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1、牛津 8A Unit1 教案(2课时)ReadingObjectives1. To guess general meanings from keywords and context2. To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details3. To identify specific information about different people form their friends descriptions4. To use adjectives to describe peoples appearance and charact

2、eristics5. To recognize the use of comparatives and superlativesPart ABackground informationThis section presents three letters about best friends for a writing competition held by Teenagers magazine. The context invites students to think about qualities in their friends.Teaching procedures1. Review

3、 key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. Tell the class about a friend or relative. If possible, show his/her photo. Say, e.g.: My best friend is small and thin with long hair. She is very smart and helpful. Then ask questions to check understanding. (Is my friend tall Is her h

4、air short or long Is she willing to help)2. Divide the class into three groups and allocate one article to each group. While students skim the text on their own, ask them to underline the words they do not know. Then go through the words students have underlined.3. On the board, write the headings A

5、ppearance and Personality. Ask each group to go through their letter again and find words or expressions to match each heading. Invite students from each group to come forward and write their words and expressions under the correct heading. 4. Write the following questions on the board for students

6、to copy in their books. What does he/she look like (For appearance) What kind of person is he/she (For personality) What does he/she do or want to do in the future (For future plan)Invite students from each group to ask and answer these questions and describe the teenager in each article.Part BTeach

7、ing procedure1. Explain the context and check that students understand what an editor of magazine or newspaper does. Then review the adjectives and nouns in the box in Part B1. Ask students to find the words in the articles on page4.2. Ask students to do Part B1 on their own. Tell them that they nee

8、d to look for specific details, which fit each of the persons described in the articles. Encourage students to check their answers with a partner. Then ask students to read out the completed captions one at a time.3. Explain the context of Part B2 and ask students to find each description in the cor

9、responding letter. Point to the photos in Part B2 and ask more able students to briefly describe each person. For weaker classes, read the sentences to the students and ask them to match them with the correct photos. Students could work individually or in pairs.Game1. Cut out some pictures of people

10、 of different height and appearance. Number the pictures or give familiar names to each person in the pictures (Mary, Tom, Peter, ect.). Stick the pictures on the board. Describe one of the people without pointing or even liking at his/her photo. Invite students to guess the person you have describe

11、d. (Thats picture number five./ Thats Mary.) Then ask individual students to do the same while the rest of the class guess the person.2. Alternatively, you can divide the class into three or four competing teams. Each team can work out description for the other teams to guess. Give a score only for

12、the first correct guess.Part CTeaching procedures1. Explain the context of Part C1 and read the six sentences for weaker classes. Depending on students abilities, set this activity either as an individual activity or as a quiz.2. If you use it as a quiz, divide the class into teams of 4-5 students.

13、Set a time limit. The team who gets all the correct answers first is the winner.3. Alternatively, you can ask students to close their books while you are reading each sentence. Give a score to the team who gives the first correct answer.4. Ask students to correct the false sentences.5. Ask more able

14、 students to do the extra sentences in Part C1. You can also ask them to correct the false sentences.6. Explain the context of Part C2 and check that students understand the idea of voting for somebody or something. If time allows, organize a class vote. Name a job, e.g., a class monitor, a student

15、representative, etc. ask stronger classes to make a list of qualities required for the job. Write all the qualities suggested by the students on the board. For weaker classes, provide this table with the adjectives.Then ask the students to vote for each quality. Before each vote, invite more able st

16、udents to explain why they will vote or not vote for that particular quality. Accept all reasonable answers, e.g.: I will vote for clever because its important that a class monitor learns and understands things quickly. 7. For weaker classes, read the sentences in the speech bubbles before you ask the students to find out who each of the characters will vote for and fill in the blanks. Then

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