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1、COPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling ServicesI E C 230 bb W 4844891 0017462 7.I -2-SOMMAIRE Pages-BULE.4 PRFACE.4 Articles SECTION U N -GNRALITES 1.Objet et doma

2、ine dapplication.6.2.6 3.Etat du matriel en essai.6 Caractristiques du matriel en essai soumettre aux essais.4.Formedesondesdechoc.8 5.Etalonnage du gnrateur de tensions de choc.8 SECTION DEUX-ESSAIS DE TENUF,6.Application des chocs au niveau prvu 8.SECTION TROIS-ESSAIS A NIVBAUX smkmms A LESSAI DE

3、m m 7.Application des essais aux ondes de choc niveaux suprieurs lessai de tenue et omission de lessai frquence industrielle.Procd pour les essais niveaux suprieurs lessai de tenue.10 10 8.i.COPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT Interna

4、tional Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling ServicesI-EC 230 hh m 4844873 0037464 O m-4-COMMI

5、SSION LECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ESSAIS DE CHOC DES CABLES ET DE LEURS ACCESSOIRES PREAMBULE I)Les dcisions ou accords officiels de la C E I en ce qui concerne les questions techniques,prpars par des Comits dEtudes OU sont reprsents tous les Comits nationaux sintressant ces questions,expriment d

6、ans la plus grande mesure possible un accord international sur les sujets eamins.2)Ces dcisions constituent des recommandations internationales et sont agres comme telles par les Comits nationaux,3)Dans le,but dencourager cette unification internationale,ia CE I exprime le vu que tous les Comits nat

7、ionaux ne possdant pas encore de rgles nationales,lorsquils prparent ces rgles,prennent comme base fondamentale de ces rgles les recommandations de la CE I dans la mesure OU les conditions nationales le permettent,4)On reconnat quil est dsirable que laccord international sur ces questions soit suivi

8、 dun effort pour harmoniser les rgles nationales de normalisation avec ces recommandations dans ia mesure o les conditions nationales le permettent.Les Comits nationaux sengagent user de leur influence dans ce but.PREFACE La prbente recommandation a t tablie par le Sous-Comit 20A:Cbles de haute tens

9、ion,du Un projet fut discut lors de la runion tenue Belgrade en 1963.A la suite de cette runion,un Comit#Etudes N O 20 de la C E I:Cbles lectriques,projet fut soumis lapprobation des Comits nationaux suivant la Rgle des Six Mois en fvrier 1964.Les pays suivants se sont prononcs explicitement en fave

10、ur de la publication:Allemagne Autriche Belgique Canada Chine(Rpublique Populaire de)Core Danemark Etats-Unis dAmrique Isral Italie Japon Norvge Pays-Bas Roumanie Royaume-Uni Sude Suisse Tchcoslovaquie Turquie COPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling Servic

11、esCOPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling Services-5-IEC 230 66 4844891-0017465-2 m _-_ INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IMPULSE TESTS ON CABLES AM)THEIR ACCESSORIES FOREWORD 1)The formal decisions or agreements of the I E C on technical matters,p

12、repared by Technical Committees on which all the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented,express,as nearly as possible,an international consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.2)They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by

13、 the National Committees in that sense.3)in order to promote this international unification,the I E C expresses the wish that all National Committees having as yet no national rules,when preparing such rules,should use the I E C recommendations as the fundamental basis for these rules in so far as n

14、ational conditions will permit.4)The desirability is recognized of extending international agreement on these matters through an endeavour to harmonize national standardization rules with these recommendations i n so far as national conditions will permit.The National Committees pledge their influen

15、ce towards that end.PREFACE This Recommendation was prepared by Sub-Committee 20A,High-Voltage Cables,of I E C Technical Committee No.20,Electric Cables.A draft was discussed at the meeting held in Belgrade in 1963.As a result of this meeting,a draft was submitted to the National Committees for appr

16、oval under the Six Months Rule in February 1964.The following countries voted explicitly in favour of publication:Austria Belgium Canada China(Peoples Republic of)Czechoslovakia Denmark Germany Israel Italy Japan Korea(Republic of)Netherlands Norway Romania Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States of America COPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT International Electrotechnical CommissionLicensed by Information Handling

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