Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was

6、evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one editor.The authors addressed all of the reviewers comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s)and the ASTM Committee on Publications.To make technical information available as quickly as possible,the peer-reviewed papers in this public

7、ation were prepared=camera-ready as submitted by the authors.The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s),but also the work of the peer reviewers.In keeping with long-standing publication practices,ASTM maintains the a

8、nonymity of the peer reviewers.The ASTM Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution of time and effort on behalf of ASTM.Printed in Bridgeport,NJ November 2002 Foreword The Tenth Symposium on Masonry:Opportunities for the 21 st Century was held in Salt

9、Lake City Utah on 25 June 2002.The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committees C-15 Manufactured Masonry Units,C-12 Mortars and Grouts for Unit Masonry,C-01 Cement and C-07 Lime.The sym-posium co-chairmen of this publication were Diane Throop and Richard E.Klingner.Dedication Dedicated to all those w

10、ho went before and made these 21t Century Opportunities possible.Contents Overview MORTARS Specifying Historic Materials:The Use of Lime-L.B.SICKELS-TAVES AND M.S.SHEEHAN Investigation of the Rheology and Microstructure of Hydrated Lime and Sand for Mortars-A.B.ABELL AND Jo M.NICHOLS High Pozzolan M

11、ortars and Stuccos-D.H.NORVMR The Effect of Acid Rain on Magnesium Hydroxide Contained in Cement-Lime Mortar-s.BERMAN,D.DRAGE,AND M.J.TATE Emley Plasticity Testing:The First Steps to a Precision and Bias Statement-R.J.GODBEY AND M.L.THOMSON A Traditional Vertical Batch Lime Kiln:Thermal Profile and

12、Quickline Characteristics-J.J.HUGHES,D.S.SWIFT,P.J.M.BARTOS,AND P.F.G.BANFILL Pozzolan-Lime Mortar:Limitations of ASTM C593-M.L.THOMSON UNITS Spalling of Brick-L R.CHIN Variability in Brick Unit Test Results-c.L.6ALITZ Predicting the Freeze-Thaw Durability of Bricks Using an Index Based on Residual

13、Expansion-E.SEAVERSON,D.BROSNAN,J.FREDERIC,AND J.SANDERS Determining Concrete Masonry Unit Compressive Strength Using Coupon Testing-R.THOMAS AND V.MUJUMDAR vii 23 36 51 61 73 88 97 114 122 138 ASSEMBLIES The Evolution and Development of Lateral Anchorage Systems in Masonry Cladding Systents-E.GERNS

14、 AND L.CHAN Predicting Grouted Concrete Masonry Prism Strength-L THOMPSON,C.T.WALLOCH,AND R.D.THOMAS Inter-laboratory Study to Establish the Precision and Bias of Bond-Wrench Testing Under ASTM C1329 and C1357-p.J.HOLSER,R.E.KLINGLER,AND J.M.MELANDER Increasing the Cost-Effectiveness of Interlaborat

15、ory Studies and Routine Comparative Testing:A Practical Example Involving Masonry Bond Strength-c.WALLOCH,P.J.PRESS,R.KLINGNER,AND R.THOMAS Inspection and Evaluation of Masonry Faeades-E.A.GERNS AND A.D.CINNAMON 155 170 186 206 224 INTO THE 21 sT CENTURY Air Barriers For Masonry Walls-c.T.GRIMM Conf

16、irmation of Anomalous Diffusion in Non-Saturated Porous Building Materials by A New Capillary Rise Absorption Test-M.KUNTZ AND P.LAVELLE Masonry Wall Materials Prepared By Using Agricultural Waste,Lime,and Burnt Clay-B.MIDDENDORF Index 241 259 273 285 Overview These Proceedings are the tenth in a series of ASTM symposia on masonry that began in 1974.Sponsored jointly by ASTM Committee C-1 on Cement,C-7 on Lime,C-12 on Mortars for Unit Masonry,and C-15 on Manufactured Masonry Units,the symposia p

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