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2、,促进相关研究和信息的分享。合作伙伴包括国家核心智库、行业协会、科研院所等。自然资源保护协会(NRDC)是一家国际公益环保组织。NRDC拥有500多名员工,以科学、法律、政策方面的专家为主力;以及约300万会员及支持者。自1970年成立以来,NRDC一直在为保护自然资源、生态环境及公众健康而进行不懈努力。NRDC在美国、中国、印度、加拿大、墨西哥、智利、哥斯达黎加、欧盟等国家及地区开展工作,并在中国的北京、美国的纽约、华盛顿、芝加哥、洛杉矶、旧金山以及蒙大拿州的波兹曼等地有常设办公室。请登录网站了解更多详情http:/ 提高可再生能源消纳执行报告中国散煤综合治理调研报告2017钢铁行业煤炭消费


4、量控制下的金融政策研究煤炭消费减量化对公众健康的影响和可避免成本煤炭消费总量控制的就业影响煤炭消费总量控制的财税政策研究水泥行业煤炭消费总量控制方案及政策研究电力行业煤炭消费总量控制方案和政策研究中国能源统计系统改革的几点建议2012煤炭的真实成本中国2012年能流图和煤流图编制及能源系统效率研究煤炭使用对中国大气污染的贡献更多报告请访问中国煤控研究项目网站:http:/ 年 4 月4“一带一路”绿色发展研究项目目录摘要 61.东盟十国国家概况 141.1 东盟十国自然地理与社会经济概况1.2 东盟十国能源资源概况1.3 东盟十国能源消费概况2.东盟十国可再生能源发展条件 212.1 东盟十国

5、可再生能源发展市场和环境2.2 东盟十国可再生能源发展具体政策2.3 东盟十国可再生能源开发成本2.4 东盟十国可再生能源开发潜力2.5 东盟十国可再生开发制约因素2.6 气候变化和环境对可再生能源发展的影响3.可再生能源发展政策国际先进经验 323.1 可再生能源先进国家的政策发展经验3.2 国际可再生能源政策对东盟国家启示4.东盟国家可再生能源发展支持政策的选择与创新 355东盟国家可再生能源发展规划及重点案例国研究4.1 东盟国家可再生能源发展的政策选择4.2 东盟国家可再生能源发展的政策创新5.中国企业的机遇与挑战 405.1 可再生能源“走出去”壁垒5.2 可再生能源“走出去”融资问

6、题5.3“一带一路”倡议下的新机遇5.4 中国-东盟合作规划6.东盟重点案例国分析-越南 446.1 越南国家概况6.2 可再生能源发展存在问题与政策建议6.3 中越可再生能源合作规划研究6.4 中国投资合作指导意见7.东盟重点案例国分析-印尼 557.1 印尼国家概况7.2 可再生能源发展存在问题与政策建议7.3 中印尼可再生能源合作规划研究7.4 中国投资合作指导意见参考文献 666“一带一路”绿色发展研究项目摘要东盟是全球经济发展最活跃的区域之一,也是能源需求最旺盛的区域之一。在过去的 17 年里,东盟十国能源需求增长了 73%。据预测,未来 25 年仍将保持年均 2%的以上增长速度,高

7、于 1%的全球平均水平。目前,化石能源仍然是东盟国家最主要的来源,化石能源消费在能源需求中的占比仍超过 70%。在全球应对气候变化背景下,东盟国家面临能源转型的迫切需求。为此,东盟各国纷纷制定了清洁能源发展目标,并推出一系列发展清洁能源的支持政策,以快速增加清洁能源特别是可再生能源的消费比重。为了深入了解东盟国家可再生能源发展趋势与规划目标,自然资源保护协会委托水电水利规划设计总院开展东盟国家可再生能源发展规划及重点案例国研究课题研究,旨在为东盟国家可再生能源持续健康发展建言献策。这项研究报告在分析东盟国家能源资源概况的基础上,从市场环境、现有政策、开发潜力、开发成本、制约因素及气候变化等角度

8、系统分析了东盟国家可再生能源发展的潜力,归纳总结了可再生能源发展的国际经验,分析提炼了促进东盟国家可再生能源发展的政策选择,重点阐述了东盟重点案例国可再生能源发展的主要方向,简要提出了促进东盟可再生能源发展的建议。报告的主要要点如下:现状以化石能源为主,但可再生能源资源丰富,终端能源消费中电力消费占比逐年增加。东盟各国生物质能、地热能、水能资源最为丰富,风能、太阳能和潮汐能具有较大潜力。印尼可再生能源资源种类和资源量最为丰富,水能、地热、生物质能资源量均位列东盟第一。缅甸、越南、老挝水能资源较为丰富,理论蕴藏量在 230,000 GWh/年以上。风资源主要集中在越南、老挝、泰国及部分沿海地区,

9、其中越南风资源最为丰富。由于东盟国家特殊的地理位置,太阳能资源十分丰富,大部分国家和地区年太阳能总辐射量大于 1750 kWh/m2。目前东盟能源消费中化石能源占比 74%,可再生能源消费仅占6%,但优越的可再生能源资源为东盟国家发展可再生能源、推进能源转型奠定了基础。终端能源消费中,电力消费占比从 2000 年的 10%增加到 2016 年的 16%,其中新加坡、越南、文莱、菲律宾的电力消费占比超过 20%,高于世界平均水平。柬埔寨、印尼、缅甸电力消费占比相对较低,但每年能够保持稳定的上涨,东盟国家在电力可及问题方面持续改善。7东盟国家可再生能源发展规划及重点案例国研究可再生能源目标的制定和

10、配套支持政策的出台,为可再生能源的发展提供了积极的政策环境。在2016-2025 年东盟合作行动计划第一阶段:2016-2020 年中,东盟设定了到 2025 年在一次能源结构中可再生能源占比达到 23%的总体区域目标,各成员国也据此设定了国家目标,其中老挝(59%)、菲律宾(41%)、印尼(26%)、柬埔寨(35%)、缅甸(29%)和泰国(24%)的发展目标均高于东盟总体目标。同时,东盟各成员国纷纷制定了可再生能源激励政策,包括上网电价、优惠贷款、资本补贴、税收优惠等。战略先行、目标引导,同时制定相应的可再生能源支持政策,将成为推动东盟国家可再生能源发展的重要因素。电力需求持续增长,可再生能

11、源开发程度普遍较低,加之全球新能源开发成本下降的趋势,可再生能源将成为满足电力需求的新动力,在未来有很大的发展潜力。根据经济年均增长率 5.3%的经济增速中方案预测,到 2020 年东盟电力需求将达到 10039 亿kWh,电力需求年增长率为 4.6%。从可再生能源开发潜力来看,资源潜力方面,水电开发程度除越南和菲律宾以外普遍低于 25%,风电和太阳能开发程度普遍低于 5%,潮汐能和地热能普遍尚未规模化开发利用。技术潜力方面,2015 年东南亚煤电平准化度电成本(LCOE)根据超低排放技术的不同大概在 5560 美元/MWh;同期水电 LCOE与煤电最为接近,约为 85 美元/MWh,生物质、

12、陆上风电和光伏 LCOE 成本大约为煤电的 24 倍。虽然目前煤电具备较大的价格优势,但从未来发展趋势来看,到 2035 年煤电价格变化都不会太大,而且随着煤炭资源进一步开发及碳排放纳入成本,煤电成本未来可能有增长趋势;而全球风电、太阳能在过去的 15 年间成本分别下降了 65%和85%,而且未来有进一步降低成本的空间。因而,东盟国家可再生能源即有较好的资源禀赋,又有技术进步和成本下降空间,未来可再生能源将有很大发展潜力。东盟国家气候变化和环境方面的目标和要求是可再生能源发展的潜在动力。部分东盟国家空气污染较为严重,东盟区域受气候变化带来的极端气候灾害影响较大,改善空气质量、减少自然灾害的影响

13、倒逼东盟国家积极能源转型。另外,东盟十国均提交了国家自主决定贡献方案,制定了本国的减排计划和规划。为了完成能源转型和减排目标,发展可再生能源是必然选择。技术约束、融资困难、经济风险、自然灾害风险等因素是东盟地区可再生能源开发面临的主要障碍。东盟成员国为了实现制定的可再生能源发展目标,20162040 年间能源行业投资需求预计达到 2.36 万亿美元,目前的经济发展水平难以满足可再生能源行业的发展需要。新能源不稳定性对电网及调峰要求高,东盟在可再生能源技术创新、人才培养和管理经验等方面均存在一定不足。加之可再生能源投资和开发面临的法律政策、经济、自然灾害等方面的风险,东盟国家可再生能源开发仍然面



16、购补贴政策体系为核心,尝试实行多种补充、附属政策,完善强制收购补贴体系,包括强制目标制度、优先上网和收购权、上网电价政策、税收优惠、投资便利及鼓励国际合作,并根据发展情况适时调整政策。马来西亚、菲律宾和越南可再生能源(主要是水电)发展较早,属可再生能源积极发展国家。需从创新角度制定可再生能源发展政策,以提高效率、降低成本、增强市场竞争力,适时推行可再生能源平价上网,以招标方式确定可再生能源的上网电价。越南可再生能源潜力巨大,可在电源建设、技术合作、互联互通等方面加强合作,将风电作为重点投资方向。2016 年越南政府制定了未来的能源结构发展目标,到 2020年、2025 年和 2030 年,可再

17、生能源占电力装机总量分别达到 11%、13%和 21%,并在上网电价、税收优惠、宏观调控等方面均出台了可再生能源激励政策。能源电力需求和电源结构转型是越南电力合作的主要驱动力,同时配套加强与之相关的电源优化配置、大规模电力传输、大规模新能源并网等电力技术合作研究,使得电网的发展能支撑电源建设的需要。越南是东盟地区风资源最为丰富的地区,拥有 3000 km 长的海岸线,陆上和海上风电均具有较大开发潜力,可将风电作为重点投资方向。从越南风电产业链布局切入,通过布局越南风电全产业链的规划和发展,在提高风电装机、降低风电成本的同时,创造更多风电产业链上下游在越发展的机会。印尼岛屿众多,各类可再生能源资

18、源禀赋均较好,可在基础研究、能源可及、电源建设等方面加强合作,将海岛多能互补作为重点投资方向。印尼政府致力于在 2025 年和2050 年可再生能源在一次能源结构中占比分别达到 23%和 31%,结合印尼的可再生能源资源禀赋,国家电力公司计划开发利用多种类型可再生能源,包括地热能、水能、风能、分布式太阳能、生物质能等。目前印尼能源消费市场与资源禀赋不匹配,未统一的电网系统阻碍了大规模电力输送,同时面临解决 2300 万无电人口的电力可及问题。应因地制宜开发海岛多能互补合作项目,将能源开发与岛屿综合规划相结合,首先对岛屿进行功能规划,其次根据岛屿的功能定位布局岛屿的基础设施系统,最后配置相应的能

19、源系统。可根据自然条件合理地配置传统能源(如煤电)、可再生能源(如太阳能、风能、地热能、生物质能等)、储能系统等多能互补微网系统,通过岛屿综合开发带动多能互补产业发展。9东盟国家可再生能源发展规划及重点案例国研究Executive SummaryASEAN is one of the worlds most active economic regions,and is one of the worlds regions with the strongest energy demand.In the past 17 years,energy demand in ASEAN countries h

20、as increased by 73%.The ASEAN regions annual energy demand growth rate is forecast to exceed 2%in the next 25 years,higher than the global average of 1%.At present,fossil fuels are still the most important source of energy in ASEAN countries,accounting for over 70%of their energy demand.Now,in the c

21、ontext of a global response to climate change,ASEAN countries are facing an urgent need to transform their energy sectors.To this end,ASEAN countries have set clean energy development goals and have launched a series of supporting policies to develop clean energy and increase the proportion of clean

22、 energy,especially renewables,in the energy mix.In order to gain a deeper understanding of renewable development trends and planning goals in ASEAN countries,the Natural Resources Defense Council(NRDC)commissioned the China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute to carry out this study on“Renewable

23、Energy Development and Planning in ASEAN Countries”,which aims to provide suggestions for sustainable and healthy development of renewable energy in the ASEAN region.Based on an analysis of energy resources in ASEAN countries,this research systematically analyzes the potential for renewable energy d

24、evelopment in ASEAN countries from the perspectives of market environment,existing policies,development potential,development costs,and climate change and environmental constraints.It summarizes international experience in renewable energy development,analyzes and refines policy choices for promotin

25、g renewable energy development in ASEAN countries,highlights possibilities for renewable energy development in key ASEAN case study countries,and includes a brief proposal for promoting renewable energy development.The reports main points are as follows:While the region currently relies on fossil fu

26、els,renewable energy resources are abundant,and their proportion in final energy consumption is increasing every year.ASEAN countries have significant biomass,geothermal,and hydropower resources,and there is great potential for wind,solar,and tidal energy.Indonesias natural resources 10“一带一路”绿色发展研究项

27、目are the most abundant,ranking first in ASEAN countries in terms of hydropower,geothermal,and biomass energy.Wind resources are mainly concentrated in Vietnam,Laos,Thailand,and some coastal areas,with Vietnam having the most abundant wind potential.Due to ASEANs geography,solar resources are also am

28、ple,with annual solar radiation in most countries reaching over 1750 kWh/m2.At present,fossil fuels account for 74%of ASEAN energy consumption,while renewable energy only accounts for 6%.However,there is an existing foundation for ASEAN countries to develop renewable energy and support an energy sec

29、tor transformation.The share of electricity in final energy consumption has increased from 10%in 2000 to 16%in 2016.The share of electricity in final energy consumption in countries like Singapore,Vietnam,Brunei,and the Philippines is more than 20%,well over the global average.Power consumption in C

30、ambodia,Indonesia,and Myanmar is relatively low,but it is rising steadily every year,and ASEAN countries overall continue to improve on access to electricity.The formulation of renewable energy targets and the introduction of supporting policies have created a positive policy environment for develop

31、ing renewable energy.In the“2016-2025 ASEAN Cooperative Action Plan Phase I:2016-2020”,ASEAN set an overall regional target of 23%renewable energy in total primary energy consumption by 2025.Member states have also set national targets accordingly,including Laos(59%),the Philippines(41%),Indonesia(2

32、6%),Cambodia(35%),Myanmar(29%),and Thailand(24%),all higher than the overall ASEAN target.At the same time,ASEAN member states have formulated renewable energy incentive policies,including feed-in tariffs,preferential loans,capital subsidies,and tax incentives.Strategic advancement,goal guidance,and

33、 the development of corresponding renewable energy support policies will all be important factors in promoting renewable energy development in ASEAN countries.Given continuous growth in power demand,current low levels of renewable energy development,and a global trend towards new energy development

34、cost reductions,renewable energy will be a new driver to meet rising demand,with great potential for future development.Based on an average economic growth rate of 5.3%per year,ASEAN power demand will reach 1003.9 billion kWh by 2020,with an average annual growth rate of 4.6%.In terms of current res

35、ource utilization,wind power and solar power development is at less than 5%of its total development potential in ASEAN countries,and tidal and geothermal power have not been developed and utilized on a large scale.In terms of technical potential,the Levelized Cost of Electricity(LCOE)in Southeast As

36、ia for coal power plants was about$55-60/MWh in 2015,based on ultra-low emissions technology.Hydropowers LCOE is the closest to coal power,at about$85/11东盟国家可再生能源发展规划及重点案例国研究MWh,while biomass,onshore wind,and solar LCOE are still about 2-4 times the cost of coal.Although currently coal prices are at

37、 an advantage,future coal power prices will not change much by 2035.If additional development of coal resources and carbon emissions are factored into total costs then the cost of coal will likely increase in the future.On the other hand,global wind and solar costs have fallen by 65%and 85%respectiv

38、ely in the past 15 years,and there is room for further reductions.Therefore,ASEAN countries not only have great renewable resource endowments,but also much room for technological progress and future cost reductions in renewable energy.The targets and requirements imposed by climate change and enviro

39、nmental constraints in ASEAN countries are potential drivers for renewable energy development.For example,some ASEAN countries suffer from serious air pollution.The ASEAN region is also greatly impacted by extreme natural disasters caused by climate change.The impetus to improve air quality and redu

40、ce the impacts of natural disasters has forced ASEAN countries to begin transforming their energy structures.In addition,all 10 ASEAN countries have submitted their Nationally Determined Contributions(NDCs)to the Paris Agreement,and have formulated their own emission reduction plans.Developing renew

41、able energy is a necessary choice if ASEAN countries hope to achieve their energy transformation and emission reduction targets.Factors including technical constraints,financing difficulties,economic risks,and natural disaster risks are major obstacles for renewable energy development in the ASEAN r

42、egion.In order to achieve the renewable energy development goals set by ASEAN member states,investment demand is expected to reach$2.36 trillion between 2016 and 2040.Current levels of economic development make it difficult to meet these requirements.The variability of renewable energy also imposes

43、higher requirements on power grids and peak load regulation.ASEAN countries also have some deficiencies in renewable energy technology innovation,talent training,and management experience.ASEAN countries face many other obstacles to renewable energy development including legal,policy and economic ba

44、rriers,and natural disaster risks.Given advanced international experience in renewable energy development,ASEAN countries are recommended to strengthen their comprehensive use of existing political,economic,legal,and market mechanisms to promote development of renewable energy.First,countries should

45、 develop national renewable energy development strategies and establish practical renewable energy development goals.Secondly,based on those goals,complimentary policies,such as renewable portfolio standards(RPS),should be introduced.And ASEAN countries should use publicity measures to improve socia

46、l awareness of renewable energy development.Thirdly,subsidies for renewable energy should be reasonable and the burden on end-users should not be increased.Supporting policies should also be regularly adjusted to the development 12“一带一路”绿色发展研究项目level of the renewable energy industry.Lastly,while foc

47、using on the development of renewable energy,governments should not neglect upgrades in energy efficiency and technology,and should pay close attention to development of the entire industrial chain.Policies supporting renewable energy should be formulated and adjusted according to each countrys uniq

48、ue stage of renewable development.Singapore,Brunei,Cambodia,Laos and Myanmar have average development of renewable energy.Laos,Cambodia,and Myanmar have less developed economies,with low urbanization rates and power shortages.In these countries,energy development should focus on opening up investmen

49、t in the power sector and on solving power shortages,improving access to power through distributed photovoltaic systems,and on establishing an electricity market through power market reform.Singapore and Brunei have very high levels of economic development,but relatively small land areas.Aside from

50、solar,renewable energy resources are scarce.Photovoltaics should thus be cultivated as a key industry for renewable development.Attention should be paid to photovoltaic technology innovation and fostering the industrial chain,tailoring the distributed photovoltaic systems to local conditions,promoti

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