1、低位巷瓦斯抽采条件下采空区遗煤自燃规律研究范加锋1,2(1.中煤科工集团沈阳研究院有限公司,辽宁 沈阳110016;2.煤矿安全技术国家重点实验室,辽宁 抚顺113001)摘要:煤层顶板布置低位巷抽采瓦斯是解决工作面上隅角瓦斯超限问题的重要技术措施,但低位巷大流量混合抽采造成采空区漏风严重,增加遗煤自燃风险。目前针对低位巷布置与抽采流量协同影响采空区遗煤自燃方面的研究较少。针对贾家沟煤矿 10106 工作面布置低位巷抽采采空区瓦斯的实际情况,采用 COMSOL 软件建立了非均质采空区三维流固热多场耦合数值模型,通过数值模拟分析了低位巷抽采瓦斯诱导采空区遗煤自燃规律,结果表明:低位巷瓦斯抽采能够
2、降低工作面上隅角瓦斯浓度;瓦斯抽采流量与自燃氧化带最大宽度、采空区最高温度呈正比,抽采流量增加,则自燃氧化带最大宽度和采空区最高温度增加,但过高的抽采压力导致上隅角附近空气“回流”至采空区,增加采空区遗煤自燃风险;当低位巷瓦斯抽采流量一定时,内错距越小,则采空区自燃氧化带最大宽度和最高温度越大。结合数值模拟结果与工程实践,确定贾家沟煤矿低位巷内错距为 15 m,瓦斯抽采流量为 45 m3/min,此时上隅角瓦斯体积分数为 0.875%,采空区自燃氧化带最大宽度为 59.14 m,有效解决了上隅角瓦斯浓度超限问题,且未显著增大采空区遗煤自燃危险区域。关键词:采空区;煤自燃;上隅角瓦斯治理;瓦斯抽
3、采;低位巷;自燃氧化带中图分类号:TD712文献标志码:AStudy on spontaneous combustion law of residual coal in goaf under the condition ofgas extraction in the low-level roadwayFAN Jiafeng1,2(1.CCTEG Shenyang Research Institute,Shenyang 110016,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety Technology,Fushun 113001,China)Ab
4、stract:The gas extraction in the low-level roadway in the coal seam roof is an important technicalmeasure to solve the problem of gas concentration exceeding the limit in the upper corner of the working face.Butthe high-flow mixed extraction in the low-level roadway causes serious air leakage in goa
5、f and increases the riskof spontaneous combustion of residual coal.At present,there are few studies on the synergistic effect of low-levelroadway layout and extraction flow on the spontaneous combustion of residual coal in goaf.According to theactual situation of gas extraction in existing goaf with
6、 the low-level roadway in 10106 working face of JiajiagouCoal Mine,a three-dimensional fluid-solid-thermal multi-field coupling numerical model of heterogeneous goaf isestablished by COMSOL software.The spontaneous combustion law of residual coal in goaf induced by gasextraction in the low-level roa
7、dway is analyzed by numerical simulation.The results show that gas extraction inthe low-level roadway can reduce the gas concentration in the upper corner of the working face.The gasextraction flow rate is proportional to the maximum width of the spontaneous combustion oxidation zone and themaximum
8、temperature of goaf.With the increase of gas extraction flow rate,the maximum width of thespontaneous combustion oxidation zone and the maximum temperature of goaf will increase.But too high gas 收稿日期:2022-07-12;修回日期:2023-02-10;责任编辑:李明。基金项目:辽宁省社发攻关及产业化指导计划项目(2019JH8/10300099)。作者简介:范加锋(1989),男,山东德州人,助
9、理研究员,研究方向为煤自燃防治与瓦斯抽采,E-mail:。引用格式:范加锋.低位巷瓦斯抽采条件下采空区遗煤自燃规律研究J.工矿自动化,2023,49(2):102-108,124.FAN Jiafeng.Study on spontaneous combustion law of residual coal in goaf under the condition of gas extraction in the low-levelroadwayJ.Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(2):102-108,124.第 49 卷 第 2 期工矿自动化Vol.49
10、No.22023 年 2 月Journal of Mine AutomationFeb.2023文章编号:1671251X(2023)02010208DOI:10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022070031extraction pressure will cause the air near the upper corner to flow back to the goaf.This will increase the risk ofspontaneous combustion of residual coal in goaf.When the gas extracti
11、on flow rate of low-level roadway isconstant,the smaller the dislocation distance is,the larger the maximum width and the maximum temperature ofthe spontaneous combustion oxidation zone in goaf are.Combined with the numerical simulation results andengineering practice,it is determined that the dislo
12、cation distance in the low-level roadway of Jiajiagou Coal Mineis 15 m.The gas extraction flow rate is 45 m3/min.The gas volume fraction in the upper corner is 0.875%and themaximum width of the spontaneous combustion oxidation zone in goaf is 59.14 m.The scheme effectively solvesthe problem of gas c
13、oncentration exceeding the limit in the upper corner.The risk area of spontaneous combustionof residual coal in goaf is not significantly increased.Key words:goaf;coal spontaneous combustion;upper corner gas control;gas extraction;low-level roadway;spontaneous combustion oxidation zone 0引言矿井瓦斯灾害与煤自燃
14、灾害严重威胁地下煤炭安全开采1-2。目前,我国 130 余个矿区中,受煤自燃隐患困扰的煤矿超过 70%3。其中,存在瓦斯与煤自燃共生灾害的高瓦斯易自燃矿井不在少数4-5。瓦斯抽采可以解决上隅角瓦斯积聚隐患,也会造成采空区漏风加剧,增加遗煤自燃危险性1。另外,采空区遗煤自燃会引发瓦斯爆炸6-7。因此,针对高瓦斯易自燃矿井建立合理、有效的瓦斯抽采方式,才能达到减少瓦斯灾害、缓解遗煤自燃危险性的目的。我国学者针对瓦斯与煤自燃共生灾害问题开展了大量研究。王继仁等8针对西铭矿采用高位巷、埋管立体联合抽采方式,确定最佳抽采流量为20 m3/min,有效解决了矿井瓦斯超限和煤自燃隐患问题。贾廷贵等9基于德宝
15、煤矿工作面的偏 Y 型通风方式,采用数值模拟分析了抽采位置及抽采流量对采空区瓦斯分布及煤自燃“三带”的影响。杜阳等10针对塔山煤矿 82042 工作面远距离瓦斯抽采技术,通过数值模拟得到了回采长度与自燃带宽度的正相关关系,提出可采用注氮方式来缩小煤自燃区域。裴晓东等11针对高瓦斯易自燃工作面建立了瓦斯与煤自燃耦合数学模型,分析了有无抽采条件下采空区瓦斯与煤自燃共生致灾危险区。王飞等12对综采工作面采空区瓦斯抽放、注氮、遗煤自燃三者耦合关系进行分析,确定了最佳瓦斯抽放量和注氮流量分别为 700 m3/min,2 200 m3/h。文虎等13针对北矿4204 工作面高瓦斯煤层,采用 CFD 模拟研
16、究不同抽采条件对遗煤自燃“三带”分布的影响,根据实际情况确定了进风侧注氮、两隅角封堵等防灭火措施。Wang Chaojie 等14研究了 3 种不同抽放瓦斯方式对采空区遗煤自燃氧化带范围的影响,发现抽采作业造成遗煤自燃危险区在走向、倾向、垂直方向均有不同程度的扩大。杜瀚林等15采用 FLUENT 软件对高抽巷瓦斯抽采与遗煤自燃的耦合关系进行了研究,发现自燃“三带”呈立体分布,在液压支架后上方存在煤自然发火危险区域。工作面采空区瓦斯是矿井瓦斯治理的重难点,低位巷瓦斯抽采是解决上隅角瓦斯超限的重要技术措施,但低位巷大流量混合抽采造成采空区漏风严重,增加遗煤自燃风险。上述学者针对瓦斯抽采对采空区遗煤自燃的影响进行了不同方面的研究,但对于低位巷布置与抽采流量协同影响采空区遗煤自燃方面的研究较少。本文基于山西吕梁离石贾家沟煤业有限公司(简称贾家沟煤矿)10106 工作面实际情况,建立瓦斯扩散渗流模型、煤自燃流固热耦合模型,分析低位巷抽采对煤自燃致灾特性的影响,确立最佳低位巷位置及抽采流量,为防止煤自燃灾害提供指导。1工作面概况贾家沟煤矿 10106 工作面位于 10 号煤层一采区东侧,工作面采用