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1、2011年英语专业四级考试真题答案与详解PART I DICTATIONQ听写指导由文章标题可推知,这是一篇关于英国人度假习惯的短文。听第一遍录音时要针对文章大意去听,知道这篇文章的结构与难点所在,在之后听第二、三遍时要注意这些难点。听完第一遍录音,可知文章的结构大致是:英国人出国度假的原因、发展、改变以及现状。听第二、三遍录音时要写出完整的句子,标记漏听部分,以便听最后一遍录音时补齐。第四遍录音恢复常速,这时要对全文的拼写、语法、标点等易错细节进行检查。听写难点文中出现的难词主要有affordable,wealthier,.Spain,Greece等。此外,标题中的holidaying ha

2、bits“度假习惯”容易误写为holiday in habits或holiday habits。.第二句中要注意形容词wealthy的比较级wealthier;:另外还要注意on average是固定搭配,意为“平均;通常”,考生容易误听为on an average。第四句中的begin在现在完成时中要用过去分词形式begun,注意不要写成began。.大牙方中听力原文。British Holidaying HabitsIn the late 1970s,air travel became affordable/for the average family in the UK,and more

3、 peoplestarted traveling abroad for their summer holidays.In the 190s and 1990s,young people in the UK becamewealthier on average.As a result,they started to go abroad in groupsto places such as Spain and Greece.British holidaying habits have begun to change,however.Because going abroad is more expe

4、nsive,moreBritish people are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the UK.hooy As9qPART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION ATALKHow to Speak Good English1.confidence详解细节题。根据句(1)可知,交流困难缘于学习者缺Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.Having authentic乏信心和正确的方法,故答案为and polished oral English is every leamers

5、 dream.However,(1)many of my students spent a lot of years,money and effortsconfidence.详解细节on speaking this language well but failed to be able to2.stops/discontinues题。根据句(2)可知,由于许多英语communicate and speak out,the reason for which might be学习者没有勇气开始一个话题,因mainly the lack of confidence and right methods

6、.(2)Many此面临着尴尬的沉默,从而造成谈English learners have no courage to start a topic and face an话中止。原文用的是comes to anawkward silence after the initial greeting was given,thus theend,字数超过三个,所以答案改为conversation comes to an end.Here I would like to give you some advice on how to speakstops或discontinues。2011/113.givi

7、ng speeches详解细节题。good English.There are 3-D methods(Dialogue,Discussion and根据句(3)可知,说一口流利的英语Debate)to improve your eloquence.并不只是在有准备的情况下进行陈First of all,its.important to be involved in dialogues.I述或者发表演讲,还包括针对最平notice that many students do well in speaking when conducting a常的事情发表自己的看法和见解,prepared sp

8、eech or presentation in class.(3)But speaking故答案为giving speeches。English fluently is not just about making presentations and giving4.current affairs详解细节题。speeches.It is about expressing your ideas and insight on the根据句(4)可知,随意的交谈可以涉most mundane of things around you.及天气、教育、音乐、时事、爱好、旅The ability to ma

9、ke dialogues is very important in social游等话题,故答案为current affairs。.communication.(4)Topics for casual conversation could5.lower than yours详解细节include the weather,education,music,current affairs,hobbies,题。根据句(5)可知,应该与英语水travel,etc.Do not always ask foreigners what is your name平和自己相近或比自己高的人交and how is

10、your jobwhen you want to find one to practice your谈,这样才能检查自己的表达是否English with.Before going to English Corner,please read up on准确、流利,换言之,不能与水平比your area of interest and try framing sentences to express your自己低的人交谈,故答案为loweropinions.(5)Talk about it with someone close to you orthan yours。someone whose

11、 English level is higher than yours,so you can6.eloquence详解概括题。根据check for your language accuracy and fluency.句(6)可知,语言能力和学习成绩固Secondly,discussion and debate play a key role.(6)I always然重要,但最重要的是在人际交往enlighten my students that your language ability and academic中表现出来的能言善辩,故答案为achievements are very im

12、portant and imperative,but the mosteloquence。important of all is your eloquence to communicate in the personal7.Taking down notes详解细节relationships.Elite may not have eloquence,but an eloquent题。根据句(7)可知,虽然很多学生person must be an elite.平时听老师讲课时都有记笔记的习Of course,other methods may work,too.Many students do

13、惯,但对于练习口语来说,记笔记并want to improve their English by all means.(7)Its self-evident非正确的方式,故答案为Takingthat all of us like taking down notes when we are listening to thedown notes,注意要用动名词形式,lectures given by teachers at school.But its not a correct way to且首字母大写。speak good language.(8)Unless you use the lang

14、uage every8.friends色详解细节题。根据句day,you will never know how good you are at it.Ask your(8)可知,应该每天都使用英语,而friends who are good at English for help.Try to speak it as much且要寻求朋友的帮助,故答案为as possible,and let them interrupt you whenever you makefriends。mistakes and ask them to correct you.(9)Do not feel9.Maki

15、ng mistakes详解细节embarrassed to make mistakes,for that is the only way you will题。根据句(9)可知,不要觉得犯错learn.Enjoy losing face and enjoy making mistakes because that丢人,因为犯错是学习的唯一途径,is the way how the process of acquiring fluency in a language故答案为Making mistakes,注意要:occurs.用动名词形式,且首字母大写。Then,there are attitud

16、es that count most.(10)If you do10.passionate色详解细节题。根want to learn something well,you are supposed to have据句(10)可知,要想学好语言,拥confidence and passion.And that is why I hope all of you can be有自信和对学习的热情很重要,原confident and passionate for what you have done and what you文中用的是名词passion,此处要will be doing.转化为形容词,

17、故答案为Finally,I want to say:try to be confident and passionate inpassionateothe journey of study and life;all you need is a will to learn andthe initiative to begin.2011/12SECTION B CONVERSATIONSConversation One1.Which of the following is NOT theW:We continue now with something to think about as you p

18、lanadvantage of hotels?your summer vacation.Now a growing group of travelers areD详解细节题。根据句finding comfort in a full-fledged home away from home.(11)可知,酒店入住便利,预订快And here with more is Travelzoo editor Gabe Saglie.Good捷,并且提供标准服务,因此你会morning,Gabe.知道你将获得什么样的服务,故排M:Good to see you.除A、B和C;再根据句W:I would lo

19、ve to go away and rent a house.A lot more people(1-2)可知,假期出租房可提供比are doing it,so is this a trend?酒店更多的选择空间,这不是酒店M:Well,I love the great hotel,and hotels are always going to所提供的,故D为答案。be the No.1 choice really for travelers.(1-1)They are2.What is the advantage of vacationconvenient,easy to book and y

20、ou know what you arerentals?getting.But more people are traveling today than everc详解细节题。根据句:before,for a greater variety of reasons than ever before.(2-1)和句(2-2)可知,事实证明,i,:(l2)iSo:vacation rentals offer probably greater options假期出租房不比酒店贵,实际上反.now,depending on the kind of trip that you want to take.而

21、更便宜。同时,假期出租房所能Youre literally renting somebodys home,right?提供的服务水平与酒店是相当的。W:Yes.(2-1 You usually think its going to be more因此C为答案。expensive automatically than a hotel would be,but thats3.Which of the following do youoften not the case.The only concern that I might raise wouldNOT need to do to ensure

22、.yourbe that,with a hotel,if you have any problems,you go andrenting safety?complain to the management.You are going to need thatB详解细节题。根据句same level of service if you have any problems in a rental(3)可知,写一个假期备忘录,查看type situation.前租户的租住评价,在付租金前签M:The answer is yes.I mean,you neednt worry about that,0

23、1一份合同,使用信用卡而非现金及(2-2)because they can provide the same level of service to汇票,在人住时确定合同的具体信you.But you have to do a little bit more homework on your息,这些做法能保证你在人住后得own to guarantee that.After all,you are protecting your到物有所值的服务,故排除A、investment.(3)Do a vacation memo,see the reviews byC和D。因此B为答案。former r

24、enters,and get a contract before you send any4.What is the advantage of choosingmoney.Use a credit card instead of cash,or money order,vacation rentals for couples insteadand make sure you get an array of contract information onceof hotels?you are at the vacation rental.D.色详解概括题。根据句W:What about a co

25、uples romantic getaway?In some cases,you(4)可知,对于夫妻二人的度假来say,that sounds like an ideal.说,假期出租房可以让他们在离家M:Yes.My wife and I have spent a large sum of money on a千里之外的情况下依然保持原有hotel in Hawaii.(4)But if now we are considering a的生活安排,譬如自己做早餐,这vacation rental,we like making our own breakfast in the是酒店无法匹敌的。

26、因此D为morning,almost feeling like we get some of the management答案。we have at home,while traveling thousands of miles away5.Which of the following is NOT thefrom home.2011/139.Which of the following can bereduce stress and decrease anxiety and anger.And so again,the first choice in making us(8-3)combin

27、ations rich in protein and vitamin B6.Soenergetic?(10-3)lean beef and turkey are good choices.Making yourselfA详解细节题。根据a turkey sandwich on the whole-grain bread seems a great idea.句(9-1)和句(92)可知,在所M:OK,our final mood here is energetic.How to be energetic?有可以使人们精力充沛的食品People who we interviewed also s

28、howed their preference to中,液体食物是最重要的,尤其something with sugar,as candy bars or a protein shake.OK,是足量的水,因此A为答案。now I mean we all do it.Sugar,caffeine,you know.10.Which ofthefollowingW:Right.statements is CORRECT?M:Are any of those harmful?C详解细节题。根据W:Well.There are some good ones there.(9-1)The liquid

29、is really句(10-1)可知,鱼没有脂肪,critical.而且富含维生素D,而不是维M:Keeping yourself hydrated.生素A,故排除A;根据句W:(9-2)Theres nothing more important for all of your moods than(10-2)可知,花生及花生酱富to keep yourself drinking plenty of water.But there are other含健康脂肪,故C符合题things,such as eggs and soy.(10-4)The egg,the egg yolk and意;根据

30、句(10-3)可知,瘦牛soy are fast food fat that actually creates channels to allow肉和火鸡肉都因富含蛋白质和nutrition into the brain and poisonous substances out.Its so心维生素B6而成为不错的选1important to have them in your diet every day.And of course,择,故排除B;根据句(104)everyone loves chocolate.But we can also have coffee,tea,a可知,鸡蛋、蛋

31、黄和大豆所含有little bit of caffeine.They are stimulant.的脂类物质可以帮助大脑吸收M:Right!Dr.Susan Kleiner,thank you so much!Good to have you营养,排出毒素,故排除D。here!,hew,1511因此C为答案。W:Thank you!Nice to be here!PART III LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE11.D译文多年的辛苦工作让我的叔叔疲惫不堪,他已不再是十五年前的那个他了。详解定语从句题。本题的先行词为the man,表特指,且先行词在定语从句中作表语,在这种情况下,关系代词

32、只能用that,而不能用who或which,因此D为答案。12.c译下面哪个句子表示“命令”?色详解句意理解题。ABeg your pardon.意为“请再说一遍。”表示请求;BHave a goodtime.意为“祝你玩得愉快。”表示祝愿;CNever do that again!意为“再也不要那样做!”表示命令;DWhat noise you are making!意为“你发出的噪音太大啦!”表示抱怨。因此c为答案。湿“诗13.A译文下列斜体的短语中,哪一个表示“目的”?色详解语法功能题。A意为“她是为了好玩才说的,但是其他人当真了。”本句中for fun表示目的;B意为“尽管那个队非常努力,但还是没能赢得比赛。”本句中for all its effort表51山0n示让步;C意为“琳达在那家公司工作20年了。”本句中for twenty years表示一段时间;D意为“昨天,他动身前往北京。”本句中for Beijing意思是“前往北京”,是“介词+名词”作状语,表示地点,因此A为答案。14.B译文你看完这本书,别忘了还给蒂姆,好吗?“详解反意疑问句题。本句是祈使句,祈使句的反意疑问句用will you“好吗”,因此B为答案。15.D译文在诸如freezing cold、burning hot、.soaking wet这样的短语中,动词的NG形式表示2011/15

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