1、中国病案2023 年第 24 卷第 7 期 18别是新入职医师的岗前培训不到位,是出现误填及漏填的主要原因。通过住院病案首页填写培训,不仅要加强医务人员的责任意识,还要使其掌握住院病案首页填写规则。在培训住院病案首页填写规则的同时,还要对国际疾病分类 ICD-10 和手术分类 ICD-9-CM-3 知识进行讲解,使临床医师充分掌握住院病案首页中诊断和手术操作等项目的填写原则。除了开展全院性业务讲座外,还应根据各科室的具体情况进行专科培训,比如对外科、妇产科、ICU 这些手术科室,深入相关科室采用具体病历进行住院病案首页项目的填写,注重讲解手术及操作的选择原则及填写顺序,手术名称应按照部位+术式
2、+目的+器械(手法)+入路等规范描述4;对 ICU 和全科医学科,因为多有转科情况,涉及的合并症或并发症较多,容易出现漏填,注重讲解次要诊断、次要手术及操作的填写规则;对妇产科,产妇的主要诊断选错居多,注重讲解根据填写原则中应以产科的主要并发症或伴随疾病、手术与操作指征作为主要诊断;对内科系统,合并症较多且易忽视操作的填写,所以注重操作和合并症填写规则的讲解,避免漏填,影响医保病种的分组。还要发挥三级质控作用,提高住院病案首页填写的正确率。3.2.2 建立并完善奖惩制度 通过病案科对住院病案首页质控,要求临床科室对不合格住院病案首页进行修改,每月统计返修率与科室绩效考核挂钩,建立奖惩制度,调动
3、医务人员工作积极性,提升对住院病案首页的重视度,达到提高住院病案首页合格率的目的。3.2.3 加强病案电子信息化建设 优化电子信息系统,住院病案首页与电子病历系统的相关信息建立关联,自动提取患者基本信息、诊断、费用等内容。对数据之间进行逻辑性校验,不符合逻辑性的项目采取提醒或限制提交、打印等手段提示医师修改,保障住院病案首页的准确性,既减轻了临床医师的工作负荷5,又能减少住院病案首页的错填率,提升住院病案首页整体质量。在病案管理系统中,运用信息化手段,建立病案索引查询、借阅系统、示踪系统、回收系统等,实现科学化、规范化的管理病案。3.2.4 提升编码专业水平 该院病案管理人员多由医疗、医技、行
4、政等科室转岗而来,多数人员有一定的医学基础,但缺乏病案管理专业知识,不利于病案管理质量从整体化和综合性方面进行全面提高6。因此,要加强病案工作人员的继续教育,通过引进病案高端专业人才或选派人员到其他医院进修、参加相关培训等多种形式,提高疾病编码技能,充分激励编码人员的工作热情7,促使工作人员向病案专业化转型,有助于病案科整体水平的提升,以适应新形势下对医院发展的需求。参考文献 1 岳海淑,董艳青,陈洁.住院病案首页主要诊断质量缺陷案例分析J.中国病案,2019,20(6):11-13.2 陈晖.2400 份病案首页质量缺陷分析及对策J.中国病案,2019,20(11):17-20.3 孙素青.
5、某医院 1360 份住院病案首页缺陷分析与对策J.中国病案,2021,22(8):9-12.4 黄霞婷,住院病案书写缺陷分析与对策J.中国医院统计,2002,9(1):39-40.5 孟瑞,杨瑞.住院病案首页填写质量缺陷调查分析J.中国病案,2019,20(7):15-18.6 黄菊芬.浅谈病案管理工作存在的问题与完善对策J.中国卫生产业,2018,15(24):55-56.7 岳海淑,董艳青,陈洁.住院病案首页主要诊断质量缺陷案例分析J.中国病案,2019,20(6):11-13.(2021-11-17 收稿)福建省某三甲医院住院病案首页手术数据质控效果分析 吴雄伟 林孟波*摘要 目的 通过
6、建立住院病案首页质控体系提高住院病案首页手术相关数据质量,为三级公立医院绩效考核提供规范化、标准化的高质量数据。方法 采用单纯随机抽样的方法,随机抽取未建立住院病案首页质量控制体系前 2020 年 9 月 1 日-10 月 31 日外科手术病案 357 份为对照组,建立住院病案首页质量控制体系后 2021 年 9 月 1 日-10 月 31 日外科手术病案 400 份为为观察组,对比两组主要手术操作和其他手术操作填写及编码正确率,采用卡方检验进行分析,评价质控后效果。结果 观察组主要手术操作填写正确率 99.5%、主要手术操作编码正确率 99%、其他手术操作填写正确率 99.86%、均高于对照
7、组,P0.05表示差异具有统计学意义,其他手术操作编码正确率质控前后对比,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。主要手术操作错误常见问题包括医师层面的主要手术选择错误、手术部位书写不明确、漏填手术操作,编码员层面的错编和编码过于简单;其他手术操作常见问题医师层面包括漏填、错填,编码员层面错编、多编。结论 建立质控体系后手术操相关数据质量得到提升,但是仍需要完善质控措施,进一步提高手术填写完整度和编码准确率。1 关键词 公立医院绩效考核;住院病案首页;手术数据;质量控制 Analysis on the Quality Control Effect of Surgery Data on the Fron
8、t Page Analysis on the Quality Control Effect of Surgery Data on the Front Page of Inpatient Medical Records in a Tertiary of Inpatient Medical Records in a Tertiary Hospital in Fujian Province Hospital in Fujian Province Wu Xiongwei,Lin Mengbo Abstract Abstract Objectives Objectives This study aims
9、 to provide standardized and standardized high-quality data for performance appraisal of tertiary public hospitals through improving the quality of surgery-related data on the front 福建省立医院病案室,福建省,福州市,350001 福建省病案质控中心,福建省,福州市,350001*通信作者 中国病案2023 年第 24 卷第 7 期 19page of inpatient medical records by es
10、tablishing a quality control system for the front page of inpatient medical records.MethodsMethods A simple random sampling method was used to randomly select 357 surgical medical records before the establishment of the quality control system on the front page of inpatient medical records from Septe
11、mber 1st to October 31st,2020 as the control group.400 surgical medical records after the establishment of the quality control system from September 1st to October 31st,2021 were selected into the observation group.The correct rates of filling and coding of the main surgical operations and other sur
12、gical operations in the two groups were compared.Chi-square test was used to analyze and evaluate the effect after quality control.ResultsResults In the observation group,the correct rate of filling in the main surgical operation was 99.5%,the correct rate of the coding of the main surgical operatio
13、n was 99%,and the correct rate of filling in other surgical operations was 99.86%,all of which were higher than those of the control group.P0.05 indicated that the difference was statistically significant.There was no significant difference in the coding accuracy of other surgical operations before
14、and after quality control(P0.05).Common problems of major surgical operation errors included incorrect selection of major surgical procedures at the physician level,unclear surgical site writing,missing surgical operations,wrong coding at the coder level,and oversimplified coding.Other common proble
15、ms in surgical operations include omissions and wrong fillings at the physician level,and wrong and multiple compilations at the coder level.Conclusions Conclusions After the establishment of the quality control system,the quality of data related to surgical operations has been improved,but quality
16、control measures still need to be improved to further improve the completeness of surgical procedures and the accuracy of coding.KeywordsKeywords Performance appraisal of public hospitals;Front page of inpatient medical records;Surgical data;Quality control First First authors addressauthors address Fujian Provincial Medical Record Quality Control Center,Fuzhou 350001,Fujian Province,China Corresponding authorCorresponding author Lin Mengbo 住院病案首页是病案信息的综合反映,是医疗管理、医院统计、绩效考核和临床医学研究的重要资料来源1。2019 年国