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1、IEC909PT*29248448910535872940RAPPORTCEITECHNIQUEIECTECHNICAL909-2REPORTPremiere editionFirst edition1992-08Materiel electrique-Donnees pour le calculdes courants de court-circuit conformement ala CEI 909(1988)Electrical equipment-Data for short-circuitcurrent calculations in accordance withIEC 909(1

2、988)Numero de referenceReference numberCEI/IEC 909-2:1992Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionSat Mar 24 11:51:36 2001IEC 909 PT*2 9248448910535673887Revision de la presente publicationRevision of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEI est cons-The technica

3、l content of I E C publications is kept under con-tamment revu par Ia Commission afin dassurer quil reflete bienstant review by the IEC,thus ensuring that the content reflectsetat actuel de la technique.current technology.Les renseignements relatifs a ce travail de revision.aInformation on the work

4、of revision,the issue of revised edi-Itablissement des 6ditions revisees et aux mises a jour peuventtions and amendment sheets may be obtained from IECetre obtenus aupres des Comites nationaux de la CEI et enNational Committees and from the folkowing I E C sources:consultant les documents ci-dessous

5、:.Bulletin de la CEIIE C Bulletin.Annuaire de La CEIIE CYearbook.Catalogue des publications de la CEICataiogue of IE C PublicationsPublie annuellementPublished yearlyTerminologieTerminologyEn ce qui conceme la terminologie generale,le lecteur seFor general tenminology,readers are refered to IE C Pub

6、li-reportera.a la Publication 50 de la CE:Vocabulaire Electrocation 50:International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(TEV).technique Intemational(VEI),qui est etablie sous forme de cha-which is issued in the form of separate chapters each dealingpitres separs traitant chacun dun sujet defini,IIndex genra

7、lwith a specific field,the General Index being published as a setant publie sparment.Des dtails complets sur le VEI peuventparate booklet.Full details of the IEV will be supplied onetre obtenus sur demande.request.Les termes et definitions figurant dans la presente publicationThe terms and definitio

8、ns contained in the present publicationout 6t soit repris du VEI,soit specifiquement approuvs aux finshave either been taken from the IEV or have been specificallyde cetle publication.approved for the purpose of this publication.Symboles graphiques et litterauxGraphical and letter symbolsPour les sy

9、mboles graphiques,symboles litteraux et signeFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signs approveddusage general approuves par la C EI,le lecteur consultera:by the IEC for general use,readers are referred to:-Ia Publication 27 de 1n C E1:Symboles litteraux a utiliser en-IE C Publication 27:Let

10、ter symbols to be used in electricalelectrolechnique;lechnology,-Ia Publication 617 de la CEI:Symboles graphiques pour-IE C Publication 617:Graphical symbols for diagrams.schemasLes symboles et signes contenus dans la presente publicationThe symbols and signs contained in the present publicationont

11、6t6 soit repris des Publications 27 ou 617 de a CEI soithave either been taken from IEC Publications 27 or 617,orspecifiquement approuves aux fins de cette publication.have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.Publications de la CEI etablies par le memeIE C publications pre

12、pared by the sameComite dEtudesTechnical CommitteeLattention du lecteur est attiree sur le deuxieme feuillet de laThe attention of readers is drawn to the back cover,whichcouverture,qui numere les publications de la CEI prepareeslists IEC publications issued by the Technical Committeepar le Comite d

13、Etudes qui a etabli la presente publication.which has prepared the present publication.Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionSat Mar 24 11:52:29 2001IEC 909 PT*2 9248446910535874713RAPPORTCEITECHNIQUEIECTECHNICAL909-2REPORTPremlere editionFirst edition1992-08Materiel electrique-Donn

14、ees pour le calculdes courants de court-circuit conformment ala CEI 909(1988)Electrical equipment-Data for short-circultcurrent calculations in accordance withIEC 909(1988)CEi 1992 Drolits de reproduction rservs-Copyright-all rights reservedut lave reproduise ai No part of this publication may be re

15、produced or stilized inany torm of by any meeaing and microhim,withoet pemmies-ionn writing fron the publisheBursaw Central de is Commission Electrolechnique Intemationale 3,rue de Varemb Geneve,SuissoCODE PRIXCommission Electrotechnique intemationele臣PRICE CODEXintemational Electrotechnical Commiss

16、ion pe HoPour pk,sve en reuFor prie,see uet ctgueCopyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionSat Mar 24 11:52:30 2001IEC 909 PT*2 924844891053587565T-2-909-2CEISOMMAIREPagesAVANT-PROPOSArticlesSECTION 1:GENERALITES1.1 Domaine dapplication et objet1.2 Documents de reference.6SECTION 2:CARA

17、CTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES DES MATERIELS ELECTRIQUES2.1 Generalites62.2 Donnees relatives a des machines synchrones types82.3 Donnes relatives a des transformateurs types a deux ou trois enroulements et a desautotransformatcurs types.122.4 Donnees relatives a des lignes ariennes types a un ou deux circ

18、uits.202.5 Donnees relatives a des cables types,basse et haute tension282.6 Donnees relatives a des moteurs asynchrones types342.7 Jeux de barres.34Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionSat Mar 24 11:52:31 2001IE(909PT*29248448910535876596909-2gEC-3-CONTENTSPageFOREWORD.ClanseSECTIO

19、N 1:GENERAL1.1 Scope and object.71.2 Reference documents.7SECTION 2:DATA FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT2.1General.八2.2Data on typical synchronous machines92.3Data on typical transformers,two-winding,three-winding and auto-transformers.132.4 Data on typical overhead lines,single and double circuits212.5 Data on typical low-and high-voltage cables292.6Data on typical asynchronous motors352.7Busbars.35Copyright por International Electrotechnical CommissionSat Mar2411:52:312001

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