1、 IEC 62287-1 Edition 3.0 2017-04 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Maritime nav igation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Class B shipborne equipment of the automatic identification system(AIS)Part 1:Carrier-sense time division multiple access(CSTDMA)techniques IEC 62287-1:2017-04(en)colourinside TH
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11、ime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Class B shipborne equipment of the automatic identification sy stem(AIS)Part 1:Carrier-sense time division multiple access(CSTDMA)techniques INT ERNAT IONAL ELECT ROT ECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 47.020.70 ISBN 978-2-8322-4152-3 Registered t rad
12、emark of the Internat ional Electrotechnica l Commission Warning!Mak e sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor.colourinside 2 IEC 62287-1:2017 IEC 2017 CONTENTS FOREWORD.8 INTRODUCTION.10 1 Scope.11 2 Normative references.11 3 Terms,definitions and abbreviated terms.12
13、 3.1 Terms and definitions.12 3.2 Abbreviated terms.12 4 General requirements.13 4.1 General.13 4.1.1 Capabilities of the Class B CS AIS.13 4.1.2 Quality assurance.13 4.1.3 Safety of operation.14 4.1.4 Additional features.14 4.1.5 Modes of operation.14 4.2 Manuals.15 4.3 Marking and identification.1
14、5 5 Environmental,power supply,interference and safety requirements.15 6 Performance requirements.16 6.1 Composition.16 6.2 Operating frequency channels.16 6.3 GNSS receiver for position reporting.16 6.4 Identification.17 6.5 AIS information.17 6.5.1 Information content.17 6.5.2 Information reportin
15、g intervals.18 6.5.3 Permissible initialisation period.18 6.6 Alarms and indications,fall-back arrangements.18 6.6.1 Integrity and protection.18 6.6.2 Transmitter shutdown procedure.19 6.6.3 Position sensor fallback conditions.19 6.6.4 SOG/COG sensor fallback conditions.20 6.7 User interface.20 6.7.
16、1 Indicators and display.20 6.7.2 Static data input.20 6.7.3 External interfaces.20 6.8 Protection from invalid control commands.21 7 Technical requirements.21 7.1 General.21 7.2 Physical layer.22 7.2.1 General.22 7.2.2 Transceiver characteristics.22 7.2.3 Transmitter requirements.24 7.2.4 Receiver requirements.24 7.3 Link layer.25 7.3.1 General.25 IEC 62287-1:2017 IEC 2017 3 7.3.2 Link sublayer 1:Medium access control(MAC).25 7.3.3 Link sublayer 2:Data Link Service(DLS).28 7.3.4 Link sublayer 3