1、Page 1 of 2The purpose of the IEC 62755 standard N42 data format is to facilitate manufacturer-independent transfer of information from radiation measurement instruments used for detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials.The IEC 62755 standard specifies the XML data format that shall
2、 be used for both required and optional data to be made available by radiation measurement instruments.The output from these instruments consists of measurement data and results of any analysis performed by the radiation measurement instrument.The structure of the data is described by the XML Schema
3、(.xsd)file(needs to be linked to the N42.xsd).This schema file allows XML parsers to validate the format of instrument data documents for this IEC standard:it defines the standard names for data elements and attributes,whether or not they are optional or required for each class of instrument,and the
4、 hierarchical relationships between them.Examples of N42 documents for different types of radiation measurement instruments for this standard can be downloaded from here.(link to different examples see list below).Additional tools are provided for the N42 format for this IEC standard.These tools inc
5、lude business rules.These rules have been implemented as an ISO Schematron schema.(link to the n42.sch file).If there are issues viewing these links,it is possible to download the N42AllFiles.zip(link to the zip file)file that contains all the examples,the schemas(N42.xml and N42SchemaAddin.xsd)and
6、the schematron schema(N42.sch).The following examples were developed for different types of radiation measurement instruments:Simple Spectrometer(Need to have 2 files linked under this one.One is Annex B.n42 and the other is Annex B alternate energy calibration.n42)Radionuclide Identifier(Need to li
7、nk to Annex C)Radiation Portal Monitor(Need to have 2 files linked under this one.One is Annex D.n42 and the other is Annex D alarmed.n42)Spectroscopic Radiation Portal Monitor(Need to link to Annex E)Personal Radiation Detector(Need to link to Annex F)Mobile Instrument(Need to link to Annex G)Page
8、2 of 2Neutron Handheld Instrument(Need to like to Annex H)Spectroscopic personal radiation detector(Need to link to Annex I)Example of an Extension of the N42.42 Standard(Need to link to Annex L)Contact person:Leticia PibidaNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyEmail:leticia.pibidanist.govPh
9、one:(+1)301-975-5538 IEC 62755 Edition 1.0 2012-10 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Radiation protection instrumentation Data format for radiation instruments used in the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials IEC 62755:2012(E)THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright 2012 IEC,Genev
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