1、本材料由趴趴雅思郭怀琛Tina独家编撰,授权趴趴雅思使用, 其他任何个人或团体未经允许禁止使用,违者将依法追究法律责任。标绿色的是要交的(2.2之前),其他也要认真完成哦(*)3.26:二、测试题1. 正反正一般适用于什么题型:A 同意类 B 优缺点 C 说明文 D 讨论类2. 艺术、语言、建筑、饮食等都是_的一部分,这方面的落脚点通常有_和_3. 和政府、社会相关的落脚点有_ (能写出来几个写几个)4. _ public funding, we are likely to suffer the loss of some traditional arts, _ will negatively
2、affect cultural diversity. A. With; which B. Without; this C. If; this D. Without; which 5. _ the government does not invest in the art industry, certain art forms are likely to vanish, _ undermining cultural diversity.A. If; so B. When; thus C. If; thereby D. When; so 6. Obviously, education system
3、s are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, _ those associated with sport, art or music. (多选)A. for example B. such as C. included D. including7. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles _ huge houses and cars.A. and B. with C. ha
4、ve D. in 8. Many people find their rewards unfair, _ comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists. A. especially B. especially in C. especially when D. especially for 9. The government is supposed to _ public services and facilities, including the medical system,
5、education systems, and public transports. (多选)A. have access to B. be accessible to C. ensure the accessibility of D. provide access to 10. Art appreciation _ relieve pressure and get refreshed.A. can B. are able to C. help to D. helps to 11. Appreciating art works, such as paintings, sculptures, or
6、 operas, _ those _ tremendous stress in the highly competitive society to relieve pressure and reduce anxiety. (多选)A. allow; who are under B. allow; under C. allows; who are under D. allows; under12. _ fine art projects, individuals are able to relieve stress and reduce anxiety, thus enjoying an _ l
7、evel of life satisfaction. A. Exposed to; increasing B. Exposing to; increasing C. Exposed to; increased D. Exposing to; increased13. It is _ valuable in the modern society _ an increasing number of people lead a fast-paced life and live under enormous pressure. A. particularly; which B. particular;
8、 which C. particularly; in which D. particular; where 14. 以下题目如何审题最合适:Therestorationofoldbuildingsinmajorcitiesintheworldcostsenormousgovernmentexpenditure.Thismoneyshouldbeusedinnewhousingandroaddevelopment.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?A. 虽然有些老建筑要保护,但是有些老建筑应该拆B. 虽然的确要保护老建筑,但是也应该建新楼新路C. 虽然的确应该建新
9、楼新路,但是也应该保护老建筑15. 判断对错:如果题目中问对个人和社会的影响,个人和社会一定要分开写A. 对 B. 错3.27:三、句型练习: 单句练习:尽量换些句型和同义词(也要运用之前的因果逻辑)反证如果不维护,一些老建筑可能会被摧毁。 1. 2. 3. 举例 如果不维护,一些老建筑,例如那些见证了历史的经典建筑,可能会被摧毁,影响文化认同感。(也可以自己加例子)1. 2. 整段练习:可以参考课上示范的单句,自己可以尝试不同的信息组合方式和不同的句型,交自己最满意(结构逻辑、词汇语法等方面)的一个版本政府应该投资艺术文化保护 文化的重要组成部分 影响文化多样性/认同感 艺术形式多样/ 艺术
10、来源于生活、体现生活 如果政府不投资可能会消失3.28四、审题及论证练习(政府职业)1.翻译题目 2. 提出论点 3.给出论据科技类:科技传统:Some people support the developments in agriculture such as factory farming and the use of technology to improve crops, while others regard them as dangerous and advocate a return to more traditional farming methods. Discuss bot
11、h view and give you opinion.好处坏处:Mobile phones and the internet are very useful. However, it is rare for old people to use them. In what ways can mobile phones and the internet be useful to old people? What could be done to encourage the old to use mobile phones and the internet?人际交往:The Internet ha
12、s great influence on shopping, job and communication, so people do not have to meet friends face to face but by internet. Is it positive or negative? 环境类:原因措施:Pollutionandenvironmentalproblemsarecausedbythedevelopmentofacountry.Therefore,someonebelievesthatitcannotbeavoided.Towhatextentdoyouagreeord
13、isagree?谁该负责:Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual persons to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?动物保护:Humans shou
14、ld not use animals as sources of food and clothing. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?3.29五、语法课自学及练习(名词性从句)语法基础不好的孩子们一定要认真看语法课和做翻译哦!答案在语法课对应的课件里名词性从句预习:尽量把同义词、不同的句型都想一下,把翻译作为积累表达方式的载体,还要想想怎么运用在口语和作文中1、另一个原因是先进的医疗技术已经使人们有可能比过去长寿。2、我确信国际旅游业会带来更多的好处。3、老师建议我们应该充分重视阅读和写作。1、人们普遍认为互联网已