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1、Designation:F254507Standard Guide forUnmanned Undersea Vehicle(UUV)Physical PayloadInterface1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2545;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number

2、 in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONASTM has prepared this series of standards to guide the development of autonomous unmannedunderwater vehicles(UUVs).The standards address the ke

3、y capabilities that a UUV system mustpossess in order to be considered autonomous and reconfigurable:AutonomousCapable of operating without operator input for extended periods of time.Implicit inthis description is the requirement that the UUVs sortie accomplishes its assigned goal and makes theappr

4、opriate rendezvous for a successful recovery.ReconfigurableCapable of operating with multiple payloads.The top level requirement is established that the UUV systems will consist of:Payloads to complete specific system tasking such as environmental data collection,areasurveillance,mine hunting,mine c

5、ountermeasures,intelligence/surveillance/reconnaissance(ISR),orother scientific,military,or commercial objectives.Vehicles that will transport the payloads to designated locations and be responsible for the launchand recovery of the vehicle/payload combination.While the payload will be specific to t

6、he objective,the vehicle is likely to be less so.Nevertheless,commonality across all classes of UUV with respectto such features as planning,communications,and post sortie analysis(PSA)is desirable.Common-ality with regard to such features as launch and recovery and a common control interface with t

7、hepayload should be preserved within the UUV class.In accordance with this philosophy,ASTMidentifies four standards to address UUV development and to promote compatibility and interoper-ability among UUVs:F2541 Guide for UUV Autonomy and Control,F2545 Guide for UUV Physical Payload Interface,F2594 G

8、uide for UUV Communications,andF2595 Guide for UUV Sensor Data Formats.The relationships among these standards are illustrated in Fig.1.The first two standards address theUUV autonomy,command and control,and the physical interface between the UUV and its payload.The last two ASTM standards address t

9、he handling of the most valuable artifacts created by UUVsystems:the data.Since there are many possibilities for communications links to exchange data,it isexpected that the UUV procurement agency will provide specific guidance relative to these links andthe appropriate use of the UUV communications

10、 standard.In a similar manner,specific guidance isexpected for the appropriate use of the UUV data formats.F2541 Standard Guide for UUV Autonomy and ControlThe UUV autonomy and control guidedefines the characteristics of an autonomous UUV system.While much of this guide applies to thevehicle and how

11、 the vehicle should perform in an autonomous state,the relationship of the payloadswithin the UUV system is also characterized.A high level depiction of the functional subsystemsassociated with a generic autonomous UUV system is presented.The important functional relationshipestablished in this guid

12、e is the payloads subordinate role relative to the vehicle in terms of systemsafety.The payload is responsible for its own internal safety,but the vehicle is responsible for thesafety of the vehicle-payload system.Terminology is defined to provide a common framework for thediscussion of autonomous s

13、ystems.System behaviors and capabilities are identified that tend to makea system independent of human operator input and provide varying levels of assurance that the UUVwill perform its assigned task and successfully complete recovery.A three-axis sliding scale ispresented to illustrate the systems

14、 level of autonomy(LOA)in terms of situational awareness,Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 decision-making/planning/execution,and external interaction.The control interface(messages ex-changed between the vehicle and the pay

15、load)is described and instantiations of this interface for thevarious classes of UUV are presented in associated appendices.F2545 Standard Guide for UUV Physical Payload InterfaceThe UUV physical payload interfaceguide is a physical and functional interface standard that guides:the mechanical and el

16、ectricalinterface between the vehicle and the payload,and the functional relationship between the vehicle andthe payload.Inasmuch as a single physical interface standard cannot address all classes of UUVs,thisguide describes the physical interfaces in the body of the guide and provides appendices to guide theinstantiation for each of the classes.This guide reinforces the relationship between the vehicle and thepayload and confirms the permission-request responsibility of the payload and the perm

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