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1、Text C Accept Your Body and Learn to Have a Positive Self Image Because thin females and muscular males are seen as the ideal in our society and because we have come to believe that body size and shape are totally under a persons control,most people enter diet and exercise programs with unrealistic

2、goals and expectations.If you continually follow a socially imposed ideal,you will never be free of your insecurities.You must realize and then accept that we are not all meant to be fashion-model size.Our body size and structure reflects not only our eating and exercise habits but also our genetics

3、.The role genetics plays in determining weight seems to vary greatly between individuals.We are all born with a certain body type inherited from our parents.Basically,there are three different categories of body type:ectomorphs,mesomorphs,and endomorphs.Text C Characteristically,ectomorphs have a li

4、ght build with slight muscular development.They are usually tall and thin with small frames and narrow hips and shoulders.Mesomorphs have a husky,muscular build.They often have broad shoulders,and their weight is concentrated in the upper body,making them look compact or stocky.Endomorphs are charac

5、terized by a heavy,rounded build with shoulders usually narrower than their hips.They have a round,soft appearance and are more often overweight or obese.When we understand and appreciate our bodies,we are able to work with them,not against them.Although we cannot become what we are not,we can impro

6、ve our appearance and health by implementing the principles of a safe and effective eating and exercise program.Text C Even if you have a genetic predisposition to being overweight,the way you live is what ultimately determines whether you become fat.Genes clearly play a role,but they certainly do n

7、ot decide what you are going to have for dinner or how often you exercise.If you are living an unhealthy lifestyle,you will become fat and unhealthy.All of us cannot be thin.But every single one of us can be healthy.By focusing on what you are eating and how much you are exercising,you will be able

8、to achieve optimum health and fitness,even though you may not achieve societys ideal of thinness.Accepting yourself does not mean that you are hopeless and that it is okay to do nothing.It means that you feel good and care about yourself,and that you want to be the very best you can be,regardless of

9、 your genetics or societys standards.Text C To achieve this level of optimum wellness,you must have a positive self-image.This means that your feelings about your body are not influenced by events in your daily life.For many people,lifes problems are projected onto their body.If only I were thinner-

10、or more muscular,I would have gotten the job If only I were thinner-or more muscular,I could find the right person,be happy.This self-defeating habit is reinforced by the images we see in advertising;your body becomes an easy target for everything wrong in your life.When you have a positive self-ima

11、ge,you value and respect your body;you are also more likely to feel good about living a healthy lifestyle.No matter how much genetics predetermines how you store and lose fat,the body you have been given will still respond positively to being appreciated and treated well.Developing a healthy,positiv

12、e image of yourself is the first critical factor in your fitness success.Having a strong sense of self-worth provides the basis for making rational and affirming decisions about your health.Good luck,stay positive,and enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a healthy,active lifestyle!(607 words)positive

13、 adj.believing that good things will happen or that a situation will get better 积极的;正面的 Its been a difficult time but,on the positive side,I feel physically fine.Zhang Haidi gets a positive attitude to life though she is disabled.image opinion that people have about sb.or sth.形象 The politician

14、has a very bad image among people.According to the Bible,man was made in the image of God.muscular adj.very strong and attractive,with muscles that have been developed through exercise;relating to muscles 强健的;肌肉的 She had dark-brown,shiny eyes and a tanned,muscular frame on which she hung brightly co

15、lored blouses and skirts.His wound heals quickly leaving no muscular weakness.ideal n.the best or most appropriate type;sb.or absolute perfection 理想;完美 I am looking for a house in the country but havent found my ideal yet.Thoreau became the guide and ideal of many Americans a century and more

16、 after his death.unrealistic adj.based on hopes or wishes,and not on what is likely or possible 不切实际的,不现实的 It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.Some parents have totally unrealistic expectations of teachers.goal n.sth.that one hopes to achieve 目的,目标 The company achieved its goal of increasing sales by five percent.The young mans goal was to set up his own business in five years.expectation n.the belief that sth.will happen 期望;预料 Anne left Germany in the expectation of se

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