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Harvard Business Review - 2019.09,10.pdf

1、44 Ho w Du a l-Ca re e r Co u p le s Ma ke It Wo rk 70 Pu t Pu rp o se a t the Co re o f Yo u r Stra te gy140 Le a rning to Wo rk w ith Inte llige nt Ma chine sHBR.ORG Se p te mbe rOcto be r 2019To o ma ny le a de rs co nfu se nu mbe rs w ith stra te gy.62Are METRICS Undermining Your Business?Bonnie

2、 Chan Woo.CEO at Icicle Group&Co-Founder of Studio SV,Vice-Chair of HK Design Centre.When you love what you do,stepping aside isnt easy.But as time goes by,priorities change.Whether you choose to keep your seat at the table or not,we can help you feel good about?Financial Advisor about making sure y

3、oure ready for lifes twist and turns today,tomorrow and for generations to come.For some of lifes questions,youre not alone.?Services Inc.?Why would I retire?Sept ember Oct ober 201943SPOTLIGHT POWER COUPLES44MANAGING YOURSELFHow Dual-Car eer Coupl es Mak e It Wor kSu c c e s s f u l par t ne r s hi

4、ps s id e s t e p pr e d ic t able t r aps and mas t e r t hr e e c halle nging t r ans it ions.Je n n i f e r P e t r i g l i e r i53Q&AOne Coupl es Per spective55RECRUITINGThe Spouse FactorA r e c r u it e r s vie w of how c ou ple s balanc e t he ir c ar e e r ambit ionsJan e St e ve n son58BEST

5、PRACTICELiving Apar t for Wor kA c onve r s at ion wit h Danie lle Lind e mannAn i a Wi e ckowskiCont ent s“Dual-career couples overcome their challenges by directly addressing deeper psychological and social forces.”PAGE 44COVER ILLUSTRATION Nishant ChoksiAbeselom Zerit/500px/Getty ImagesHa rva rd

6、Bu sine ss Re vie wSe p t e mbe r Oct o be r 20197Sept emberOct ober 2019106GOVERNANCEBack Channel s in the Boar dr oomHow t o pr e ve nt s id e c onve r s at ions be t we e n d ir e c t or s f r om bloc king pr ogr e s s He i di K.Gar dn e r an d Ran dal l S.P e t e r son116NEGOTIATIONSA New Appr o

7、ach to Contr actsHow t o bu ild be t t e r long-t e r m s t r at e gic par t ne r s hips Davi d Fr ydl i n g e r,Ol i ve r Har t,an d Kat e Vi t ase k128PLATFORM BUSINESSESIn the Ecosystem Economy,Whats Your Str ategy?The five qu e s t ions you ne e d t o ans we rMi chae l G.Jacobi de s140TECHNOLOGY

8、Lear ning to Wor k with Intel l igent Machines Companie s ar e d e ploying AI and r obot ic s in ways t hat d is r u pt t r ad it ional t r aining t e c hniqu e s s u c h as me nt or ing and on-t he-job le ar ning.We ne e d t o u nd e r s t and how t o c ombine t he old wit h t he ne w.Mat t Be an e

9、61FEATURES62PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTDont Let Metr ics Under mine Your Business An obs e s s ion wit h t he nu mbe r s c an s ink you r s t r at e gy.Mi chae l Har r i s an d Bi l l Tayl e r70STRATEGYPut Pur pose at the Cor e of Your Str ategy It s how s u c c e s s f u l c ompanie s r e d e fine t he

10、 ir bu s ine s s e s.Thomas W.Mal n i g ht,Ivy Buche,an d Char l e s Dhan ar aj80PSYCHOLOGYThe Danger s of Categor ical Think ing We r e har d wir e d t o s or t inf or mat ion int o bu c ke t s and t hat c an hampe r ou r abilit y t o make good d e c is ions.Bar t de Lan g he an d P hi l i p Fe r n

11、 bach94INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSCan China Avoid a Gr owth Cr isis?Ye s if it s c ompanie s globalize t he ir c u lt u r e s and s t r at e gie s.J.St e war t Bl ack an d Al l e n J.Mor r i sonIllust r at io n by JOHN W.TOMAC1408Ha rva rd Bu sine ss Re vie wSe p t e mbe r Oct o be r 2019SOME CHEFSCOOK T

12、HEIR BESTAT 30,000 FEETProducts and services are subject to change depending on flight duration and aircra?.IDEA WATCHNe w R e s e a r c h a n d Eme r gi n g I n s i gh t s19DIVERSITYThe#MeToo Backl ashNe w d at a s hows ne gat ive e f f e c t s f or wome n.PLUS The d owns id e of ove r ly opt imis

13、t ic CEOs,why“f r e s h s t ar t s”c an bac kfir e,a s imple way t o r e d u c e t u r nove r,and mor e34DEFEND YOUR RESEARCHExper ience Doesnt Pr edict a New Hir es SuccessIs it t ime t o r e t hink t he way we as s e s s job applic ant s?DEPARTMENTS12FROM THE EDITOR14CONTRIBUTORS164 EXECUTIVE SUMM

14、ARIES19151Sept emberOct ober 2019Pho t o gr ap h by MARKIAN LOZOWCHUK156CASE STUDYYour Star Sal esper son Lied.Shoul d He Get a Second Chance?We ighing t he pr os and c ons of a ze r o-t ole r anc e polic y San de e p P ur i162SYNTHESISIn Pr aise of Being Unpr oductiveFind ing t he of f s wit c h in

15、 an always-on wor ld JM Ol e jar zEXPERIENCEAd vi c e a n d I n s pi r a t i on37We i n c r e a s i n gly h e a r fr om r e a d e r s w h o a r e opt i n g out of pr i n t e d pr od uc t s i n t h e be li e f t h a t t h e y h a r m t h e e n vi r on me n t.Th e pa pe r w e us e i s c e r t i fie d

16、by t h e Sus t a i n a ble For e s t s I n i t i a t i ve,me a n i n g t h a t i t c ome s fr om r e s pon s i bly ma n a ge d for e s t s a n d i s bi od e gr a d a ble a n d r e n e w a ble.Our Commitment to Sustainability168LIFES WORKDaniel Boul ud151MANAGING YOURSELFCoaching for ChangeHow t o he lp e mploye e s r e ac h t he ir pot e nt ialRi char d Boyat zi s,Me l vi n Smi t h,an d El l e n Van Oost e n37HOW I DID ITThe CEO of Canada Goose on Cr eating a Homegr own Luxur y Br andWor ld wid

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