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1、2023小升初衔接班数学考试题两套2023小升初衔接班数学考试题两套一、下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内(5分)。( )1. A. their B. father C. mouth( )2. A. fish B. find C. give( )3. A. dad C. banana ( )4. A. blue B. run )5. A. beB. heC.elephant二. 找出以下英文单词所对应的中文意思(10分)。(1)ceiling A. (6)cherry A 新朋友(2)window B.天花板 (7)go

2、 to school B 他的奶奶(3)telephone C橡皮擦 (8)his grandma C 一只漂亮的孔雀(4)watch D窗 (9)a beautiful peacock D 樱桃(5)eraser E表 (10)new friend E 去上学三.单项选择(15分)1. _ this wordA. what to spell B. how to spell C. Can you spell2. Whose ruler is it Maybe its _.A. Peter B. Peters C. Marys3. _ do you do I am a teacher.A. Wh

3、at B. When C. Where4. Mrs. Sun is a friend of _.A. me B. mine C. My5. There _ two cups of tea on the table.A. is B. are C. was6._peaches does she haveA.How many B.How much C.How long7. _ she like goldfishesA.Do B.Does C.Did8. What _ They are teeth.A. are this B. is this C. are these9. Are these grap

4、es No, _A. it isnt B.they arent C. they are10. Whose books are these They are _ books.A. they B. their C.them四、按照所提供的情景选择适当的句子(15分)。1,( )你想明白对方姓名,应说_A.My name is Han Mel. B. Whats your name C. Hello.2.( )早上遇见 刘教师,应说_A.Thank you,Mr. Li. B.How C.Good morning,Mr. Liu.3.( )别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说_A.Whats your

5、 name B.Hello! C.Thank you.4.( )假设你叫林峰,当有人征询你Whats your name时,你应对复_.A.Im fine,too B.Nice to meet von C.My name is Lin Feng.5.( )下午与同学见面,你应说_A.Good afternoon. B.Whats your name C.How are you6.( )你想明白这个女孩是Lily的姐姐吗应该如何说?A. Who is this girl B. Is she her sister C. Is she Lilys sister7.( )当经介绍后认识某人,你应该说:

6、A. Good morning B. Please sit down.C. Thank you. D. Nice to meet you.8.( )上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说:A.Please come in. B.Good morning C.Stand up.9.( )想明白对方的年龄,应如何样征询A.How old are you B.How are you C.How do you do10. ( )想征询对方喜欢吃什么水果,应如何样征询A. what fruit do you like B.what animal do you likeC. what fruit dose

7、she like五、完形填空:阅读短文,并从四个选项中,选择正确的答案(15分)。My father _ 1_ a good friend in the factory (工厂). He is sixty. He is an old man. All of the children _2_ him. We call _3_ Uncle Sam. He from England. He _4_ in Sichuan. _5_favorite fruit is apple, and he always give me _6_after dinner. What_7_ _8_he likeHe li

8、kesrabbitsand _9_, because _10_ fur is beautiful.( )1. A. have B. haves C. has D. is( )2. A. like B. likes C. is liking D. are like( )3. A. he B. they C. him D. his( )4. A. live B. living C. lives D. to live( )5. A. What B. Which C.How many D.How( )6. A an apple B.a apple C.a apples apples( )7.

9、 A.animal B.animals C. animales D. animaling( )8. A. do B. dont C. does D. doesnt( )9. A.goose B.geese C.gooses D.geeses( )10. A .their B. theirs C. its D. they六、阅读理解(20分)ASpring Festival(春节) comes on February19th this year! Boys and girls like it very much because(由于) they dont go to school from Fe

10、bruary 1st to February 28th.And they can have new clothes and much money.Theycan also eat lots of food.But in Liangshan, Sichuan, some boys and girls are not happy.They dont have warm(平和的) clothes or food. They cant go to school.They need help.Do you want to help themCall us at 87865866. 1. Spring F

11、estival is on _.A. February 1st B. February 19th C. January 26th D. January 9th2. Most(大多数的) boys and girls can have_during Spring Festival(春节期间).A. new clothes B. computer C. a soccer ball D. a telephone3. In Sichuan, some boys and girls dont have _.A. parents B. food C. warm clothes D. B and CBStu

12、dents like fast food(快餐) very much. Many of them like to meet friends in a fast food restaurant.Theycan eat many kinds(品种) of food and listen to(听) music in the restaurant. They like to have chicken, French fries, hamburgers, salad and Cola. Their favorite food is ice-cream.ButIdont think fast food

13、is healthy.Ilike vegetables and fruits. They are healthy food. 4. Students like _very much.A. Cola B. ice cream C. chicken D. fast food5. _ are healthy food.A. French fries and chicken B. Hamburgers and ColaC. Vegetables and fruits D. Cola and ice cream6. Their favorite food is _.A. cola B. fruits C

14、. ice-cream D. saladCHi, boys and girls! A new(新的) Mama store is in No. 1 MiddleSchool now. Come and seeat our great sale!We have bread for 3 yuan. Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is on sale for 2 yuan. Vegetable hamburgers are only 3 yuan. Do you need notebookIt isonly2yuan. We also have pens in all colors,

15、 only 1 yuan each(每支). Some students want to buy socks. We have black socks for only 10 yuan for 3 pairs. For girls, we have socks in pink and purple, they are very nice. Come and buy your things at our great sale.7.The new store is the our the the classroom8. Mary wants to buy a notebook and a pen, she pays(付钱) _.A. 6 yuan. B. 2 yuan. C. 3 yuan. D. 4 yuan. 9.What is the color of

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