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1、Unit2 Im more outgoing than my sister.学习内容 主要表达在以下3点:1、 学习有关人物特点的单词:tall, thin, short, heavy, calm, wild, long hair, short hair, outgoing, quiet, funny, serious, smart, athletic, ect.2、 学习人物比较的重要句型:(1) Pedro is funnier than Paul.(2) Tina is taller than Tara.(3) Tom is more athletic than Sam.3、 掌握语法点

2、:the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives (形容词的比较级和最高级)教学目标知识目标 1.指导学生学习有关人物特点的单词、人物比较的表达及语法知识点“形容词的比较级和最高级。能力目标2.培养学生运用形容词的比较级和最高级口头表达的能力和写作能力德育目标3.通过学习本课,增强师生、生生间的相互了解和沟通,教育学生学会比较,取长补短,以求提高进步。重点难点 形容词的比较级和最高级教学过程 Step 1 Lead-inT:I have a sister. Can you guess what she looks like and w

3、hat she is like S:She is tall. /She is thin. / She has long hair./She is easygoing./(Students use their imagination and express themselves freely.)T:Lets look at our photos. (Show them on the screen.) Please talk about us.S:She is shorter than you. /She has shorter hair than you. /She is thinner tha

4、n you. / (Students get information from the photos.)T:Im more outgoing than my sister.(Lead in the class subject.)1、 Revise the adjectives describing peoples appearance and personalities:Divide the class into four groups and have a competition. See which group of the students can get as much as poss

5、ible. Write down on a piece of paper prepared before class. (Students must collect them before class.)2、Show some photos about famous persons and talk about their personal traits, using description words, such as short hair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short, heavy/thin, funny/serious,

6、outgoing/quiet, smart/foolish, beautiful/ugly, intelligent/lazy, friendly/unfriendly etc, on the screen.Step 3 Presentation1、 Learn some new words about personal traits: calm/wild, athletic/weak, using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins in Section A.T: Who is calmer, Tom or SamS: Tom is calmer than Sa

7、m. Sam is wilder than Tam.Tom is more athletic than Sam. Sam is weaker than Tom.2、 Do Section A-1a.Match each word with the opposite. Check the answers.3、 Get students to introduce the rules of the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.(Show them on the screen.)Step 4 Listening1、 Listen

8、to the tape and number the pictures in 1b.2、 Listen to the tape and complete the chat in 2a. Listen again and fill in chat in 2b.3、 Check the answers.Step 5 PracticeTask 1: Interview famous persons(Pair work)1、Demonstrate the activity with one student. (Imagine he/she is a famous person. The teacher

9、 acts as a reporter.)eg.T: Hello, Susan. May I ask you some questions about your family S: Yes. T: Do you have a brother or a sister S: Yes, I have two brothers and one sister. T: Who is taller, your sister or you S: Im taller than my sister. T: Who is the most athletic of you S: My oldest brother.

10、(Show an example on the screen.)2、 Ss work in pairs. Then ask some pairs to act them out in class.Task 2: work in groups. Have a free talk.1、 Divide the class into 4 groups and then work in groups. Fill in the chat.In classNameWho is the tallestWho is the shortestWho is the heaviestWho is the thinne

11、stWho is the most outgoingWho is the most athletic2、 Each group choose one student to do a report. Show the results in class.Task3:. Get Ss to design their future and have a free talk.T: Suppose you are a super star in the future. What will you look like and what will you be likeS: Im better than no

12、w, of course./Im more athletic /Im more outgoing.T:I think you can be better and better.Ask some Ss to share with others.Step 6 Reading and Writing1、 Teach “look the same、“look different、“ be as good as、“be not as good as、“a little,using some pictures and comparing some Ss in class.2、 Ss read the ar

13、ticle. Then read the statements (1-5) about the article. Write “T、“F or“DK.3、 Check the answers. (Ask Ss to give reasons.)4、 Ask Ss to write another letter.T: You are Isabel now. Write a letter to reply Liu Li. Talk about the same and different between you and one of your friends.5、Choose two or thr

14、ee to share the answers with the whole class.Step 7 summarize1、 Give Ss a chance to summarize what we have learned in this class.(Ss can talk about it freely.)2、 Give the Ss some complements and further explanations.3、 Get the Ss to do some exercises. The teacher goes around the class and gives some help to Ss.4、 Check the answers.Step 8 Homework1.Revise section A2.Preview Section B.

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