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本文(淮安专版2023学年中考英语复习方案第二篇语法专题突破语法专题08动词和动词短语试题.docx)为本站会员(la****1)主动上传,蜗牛文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知蜗牛文库(发送邮件至admin@wnwk.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、语法专题训练(八)动词和动词短语|实义动词、情态动词和系动词|1.2023滨州Tom, the umbrella with you. Look at the dark sky, its going to rain.Thank you, Dad.A.take B.wearC.use D.make2.2023本溪Frank is an honest boy and he never tells a lie. We all him.A.missB.mindC.doubtD.trust3.2023日照Are you feeling any better now?No. I have taken som

2、e medicine, but it just doesnt .A.useB.careC.helpD.fit4.Jack, the Maldives(马尔代夫) may because of the rising sea levels.God! We must do something to stop that happening.A.riseB.moveC.growD.disappear5.2023天津We should making a noise in the library.A.avoid B.preferC.practise D.enjoy6.2023呼和浩特Jack, lets h

3、ave a picnic after school.Sorry. I have Frank to work on the biology report with him.A.advisedB.expectedC.suggestedD.promised7.2023河南You cant change who you are by reading a book or change the way you act by watching a video. What is what you do, not what you know.A.includesB.decidesC.meansD.matters

4、8.2023新疆Mum likes soap operas. Lets buy a TV for her.A.becomingB.watchingC.lookingD.smelling9.2023盐城Size and type do not matteryou do almost anything if you never give up.A.shouldB.mustC.needD.can10.2023泰州This task is really beyond me.Well, if you solve it, you wont get paid.A.cantB.needntC.mustntD.

5、shouldnt11.2023无锡With this new lock, you search for keys in your bag any more. Isnt it cool?A.needntB.cantC.mustntD.shouldnt12.2023北京Lily, you finish the letter in ten minutes?Yes, I can.A.mustB.shouldC.needD.can13.2023河池Is that red schoolbag Marys?It be hers. She hates that colour.A.mayB.mustC.cant

6、D.might14.2023宜昌A little bird entered through the open window to join us for dinner last night.Wow, the unexpected guest welcomed.A.will beB.must beC.wont beD.mustnt be15.2023毕节 I take the magazine out of the reading room?Im sorry you .A.Could; couldntB.Must; couldntC.Will; cant D.May; cant16.2023新疆

7、David, you please sweep the floor and take out the trash?A.couldB.mayC.mightD.must17.2023天津You walk on the wet hill path because you fall and hurt yourself.A.must; might not B.mustnt; mightC.neednt; needD.must; must18.Recently people in China take much money on shopping because they often use Alipay

8、(支付宝).A.needntB.mustntC.shouldntD.cant19.You look so weak! I think you go to see a doctor at once.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.may20.What does Justin Biebers song Never Say Never impress you most?It tells us that we do almost anything if we never give up.A.canB.have toC.shouldD.need21.In some countries,

9、people download(下载) music from the Internet without paying, because its against the law.A.wouldntB.needntC.mustntD.couldnt22.What do you think of the shirt on sale?It nice, but it doesnt feel so soft.A.soundsB.looksC.tastesD.smells23.The chicken soup delicious. I cant wait to have a taste.A.tastesB.

10、feelsC.sounds D.smells 24.What an interesting story she told us!Yes, and her voice sounded .A.sweetB.smallC.clearlyD.sadly25.The cheese doesnt good. Why dont we go to buy some fresh cheese?Sounds great!A.seeB.findC.soundD.taste26.Must I return the book now?Im afraid you according to the library rule

11、s. But you can renew it.A.needB.canC.have toD.may27.The magazine be Lucys, but Im not sure, because Peter has a similar one.A.shouldB.mayC.mustD.need 28. I make a phone call here, Mr Chen?No, you , but you make a phone call in the lounge(休息室).A.Must; may not; have toB.May; mustnt; canC.Should; cant;

12、 mayD.Must; neednt; have to|动词短语|1.2023河北On the first day of Chinese New Year, we new clothes and visit people.A.pick upB.put onC.take offD.throw away 2.2023咸宁Jimmy, the books are everywhere in your study.Sorry, Mum. Ill at once.A.put them onB.put them awayC.put them outD.put them up3.2023广西北部湾John, please your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.A.take awayB.take upC.take offD.take out4.2023泰州A forest fire at the end of March in Liangshan, Sichuan Province. Firemen rushed into the mountains but 27 of them never came back.A.turned outB.carried outC.put outD.broke out5.2023

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