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本文(2023年战疫高中英语作文案例,抗击新型冠状病毒英语作文中英翻译.doc)为本站会员(g****t)主动上传,蜗牛文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知蜗牛文库(发送邮件至admin@wnwk.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、战疫高中英语作文案例,抗击新型冠状病毒英语作文中英翻译春节,是中华民族最隆重隆重的传统节日。然而,一场新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情突如其来,牵动着我们每个人的心。在这场“小编为您整理了战疫高中英语作文案例 抗击新型冠状病毒英语作文中英翻译,供您学习参考使用。 春节,是中华民族最隆重隆重的传统节日。然而,一场新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情突如其来,牵动着我们每个人的心。在这场“抗疫战斗中,全国上下尽显担当,勠力同心,共渡难关。从党中央到基层组织,从一线白衣天使到背后默默支援者,每个人都在负重前行,陪我们走过严寒、漫长的冬天,许我们一场“春暖花开。 Spring Festival is the most

2、 grand traditional festival of the Chinese nation. However, a novel coronavirus infection pneumonia outbreak suddenly affects every one of us. In this anti epidemic battle, the whole country has shown great responsibility, and has made concerted efforts to overcome difficulties. From the Party Centr

3、al Committee to the grass-roots organizations, from the front-line angels in white to the silent supporters behind, everyone is carrying on the load and walking with us through the cold and long winter, allowing us to have a warm spring. zuowenla 你是阳光,穿过阴霾,给我温暖。在这场没有硝烟的战争中,比疫情更可怕的是贪欲。有些人趁机哄抬物价、囤积居奇、

4、以次充好,这样趁火打劫、大发国难财的行为就像是阴霾,不仅有勃于道德法律,更令人寒心。所幸的是,贪欲战不胜正能量,这个社会给我们更多地是感动、是患难见真情。在大喇叭里苦口婆心劝说的支部书记、挨家挨户排查疫情的村网格管理员、默默向医护人员支援爱心物资的无名人士你们就像一缕缕阳光,会聚起来形成了巨大的光与热,温暖了我们的心窝。 You are the sun, through the haze, give me warmth. In this war without gunpowder, greed is more terrible than the epidemic. Some people ta

5、ke the opportunity to bid up prices, hoard and hoard goods, and replace inferior goods with inferior ones. In this way, the behavior of looting while the fire is burning and making a lot of money is like a haze, which is not only popular in moral laws, but also chilling. Fortunately, greed is not en

6、ough to fight for positive energy. This society has moved us more and more. Adversity shows true feelings. In the loudspeaker, the Secretary of the branch, the village grid administrator who went door-to-door to investigate the epidemic, and the anonymous who silently supported the medical staff wit

7、h love materials You are like a wisp of sunshine, gathering to form a huge light and heat, warming our hearts. 你是阳光,照进寒冬,许我花开。疫情肆虐之时,大局部人避之不及、闭门不出,可是医护人员却选择了挺身而出,与疫情近距离接触。你们天天超负荷工作,与病毒交锋、与死神抗争、与时间赛跑,你们是“疫场上的“战士,是勇敢的“逆行者。可是,我知道,你们也是血肉之躯,也会受到病魔侵袭,你们也有妻儿老小,你们在家人的牵挂中踏上了“逆行之路。这个冬天,在你们的努力下,好消息频频传来。你们是阳光,让

8、我们坚信寒冬立即过去,春天的花儿就要开了。 You are the sun, shining into winter, let me bloom. At the time of the epidemic, most of the people could not avoid it, but the medical staff chose to stand up and contact with the epidemic. You are overworked every day, fighting against viruses, fighting against death, and rac

9、ing against time. You are the fighters in the epidemic field and the brave reversers. However, I know that you are also flesh and blood, will also be attacked by disease, you also have wives and children, you set foot on the retrograde road in the care of your family. This winter, thanks to your eff

10、orts, good news comes frequently. You are the sunshine, lets firmly believe that the cold winter is about to pass, and the flowers of spring are about to open. 你是阳光,驱散黑暗,给我期望。自新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以来,党中央高度重视,屡次召开疫情防控工作会议,作出一系列重要指示。在党中央的号召下,全国各个组织万众一心、共克时艰。各地医护人员驰援湖北、企业日以继夜地支援物资、相关行业争分夺秒地建设火神山等应急医院、基层组织全面落

11、实联防联控措施,筑起抗“疫的稳固堡垒。尽管确诊病例还在攀升,但是全国空前团结就像是黑暗中的一缕阳光,赋予我们磅礴的力量,照亮了我们战胜疫情的信心与勇气。 You are the sun, dispel the darkness, give me hope. Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus infection pneumonia, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to it, and has held many meetings on epidemic preventi

12、on and control work, and has made a series of important instructions. At the call of the Party Central Committee, all organizations across the country are united in overcoming difficulties. Medical and medical personnel from all over Hubei Province, enterprises supporting materials day and night, an

13、d relevant industries racing to build huoshenshan and other emergency hospitals, and grass-roots organizations to fully implement joint prevention and control measures, and build a strong fortress against epidemic. Although the number of confirmed cases is still rising, the unprecedented unity of th

14、e whole country is like a ray of sunshine in the dark, which gives us great power and illuminates our confidence and courage to overcome the epidemic. 你许我春暖花开,我许你不改初心。在这场战“疫里,谁也不是“局外人。我们每个人都应该保持正直与善良,坚守工作岗位,勇于奉献,用实际行动践行初心和使命。我们相信,大地回春就在不远的明天,胜利终将属于伟大的中华民族! You allow me to spring, I allow you not to

15、change the original heart. In the epidemic of this war, no one is an outsider. Every one of us should keep integrity and kindness, stick to our posts, be brave in dedication, and practice our original aspiration and mission with practical actions. We believe that in the near future, victory will belong to the great Chinese nation! 快捷搜索:战疫的高中英语|疫情的高中英语作文

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