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1、NORMECEIINTERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL757STANDARDPremiere editionFirst edition1983Code de designation de couleursCode for designation of coloursgNumero de referenceReference numberCE/MEC757:1983Validite de la presente publicationValidity of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la

2、 CEl est cons-The technical content of IEC publications is kept undertamment revu par la CEl afin quil reflete ltat actuel deconstant review by the IEC,thus ensuring that the contentla technique.reflects current technology.Des renseignements relatifs a la date de reconfirmation deInformation relatin

3、g to the date of the reconfirmation of thela publication sont disponibles aupres du Bureau Central depublication is available from the IEC Central CEl.Les renseignements relatifs a ces revisions,a letablis-Information on the revision work,the issue of revisedsement des editions revisees et

4、 aux amendements peuventeditions and amendments may be obtained from IECetre obtenus aupres des Comites nationaux de la CEl etNational Committees and from the following IECdans les documents ci-dessous:sources:。Bulletin de la CElIEC BulletinAnnuaire de la CEIIEC YearbookPublie annuellementPublished

5、yearlyCatalogue des publications de la CElCatalogue of IEC publicationsPublie annuellement et mis a jour regulierementPublished yearly with regular updatesTerminologieTerminologyEn ce qui conceme la terminologie generale,le lecteur seFor general terminology,readers are referred to IEC 50:reportera a

6、 la CEl 50:Vocabulaire Electrotechnique Inter-Intemational Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV),which isnationa/(VEl),qui se presente sous forme de chapitresissued in the form of separate chapters each dealingsepares traitant chacun dun sujet defini.Des detailswith a specific field.Full details of the I

7、EV will becomplets sur le VEl peuvent etre obtenus sur demande.supplied on request.See also the IEC MultilingualVoir egalement le dictionnaire multilingue de la CEl.Dictionary.Les termes et definitions figurant dans la presente publi-The temms and definitions contained in the present publi-cation on

8、t ete soit tires du VEl,soit specifiquementcation have either been taken from the IEV or have beenapprouves aux fins de cette publication.specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.Symboles graphiques et litterauxGraphical and letter symbolsPour les symboles graphiques,les symboles li

9、tteraux et lesFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signssignes dusage general approuves par la CEl,le lecteurapproved by the IEC for general use,readers are referred toconsultera:publications:la CEl 27:Symboles litteraux a utiliser enIEC 27:Letter symbols to be used in electricalelectro-tech

10、nique;technology;la CEl 417:Symboles graphigues utilisablesIEC 417:Graphical symbols for use onsur le materiel.Index,releve et compilation desequipment.Index,survey and compilation of thefeuilles individuelles;single sheets;la CEl 617:Symboles graphiques pour schemas;IEC 617:Graphical symbols for di

11、agrams;et pour les appareils electromedicaux,and for medical electrical equipment,la CEl 878:Symboles graphigues pourIEC 878:Graphical symbols for electromedicalequipements electriques en pratique in medical practice.Les symboles et signes contenus dans la presente publi-The symbo

12、ls and signs contained in the present publicationcation ont ete soit tires de la CEl 27,de la CEl 417,de lahave either been taken from IEC 27,IEC 417,IEC 617CEI 617 et/ou de la CEl 878,soit specifiquement approuvesand/or IEC 878,or have been specifically approved for theaux fins de cette publication

13、.purpose of this publication.Publications de la CEl etablies par leIEC publications prepared by the samememe comite detudestechnical committeeLattention du lecteur est attiree sur les listes figurant a la finThe attention of readers is drawn to the end pages of thisde cette publication,qui enumerent

14、 les publications de lapublication which list the IEC publications issued by theCEl preparees par le comite detudes qui a etabli latechnical committee which has prepared the presentpresente publication.publication.NORMECEIINTERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL757STANDARDPremiere editionFirst edition1983Code

15、 de designation de couleursCode for designation of coloursCEl 1983 Droits de reproduction reserves-Copyright-all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut dre reproduite niNo part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized inutilis6e sous quelque forme que oe soit et par aucun

16、 pro-any form or by any meanseledtronic or mechanicalc6d6,electronique ou mecanique,y compris la photocopie etincluding photocopying and microfilm,without permissiones microfilms.sans raccord ecrit de writing from the publisher.Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internation

17、ale 3,rue de Varembe Geneve.SuisseCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleCODE PRIXIECInternational Electrotechnical CommissionPRICE CODEDMekayHapoAHan OneKTPOTexHHecKaa HoMHCCHA三Pour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price.see current catalogue一2757CEI1982COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONAL

18、ECODE DE DESIGNATION DE COULEURSPREAMBULE1)Les decisions ou accords officiels de la CEI en ce qui concerne les questions techniques,prepares par des ComitesdEtudes ou sont representes tous les Comites nationaux sinteressant a ces questions,expriment dans la plus grandemesure possible un accord inter

19、national sur les sujets examines.2)Ces decisions constituent des recommandations internationales et sont agreees comme telles par les Comitesnationaux.3)Dans le but dencourager Iunification internationale,la CEI exprime le vou que tous les Comites nationauxadoptent dans leurs regles nationales le te

20、xte de la recommandation de la CEI,dans la mesure ou les conditionsnationales le permettent.Toute divergence entre la recommandation de la CEI et la regle nationale correspondantedoit,dans la mesure du possible,etre indiquee en termes clairs dans cette derniere.PREFACELa presente norme a ete etablie

21、 par le Comite dEtudes no16 de la CEI:Marques desbornes et autres marques didentification.Des projets furent discutes lors des reunions tenues a Nice en 1976 et a Sofia en 1978.Ala suite de cette derniere reunion,un projet,document 16(Bureau Central)50,fut soumis alapprobation des Comites nationaux

22、suivant la Regle des Six Mois en mars 1979.Des modifications,document 16(Bureau Central)56,furent soumises a lapprobation desComites nationaux suivant la Procedure des Deux Mois en septembre 1981.Les Comites nationaux des pays ci-apres se sont prononces explicitement en faveur de lapublication:Afriq

23、ue du Sud(Republique d)Nouvelle-ZelandeAllemagnePays-BasBelgiquePologneEgypteRoyaume-UniEtats-Unis dAmeriqueSuedeFranceSuisseIsraelTurquieItalieUnion des RepubliquesJaponSocialistes SovietiquesNorvegeYougoslavieAutre publication citee dans la presente norme:Projet de Norme internationale ISO/DIS 386

24、4.3:Couleurs et signaux de securite757IEC19823INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSIONCODE FOR DESIGNATION OF COLOURSFOREWORD1)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters,prepared by Technical Committees on which allthe National Committees having a special interest therein ar

25、e represented,express,as nearly as possible,aninternational consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.2)They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees inthat sense.3)In order to promote international unification,the IEC expresses th

26、e wish that all National Committees should adoptthe text of the IEC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit.Anydivergence between the IEC recommendation and the corresponding national rules should,as far as possible,beclearly indicated in the latter.PREFA

27、CEThis standard has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No.16:Terminal Markingsand Other Identifications.Drafts were discussed at the meetings held in Nice in 1976 and in Sofia in 1978.As aresult of this latter meeting,a draft,Document 16(Central Office)50,was submitted to theNational Committee

28、s for approval under the Six MonthsRule in March 1979.Amendments,Document 16(Central Office)56,were submitted to the National Committees forapproval under the Two MonthsProcedure in September 1981.The National Committees of the following countries,voted explicitly in favour ofpublication:BelgiumPola

29、ndEgyptSouth Africa(Republic of)FranceSwedenGermanySwitzerlandIsraelTurkeyItalyUnion of SovietJapanSocialist RepublicsNetherlandsUnited KingdomNew ZealandUnited States of AmericaNorwayYugoslaviaOther publication quoted in this standard:Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 3864.3:Safety Colours and Safety Signs.

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