1、201622mckinsey-resume-examplejpg(612x792)MIKE DEARBORN356 Palm Awe.Los Angeles,CA 92264Phone:(7605551212+E-m量n0tre PROFILEDynamic leader recognized by the Son Timnes as instrumental in growing PurePersonnel,Inc.into one of thelargest staffing firms in the Bay area.Oversee diverse corporateingExecuti
2、wConsulting.Creative/Intemetehtypromotedopoaitioofing company gross margins to record-EMPLOYMENT HISTORY-Pure Personnel.Ins.A fending matlonal staring servies companyRegional Vice Pret,Noest999-2000officeJoseto Seattleompassing fourdivisions:Ie/ln9cemen1999servicesarea according to theIncreased73to
3、ad 5O%Hindvidual businesssecesProfiled in the nationalpublications Saler Marketing ManEmpoyees for use of nontraditional techniques to create a fun,productive work environment.General Managtherniaandthree business divisions:1997-198Consulting.$10.6M in 1997 to 517.7M in 1998 and incsed ops in 1996 t
4、o$700K in 1998 bigh-margin niches such as financial services.arketing plans forPromoted to Regional Vice President-2 fastest promotion in companys history.Area Man Franciso/Bay Area1996-1997Hiredarounrecently acquired company(Personnel Solutions):promotediod fro30process brnporary to direct plact.sh
5、oeningts to helvideware.and wrkbooks to teach solutionhegram impleed as an inemal training program to over500 people at 200 branch offices.Bodine.Inc.The largest international staffing services form1995-1996Regional Business Development Director,Northeast Regiorof S3MBrought in$14M ofEDUCATIONUniversity of California.Santa Barbara1981.1983Santa Barbara Mesa College1980-1981Continuing EducationcationsMng White-Strategic Sellinghttp:/