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1、Unit 6 See you at the party一、单词回忆:邀请_ 特别的_ 惊奇_ 冲动的_ 开始_下午_ 到达_ 打 _ 我想做._二、重点短语:invite to 邀请去做 have fun 玩的开心on this special day 在这个特殊的日子里 a surprise party 一个令人惊喜的聚会call me on 打我的 at the school meeting room 在学校会议室come together 聚在一起 all her friends and classmates 她的所有朋友和同学三、重点句型:1. Id like to invite yo

2、u to Anns birthday party.2. We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day.3. The party will be at the school meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st.四、重点分析:1. Id like to 是委婉的表达想法的用语,如: Id like to visit your school next week.2. at作为一个地点介词用,后面跟一个范围不

3、大的地方名词或表示场合的词,如: I saw Jiamin at the swimming pool. See you at the party.3. 现在进行时可以表示已经安排好并且将来一定会发生的事情。如: Im working tonight. Shes flying home tomorrow. 【随堂练习】一、根据汉语写出英语短语。1. 聚在一起_ 2. 迫不及待_3. 没问题_ 4. 足球比赛_5. 去野餐_ 6. 下次_7. 会议室_ 8. 玩的开心_9. 惊喜派对_ 10. 语文考试_二、补全对话:根据情景填入适当的单词使对话完整。A: Hi, Anna! You look h

4、appy today. Do you have any good newsB: Yes. Im going to have a 1 _ tomorrow.A: What partyB: Oh, its my birthday party. 2 _you knowA: No, I dont. B: 3_, I forget to tell you. Would you like to come to my partyA: Sure, 4 _love to. But whats tomorrowB: Its Friday the 18th.A: 18th Oh, Im very 5_. I hav

5、e to go to the art lesson. 6_ for your invitation. I hope you have a good time tomorrow.B: Thats too bad.三、单项选择。( ) 1.“Wouldyouliketojoinusinbasketball“_.butImafraidIhavetostudyformysciencetest.A. Iwouldnt B.Idloveto C.Idlike D.Idontlikeit( )

6、ks B.invites C.makes D.tells( ) 3.Thanks_yourhelp,andnowIhavemadegreatprogressinmyEnglish. B.with C.for ) 4. -CanyougotothemoviewithusonSunday-“Ofcourse._isit-“5:00intheafternoon. A.Where B.Whattime C.Howsoon D.When( ) 5.-Whatareyoudoingtomorrowevening-I _ tothemoviewithmyparents.A.go B.g

7、oes C.went D.amgoing( ) 6. -Canyougotothemovieswithme,Helen -_A.Sure,IdlovetoB.DontworryC.ThatstoobadD.No,Idontknow( ) 7.-_ -ItsFridaythe16th.A.Whatsthematter B.WhatstheproblemC.Whatstoday D.Whatstheweatherlike( ) 8. I hope that all my friends will _ to my house. A. came B. coming C. come D. comes(

8、) 9. -_ you want to play with me -Yes, I do. A. Do B. Will C. Does D. Can( ) 10. Dingdong invites me _ his house. A. coming B. to come C. coming D. comes四、选用所给的单词填空。 tell fun enjoy arrive special meeting begin surprise1. A: Today is a _ day. B: Why A: My grandparents are coming to live with us.2. Sa

9、m is good at having parties. His friends always have great _ at his parties.3. The present is a _. The children will love it.4. Can you _ me where the show is5. The school has a large _ room. I think we can have the party there.6. A: What time is the party B: It will _ at eight in the evening.7. A:

10、Did you _ the party B: Yes, very much.8. A: The film is at 8:00. When will you _ B: I think I can get to the cinema before 6:30. We can have dinner together first. What do you think A: Thats a great idea.五、将左右两边相对应的连接起来。 A B1. Whats the date today Yes, he will.2. What day is today Do homework.3. Wha

11、t are you going to do after school Thats a good idea.4. Would you like to see the film with me Its Wednesday5. Shall we have a party for Miss Lins birthday Yes, Id love to.6. Will he stay at home Its rainy.7. Whats the weather like today The second of May.六、补全对话,其中有两个选项是多余的。A: Whats today, Peter B:

12、1_ A: Oh, its Saturday tomorrow. How do you plan to spend your weekend B: I have no idea. How about youA: Im planning to play basketball. 2_ B: 3_ A: Do you know if John can join usB: 4_ He has to practice piano on Saturday afternoon. A: What about Jim B: 5_ He has to babysit her little sister at home. A: Well, who can play with us B: Mayb

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