/ AoRE TEAM/ script by TallfaZ 24/03/2007/ This script unpacks CrypToCrackPeProtector0.9.3/var tmp1var tmp2find eip, #E9?FF5424?FF5424?#cmp $RESULT,0je errormov tmp1, $RESULTbp tmp1find tmp1, #893C8A#cmp $RESULT,0je errormov tmp2,$RESULTasm tmp2, MOV DWORD PTR DS:EDX+ECX*4,Eaxdbhrunbc tmp1stoan eipdpe Dump.exe, eipjmp gooderror:msg Script error, please try to fix it manuallyretgood:cmt eip, Your OEPmsg Its unpacked and dumped to same dir, please just fix the IAT with ImpRecret