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1、嘉兴市农民培训问题研究 目 录摘 要4Abstract5第1章 绪论71.1 选题的背景及意义71.2 国内外农民培训研究81.2.1 国外农民培训现状研究81.2.2 国内农民培训现状研究101.3 研究主要内容和研究方法111.3.1 研究主要内容111.3.2 研究方法12第2章 农民培训相关理论132.1 农民培训基础概念132.1.1 培训的一般概念132.1.2 农民培训的定义142.1.3 农民培训的分类142.2 人力资源培训理论142.2.1 需求层次理论152.2.2 满意度的理论模型162.2.3 公平理论172.3 乡村教育学理论182.4 供需平衡理论18第3章 嘉兴

2、市农民培训的现状及存在的问题分析193.1 嘉兴市农民培训现状调查与分析203.1.1 调查方法说明和问卷设计203.1.2 嘉兴市农民基本情况分析203.1.3 嘉兴市农民培训现状分析223.2 嘉兴市农民培训存在的主要问题253.3 嘉兴市农民培训的主要模式28第4章 影响嘉兴市农民培训的主要因素304.1 嘉兴市农民的需求表现304.1.1 农民渴望标准化培训304.1.2 农民培训要求规模化314.1.3 农民培训要求非农化324.2 政策供给影响因素324.2.1 嘉兴市培训政策的供给没有可操作性334.2.2 政策宣传与引导供给不到位334.3.3 缺乏系统的农民培训供给体系334

3、.3 经费供给因素影响344.3.1 政府经费供给不足344.3.2 企业经费供给缺乏344.3.3 难以吸引资金与资源344.4 农民自身供给的局限性354.4.1 农民积极性供给不足354.4.2 农民认知供给不足35第5章 强化嘉兴市农民培训的主要措施365.1 从政策层面构建有效培训机制365.1.1 加强宣传农民培训,营造农民教育的良好环境365.1.2 完善培训思路,把握培训准则375.1.3 加强培训组织,保证资金投入375.1.4 有效整合资源,形成长效机制385.2 从经费方面提供资金保障385.2.1 增加经费投入,保障培训经费385.2.2 开展农校合作,解决师资经费39

4、5.2.3 促进经济发展与农民培训结合的自筹经费模式395.3 从机制入手构建特色培训体系405.3.1 进一步拓宽培训渠道405.3.2 提升农民培训需求的转变405.3.3 适时展开分类培训40第6章 结论与展望42参考文献44致 谢46V嘉兴市农民培训问题研究摘 要 在当前我国新农村建设的进程中,农村培训已经成为至关重要的工作,通过农村培训实现农民基础素质的提高,农业科技知识的丰富,让更多的农民走上农业生产科学化的道路,是实现新农村建设的根本基础。然而在实际工作中,我国很多地区的农民培训开展地并不到位,大多数地方政府仅仅是在国家有关政策法规的引导下对当地农民进行培训,而没有仅仅结合区域农


6、需求是当前嘉兴市农民的三大需求,并通过对影响这些需求满足的主要供给因素,包括政府供给、经费供给、农民自身供给等进行论述;最后根据前文的研究分析,提出嘉兴市农民培训工作需要从政策构建、经费保障、培训机制等方面入手来加强。本文的研究,对于嘉兴市农民培训的现状及模式认知,梳理该区域的农民培训问题,明确农民培训要解决的主要矛盾提供了一定的借鉴作用,具有重要的现实意义。关键词:农民培训 需求 农业 模式The research for the training of farmers about Jiaxing CityM.A.Candidate:Supervisor:AbstractIn the pro

7、cess of Chinas new rural construction, the rural training has become a vital Farmer basis of improving the quality of rural training, and knowledge of agricultural science and technology rich, so that more farmers took to the road of scientific agricultural production,is the fundamental basis of the

8、 new rural construction. However, in practical work, in many parts of the training of farmers to carry out are not in place, most of the local government under the guidance of relevant state policies and regulations for training of local farmers, but not only combined with the actual needs of the re

9、gional farmers to effectively promote the progress of the work of the training of farmers, which makes the contradiction between farmers needs and training supply have become increasingly prominent, greatly hindered the pace of Chinas new rural construction.This text,starting from the basic concepts

10、 of the training about farmers, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang farmer training for the study, discussed the current situation and problems of the citys farmer training, and ultimately a path for the development of farmer training in Jiaxing City. The paper first described the training of human resources the

11、ory, the theory of rural education, supply and demand equilibrium theory, laying the foundation for full-text research; and then design a questionnaire survey, while using interviews and other forms, launched an in-depth analysis of the status quo and problems of the farmer training in Jiaxing City

12、summarized Jiaxing City, the main mode of training of farmers including the Governments model, and between the combination model, and market-based model; discussed on this basis, the training needs of the peasants in Jiaxing City, pointed out that the standardization needs of large-scale demand Jiax

13、ing City, the three major demands of the farmers and non-farm demand, and discussed the impact of these requirements to meet the main supply factors, including the government supply, the supply of funds, the farmers own supply; according to the foregoing analysis, Jiaxing farmers training need to bu

14、ild from the policy, funding and training mechanisms and other aspects to strengthen.ABSTRACTThis study, Jiaxing City, the status of farmer training and pattern recognition, combing the training of farmers in the region, the explicit training of farmers to solve the principal contradiction of refere

15、nce, has important practical significance.Key words: Training of farmers; Demand; Agriculture; Mode第1章 绪论第1章 绪论1.1 选题的背景及意义改革开放三十多年来,“三农”问题一直是国家和政府工作的重头戏之一,特别是进入新世纪后,随着农业经济快速发展、农民素质逐步提高以及农村地位的大力改善,党中央和国务院对农村建设和改革的力度更甚。自2003年至2010年的七年时间内,政府连续下发了七个关注“三农”工作的“一号文件”,无论是2003年的关于促进农民增加收入若干政策的意见还是2010年的关于加大统筹城乡发展力度,进一步夯实农业农村发展基础的若干意见,无不显示了中央在农村政策改革和建设方面的轨迹。农民作为解决“三农”问题的根本力量,也是我国新农村建设的主体,农民素质的高低直接影响着新农村建设的进程。实际上,中央早在党的十六届五中全会通过的关于推进社会主义新农村建设的若干意见中就强烈提出了要培养 “有文化、懂技术、会经营”的新型农民,在中共

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