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1、学海无涯关于戒烟的英语作文篇一:关于吸烟的英语作文Why are so many people like smoking What are the advantages and disadvantages of smoking And how to give up smokingFirst of all, I will tell you some reasons of smoking. On one hand, it is not surprise that many adults like smoking. I think they may feel annoyed with many th

2、ings of their work, family or other things. Besides, some people may do not like smoking, but they have to smoke on some occasion. On the other hand, some teenagers had begun to smoke when they are at school. They may also feel upset about many things. But I think most of them just feel curious abou

3、t it.Then, I will say something bad or good about smoking. As you known, it is bad for our body, just like our lung and our respiratory passage. When you smoke more and more, the function of your lung and your respiratory passage will not work effectively as usual.On the contrary, some people are to

4、 raise that some advantages also exist when they smoked. For example, smoking will adjust their mood when they are unhappy. When they are smoking,inspiration will come up in their mind suddenly. Also, when they are embarrassed in some occasion, smoking will make them feel relaxed more or less.Last b

5、ut not least, even though there are some advantages, we shall call for giving up smoking. But how can make it Here I will give you some tips. Firstly, try to reduce the number of times gradually. Secondly, get rid of the habbit of smoking after supper, and instead with some fruits or drinks. Thirdly

6、, remind yourself often, do not make yourself have many “the last one, or you will fail to do it.Give up smoking for your family member and others health. And believe yourself, then you will overcome difficulties.篇二:英文版戒烟建议书just stopping smokingher face is prematurely wrinkled, though she is only 22

7、 years old, and her bodyis covered with tough, shriveled skin which usually emerges from the old. it seemsthat she has difficulty breathing and climbing a flight of stairs without coughingand gasping for air.full-tasting smell is lingering in the house. inside her living room, countlesscigarettes ar

8、e on the floor showing how frequently the woman smokes. with her stainedteeth, her clothes and hair reek of cigarette smoke, which forms a natural gap betweenher and other people.the foregoing description can be a reality for most smokers as smoking poses asevere threat to lung and heart. it is univ

9、ersally acknowledged that cigarettes canbe detrimental to those addicts, as well as second-smokers and have been the leadingcause of death throughout the world. for one thing, puffing on cigarettes hindersthem for health, which is clearly demonstrated in their throat irritation, dizziness,nausea and

10、 continuous cough. more severely, it is smoking that “pave the way formiscarriage, cancer and sudden infant death syndrome.for another, smoking can dwarf those of outstanding conspicuously, it boils down to one point: hazards of smoking. therefore, to stopsmoking is just around the corner which shou

11、ld start a nationwide campaign to fightagainst it. for those smoking addicts, they should take pains to quit smoking stepby step and aspire to say “no to tobacco. as for these nonsmokers, never shouldthey be sympathy with smoking. meanwhile, its time to be a responsible monitorrestraining smokers fr

12、om frequent smoking. tunnel.both smokers and nonsmokers should shoulder the responsibility of quittingsmoking. a nationwide effort to reduce tobacco ought to be taken urgently.篇二:戒烟建议书亲爱的同事们:“吸烟有害健康是全人类的共识。科学家们通过深化研究觉察,长期吸烟者的肺癌发病率比不吸烟者高20倍,喉癌发病率高10倍,气管炎发病率高8倍。被动吸烟的危害更大,每天平均1小时的被动吸烟就足以破坏动脉血管。为了提高行政机关

13、文明程度,保障我们的身体健康,养成良好的生活卫生适应,最大限度地减少吸烟造成的危害,分局向全局干部职工发出戒烟建议:1.积极响应两办关于领导干部带头在公共场所禁烟有关事项的通知的号召,宣传公共场所禁烟的规定,宣传吸烟有害健康的卫生常识,子女及亲朋好友不吸烟,为子女及四周的人做戒烟表率。2.不在社会公共场所抽烟,在工作及各类公务活动和社会活动中不吸烟,不敬烟,不接受敬烟。3. 不在办公室及办公楼吸烟,树立良好的形象,保持文明、干净、优美的工作环境。4. 加强体育锻炼,培养健康的身体和健全的人格,提高本身素养。 同事们,让我们一起携手来抵抗烟草,远离吸烟,构成良好的工作生活风气,共同建立我们整洁、

14、文明的绿色和谐社会。 戒烟小妙招1.下定决心,选择一个最适宜的日子戒烟。2.劝导朋友和你一起戒烟,共同面对挑战,互相扶持。3.不要让烟卷,烟灰缸,火柴,打火机在四周出现。4.起初会特别难抵抗引诱,应防止到容易令你想起吸烟的场所。5.告诉别人你已戒烟,不要给你发烟,也不要在你面前吸烟。6.每天至少喝8杯开水,以协助你排出体内的尼古丁。7.戒烟可节约金钱,就用这些钱来买点东西奖励本人。篇三:戒烟建议 戒烟建议一、直截了当戒断法吸烟者选择确定从某一天起完全停顿吸烟。研究说明这种方法戒断的成功率最高,是戒烟的首选方法。二、逐步减量法减少每日吸烟量,直至吸烟者完全戒烟。在减量的最后一天(建议第7天)直截

15、了当戒断,做到完全停顿吸烟。三、延迟法建议吸烟者每天延迟开场吸烟的时间直至完全停顿吸烟。例如,吸烟者能够推延每天的第一支烟2小时:戒烟第一天9点吸第一支烟,第二天1 1点吸第一支烟,依次延迟。使用这种方法,吸烟者必须选择一天完全停顿吸烟(建议第7天)。四、控烟用品及戒烟药物介绍(请遵照戒烟门诊专业医师意见)。1、尼古丁替代疗法与行为疗法合用,使用尼古丁替代品,包括:尼吉丁贴片、尼古丁口香糖、尼古丁舌下含片、尼古丁喷鼻剂、尼古丁吸入剂等。每种尼古丁替代疗法的剂量逐步减少直到不需要为止。尼古丁替代治疗是有效的戒除烟瘾的治疗手段之一,可减轻戒断病症,降低复吸率,提高戒烟成功率。2、安非他酮安非他酮缓


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