1、September 2011 Septembre 2011 IEC 60050-113(First edition 2011)International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 113:Physics for electrotechnology CEI 60050-113(Premire dition 2011)Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International Partie 113:Physique pour llectrotechnique C O R R I G E N D U M 1 113-04-18 Int
2、ernational Temperature Scale of 1990 ITS-90(abbreviation)At the end of Note 1,instead of:T0:=275,15 K read:T0:=273,15 K 113-04-18 chelle internationale de temprature de 1990,f EIT-90(abrviation)A la fin de la Note 1,au lieu de:T0:=275,15 K lire:T0:=273,15 K Copyrighted material licensed to BR Demo by Thomson Reuters(Scientific),Inc.,downloaded on Nov-28-2014 by James Madison.No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.Uncontrolled when printed.