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1、Listening Part 1 Are You Ready to Order?Part 2 Ordering Food.Part 3 Categories of Food.Part 4 New Words Phrases and Expressions 3 3 3 Part 1 Are You Ready to Order?Listen and write True or False according to what you hear._ 1.The customer orders carrots._ 2.The customer doesnt order soup._ 3.The chi

2、cken comes with the salad._ 4.The chicken comes with a vegetable.T F T T Part 2 Ordering Food.Listen and circle the right answer to each question.1.The first customer starts with _.A.potatoes B.salad C.soup 2.The second customer orders _.A.fried fish and broccoli B.grilled chicken and carrots C.sala

3、d and chicken soup 3.The customers do not order _.A.a main dish B.a beverage C.dessert Part 3 Categories of Food.Listen to the six conversations and classify the foods.vegetables fruit meat seafood Conversation _ Conversation _ Conversation _ Conversation _ dairy products grains oils sweets Conversa

4、tion _ Conversation _ Conversation _ Conversation _ 4 6 3 5 2 1 3 Part 4 Passage 1 What Do They Like to Eat?Passage 2 Table Manners.Passage 1 What Do They Like to Eat?Read the following statements before listening to the passage.And then,check whether each statement is True(T),False(F),or Not Mentio

5、ned(NM)according to what you hear.T F NM 1.Ann Smith loves salad and vegetables.2.Anthony eats a lot of sausage.3.Anthony doesnt like vegetables or dessert.4.Emily eats only fruit and grains.5.Emilys favorite meal is dinner.Passage 2 Table Manners.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.It is i

6、mportant to learn something about table manners,as they are so useful in our 1 _ life.Here is how:As soon as the hostess picks up her 2 _,pick yours up and lay it on your lap.The hostess herself usually serves the main 3 _,then asks each guest what piece he prefers,and it is quite proper to state yo

7、ur 4 _ as to lean or fat,dark or light.If you have English and American friends you will notice a few 5 _ in their eating habits.The food is passed around at your left hand so that you can 6 _ serve yourself with your right hand.Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right;it is then the 7 _

8、 of your neighbor on the right.It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you.But if there is something you do not like,you may 8 _ say:No,thank you.daily napkin course preference differences conveniently turn quietly New Words pepper n.胡椒粉 olive n.橄榄树;橄榄叶 carrot n.胡罗卜 dessert n.餐后甜点

9、portion n.一部分,一份 snack n.小吃,快餐 sauce n.酱油;调味料 fatty adj.脂肪的,含脂肪的;脂肪过多的 fried adj.油炸的 grill v.烧烤 appetizer n.开胃食品 dairy n.奶制品;牛奶场 New Words entre n.(美)主菜 lettuce n.植莴苣;生菜 steak n.肉排;牛排 shrimp n.小虾 raw adj.未加工的 cookie n.小甜饼 roast v.烤,烘,烘烤 broccoli n.花椰菜 category n.种类,类别 gallon n.加仑 sausage n.香肠;腊肠 New

10、 Words moderation n.适度 preference n.偏爱;优先选择 conveniently adv.便利地;方便地 hostess n.女主人;女房东;女老板 lap n.大腿前部,膝盖 lean adj.瘦的;贫乏的 Phrases and Expressions potato chip 土豆片 come with 与一起供给;伴随发生 French fries 炸薯条,炸土豆片 start with 以开头 take care of 留心;照料,照顾 in moderation 适中地,适当地 as to 关于,至于 pass around 分,分发;传送 Topic

11、 Preview What kinds of food are healthy?green salad cereal with milk peppers and garlic raw vegetables fried foods high-fat snacks sausages Topic Preview For example,in the article“Healthy Eating Tips,”only these pieces of information are important.Start your day-.Eat breakfast.Take a piece of fruit

12、-during your commute.-,-,-.Use“lite”dairy products,-low-fat and better for your health.-meat,trim all-fat.Fried foods?Snacks?Desserts?Sweets?-.-high in calories and-high in fat,salt,and sugar.Reading Strategy:reading for the general idea When reading for the general idea of an article,skim the artic

13、le for the most important information.Dont spend time on every word Topic Preview Pack-raw veggies.Buy healthy snacks-.Cut down on portion size-.Eat-in moderation.Practice Restate each tip in your own words.1.In the morning,eat breakfast.2._.3._.4._.5._.6._.7._.8._.3 Text A Text Comprehension Check

14、Text A Here are some tips for healthy eating at home,work,and elsewhere.Try some of these ideas.Start your day off right!Eat breakfast.Take a piece of fruit to munch on during your commute.It tastes great,is filling,and provides energy.Use“lite”dairy products,which are low-fat and better for your he

15、alth.Text A Here are some tips for healthy eating at home,work,and elsewhere.If you like to eat meat,trim all visible fat.Fried foods?Snacks?Desserts?Sweets?They taste great but are not great for you.They are high in calories and can be high in fat,salt,and sugar.Pack your own snacks of raw veggies.

16、Buy healthy snacks like pretzels.Text A Here are some tips for healthy eating at home,work,and elsewhere.Cut down on portion size so you dont eat too much unhealthy food.Eat everything in moderation.Comprehension Check 1.Take a piece of fruit to munch on during your D.look at 2.Use“lite”dairy products,which are low fat and better for your B.light C.fatty D.good 3.If you like to eat meat,trim all visible B.take C.cut off D.clean 4.Cut down on por

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