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1、华强中心小学六年级学业水平监测英语试卷学校 班级 姓名 学号密封线内不准答 题 卷首语:同学们,六年的生活将要结束,通过你的勤奋努力,一定取得了可喜的成绩,下面的监测题,请你认真思考,细心答题,相信你一定会取得优异的成绩,祝你成功!题号一二三四五六七八九十总分总分人得分I.语音。从A,B,C.D中选出发音不同的单词,将序号填入题前的括号内。5分 1. uuuus 2. A .bike B. hi C . like D .it 3. A .coat B. house C . load D. soap 4. A. pear B .here C . hair D. chair 5. A. he B

2、.she C. bed D. meII.词汇A. 根据汉语写出正确的短语。 5分1.下车_ 2. 牙疼 _ 3.发烧_ . 4.铺床 _ 5.集邮_B.根据要求写出正确形式 10分 1.smaller ( 反义词 过去式_ 3.good ( 最高级 ) _ 4.thin ( 比拟级) _ ( 原形 ) _ 6.foot ( 复数) _ ( 过去式 ) _ (单三) _ 9.Ill ( 完全形式 ) _ 10.our(同音词) _ C.用所给单词的适当形式填空 。5分1. She is _ (heavy) than you. 2. She likes (

3、run) 3. I _ gofishing yesterday afternoon.4. May is the (five) month of the year.5.Her hobby is (collect) stamps.III. 单项选择。20分 1. -How are you, Mike You look so_. -Its raining outside. I cant play football.A. happyB. excitedC. sad 2.-Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted A

4、. 150cmB. 160cmC. 170cm 3.-Whats the matter -My leg _. A. hurts B. soreC. is hurts 4.-_did you go on your holiday -Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How 5.-Did you _ pictures yesterday A. take B. took C. taking ( ) 6._ did you do yesterday-I visited my grandparents. A. WhatB. whereC. How( ) 7. My sister

5、 likes books in the evening. But she books yesterday evening. A. reading; read B. reading ;didnt read C. reads ;read ( ) 8. How_ are you Im 35kg. A. oldB. tall C. heavy( ) 9. Did you _the piano yesterday A. play B. played C. plaied( ) 10. _you have fun watching TV Yes, I do.A. Did B. DoC. Was ( )11.

6、 Does Miss White teach _ English A. you B. your C. our ( )12.This is Mr Lis room. _ room is clean. A. HeB. HisC. Her( )13.What is _ hobby A. MikesB. Mike C. Mikes( )14.Tom:_ w ww.Jack: He likes collecting stamps.A. What is he like B. What does he like C. What is he( )15. -_ He is a worker.A. What do

7、es your father like B. What does your father doC. Where is your father like ( )16.We usually go to school _ 7:30 _ the morning. A. in, in B. on, in C. at, in ( )17.Does Mr. Black _ TV every evening A. watch B. watches C. watching ( )18.My uncle is _artist and his uncle is _ doctor.A.a, a, a C.a

8、n, an( )19 .Where are you going _the weekend A. this B . on C . at ( )20 .Different people have different_. A. hobby B. hobbies C. a hobbyIV.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空 10分1. There are many _(people) in the park.2. Lets _(go) to the zoo this afternoon.3. There _ (be) some water in the glass.4. Today is _(sun) ,

9、Lets go swimming.5. I am _(heavy ) than my brother.6. He is a teacher . He _(teach) English.7. He likes _(fly) kites.8. She wants_(buy) a magazine.9. Mike often goto work by bus.10.He can (play) the piano.V.连词成句。 10分1 one, older , year , you, I ,than, am, (.) 2. comes the It from river in water the( . ) 3. am ,I ,on big ,a ,going, trip(.) 4. for, my bought,I, friends, presents. 5. did, you ,what ,do weekend, last? 6. brown. the ,is ,stronger, monkey(.) 7. at cinema Turn the left ( . ) 8. then What do you should ( ) 9. I danced my with and sang new friend.

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