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1、单元写作小专题&Section B(3a3b) 【单元写作目标】能用宾语从句礼貌地询问信息及提供信息。1.能用 “Excuse me/Pardon me,could you tell me?Do you know?Would you mind telling me?I wonder if,I am sorry to trouble you等句型礼貌地询问信息;2.能用 “I suggest,It depends on,It seems,Maybe you canif等句型提供信息。一、语言积累(一)根据首字母或中文提示完成询问信息的对话,并归纳礼貌询问信息的句型及答复的句型。1.Excuse

2、me,could you please tell me where I can buy some _(邮票)Sure,just go _(向东)along this street _(直到)you cross the bridge. And youll find a post office on your right.2.P_ me,do you know where the r_ are I mean,a washroom or a b_.Well,there is one on the _(拐角)of the street.3.Would you mind telling me your

3、email a_?OK,it is Spring719123 .4.Im sorry to trouble you,but could you please tell me which place would be a good _(选择)to have dinnerOf course,I _(建议)Jiawaijia Restaurant. It serves Chinese fast food. It would be a _(迷人的)place to have dinner because the waiters and waitresses are _(有礼貌的)and the foo

4、d is delicious.5.I wonder if there is a _(商场;购物中心)near here.It seems Yantai Shopping Mall is the nearest. It is _(便利的)to get there.6.Could you possibly tell me how I can get to the n_ fruit store?I need to buy some _(葡萄).Sure,there is a fruit store between the _(中心的) Library and Dailys Department St

5、ore.(二)请至少用5句更有礼貌的不同句型表达下面的句子。I want to go to the library. Where is it1._2._3._4._5._(三)根据以下情景,请用不同的句型礼貌地提出请求。1. Sally needs to buy some books._2. Tom doesnt know how long he will stay in the summer camp._3. Helen isnt sure when the train will arrive in Shanghai._4. Ben is wondering if there is a ba

6、nk near the school._5. Kevin has no idea how to get to his school from the train station._6. Lucy wonders how much she needs to pay for the course._7. Lily wonders what activities she can do during the summer camp._8. Betty has no idea who would come to meet her at the train station._二、篇章训练小华今年暑期想参加

7、上海英语夏令营(Shanghai English Summer Camp)。假设你是小华,请你写封信给负责人Mr. Wei咨询一些信息。词数120词左右。内容包括:1.介绍自己的一些个人信息,如姓名,年龄,英语成绩等;2.礼貌地询问信息,如时间、吃住、活动、英语学习等;3.表示感谢。【我的提纲】你可以用“心智地图的形式来列提纲。请在“单元写作小专题(答题页)相应位置完成。单元写作小专题 &Section B(3a3b)一、语言积累(一) ;east;until;restrooms;bathroom;corner4choice;suggest;fascinating;polite;conveni

8、ent;grapes;Central(二)15略(三)18略二、篇章训练One possible version:Dear Mr. Wei,Im Xiao Hua,a Grade Seven student at Xinxing School. I love English and I hope to improve my English. Therefore,I would like to come to your school soon for the English Summer Camp. I am writing to know about more information abou

9、t the summer camp. Could you please tell me when the summer camp will begin and how long it will last. I also want to know what we will do during the summer camp. Will it be fun?And could you please tell me where we will stay. Im wondering if the hotel is clean and comfortable. I also want to know if it is convenient to go shopping. Whats more,let me know how much it costs and what I need to take. I would like to thank you for helping me and Im looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,Xiao Hua

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